KanColl, in partnership with the Kansas State Historical Society, is bringing the issues of the Kansas Historical Quarterly to the World Wide Web. The Society began publishing this amazing collection of articles, studies, and reminiscenses in 1931. Our thanks to the Society, who has given us permission to digitize the Quarterlies in KanColl; to the first volunteer coordinator, who suggested this idea to us; and to the many volunteers who have worked so hard to bring this issues to you. If you want to be part of sharing Kansas history with the world, please contact Susan Stafford at . KanColl receives no grants or funding -- we are all volunteers who donate our time and effort because of our love of Kansas and history. We'd be happy to have you join the remarkable group of volunteers who are putting the Quarterlies on the Web. |
The picture above is from the cover of the Summer 1976 issue of the Kansas Historical Quarterly: "(Left to right) William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody, Ned Buntline, and 'Texas Jack' Omohundro costumed for their appearance in Ned's play 'The Scouts of the Prairie,' first performed in Chicago on December 16, 1872." In the Quarterly article, "Wyatt Earp and the 'Buntline Special' Myth," author William B. Shillingberg notes, "The critics wrote mocking reviews, but even though 'Buffalo Bill' managed to forget all his lines the audiences loved it." |