KanColl: The Kansas Historical Quarterlies

February 1946

February 1946 issue


Robert Taft, "The Pictorial Record of the Old West: I. Frenzeny and Tavernier," p. 1.

George A. Root and Russell K. Hickman, "Pike's Peak Express Companies: Part IV--The Platte Route--Concluded," p. 36.

The Annual Meeting (includes address by Society President Ralph Price on the University of Kansas, Kansas State, and Emporia State Teachers College), p. 93.

Bypaths of Kansas History

Kansas History as Published in the Press

Kansas Historical Notes


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From the cover: "An Under-Ground Village" was the title Harper's Weekly gave this sketch which appeared in its issue of April 4, 1874. The town is possibly Sargent (now Coolidge), Kan., situated near the Kansas-Colorado boundary. The sketch was made by Paul Frenzeny and Jules Tavernier when they traveled west to end of track on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe in October, 1873.