KanColl: The Kansas Historical Quarterlies

Cover from Winter 1956 issue

Winter 1956

Alan W. Farley, "Annals of Quindaro: A Kansas Ghost Town," p. 305.

David Lindsey, ed., "The Journal of an 1859 Pike's Peak Gold Seeker," p. 342.

Theo. H. Scheffer, "Old Fort Solomon at Lindsey," p. 342.

James C. Malin, "Dodge City Varieties -- A Summer Interlude of Entertainment," p. 347.

Eugene T. Wells, "Jefferson Davis and the Kansas Territory," p. 354.

"Touring Kansas and Colorado in 1871: The Journal of George C. Anderson -- Concluded," p. 358.

Bypaths of Kansas History

Kansas History as Reported in the Press

Kansas Historical Notes

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From the cover: An air view of old Fort Larned, a Santa Fe trail landmark which was several times besieged by Indians in pioneer days. Courtesy of Don Richards and the Kansas Industrial Development Commission.
     Buildings of the fort form a quadrangle around the old parade ground, with officers' quarters at the lower left. The property has been owned since 1902 by the Frizell family who operate it as the Fort Larned ranch. Present U.S. Highway 156 crosses the top of the picture.
     Fort Larned is today an outstanding example of a nineteenth century frontier outpost erected for defense against the Indian, The National Park Service recenrly described the fort as "the best preserved post along the old Santa Fe trail."