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I really love the KanColl pages - to have such resources available over the 'net is, in my opinion, one of the strongest reasons to *have* the 'net!!!

I had already stumbled onto the Kansas Collection and was immediately impressed by how wonderful it was. You all should be saluted for the work you've done. It puts all the other states that are online to shame because of the amount of care taken and the ease on accessing the work.
     I'm in the midst of reading Cutler and Cordley. Can't wait for the new work to come online. What really impressed me was how deep a sense of the period I get from reading firsthand accounts, including the marvelous diaries.
     I frequent this site often. I think it's been one of the best I've found for research.
     Thanks so much,
~Rebekah Berger

[following list of works in KanColl about Bleeding Kansas] These are some of the things I've been reading and I'm grateful to have access to this wonderful material on the internet..... I am amazed at the wealth of material available...thanks to you and everyone who helps bring it to my computer.

[about the Hill City book contributed by Lori Laird] thank you, Lori Laird, for submitting it to KanColl! I do check out KanColl every once in a while, so I would have eventually discovered it, but I'm glad to know about it now. My Mother grew up in Hill City, so it's of general interest, but also the book has a little blurb about my g-grandfather, A. N. Young, and has pictures of his house and farm. Priceless!
~Jane Soder

This is a great site for historic preservation of letters, memos, etcand has some good articles.

I never cease to be amazed at the breadth and scope of KanColl, and shall be forever in your debt for the stewardship of it.
     I have just finish reading Fleming's poem and am not sure whether to weep or exult.....
     Mother and grandmother spoke often and fondly of their Kansas background. The phrase Fleming quotes "Oh what good times we had" perfectly describes their feelings transmitted to me.....
     My understanding of my solid Kansas roots has been enriched by my genealogical research, and most especially by KanColl. Thank you so very much.
~Doris Hallgren

[about "Amazing Grace" selection] I just wanted to thank you for making this available on the web.
~Gay Fahys

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