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Voices:  KanColl's Online Magazine

Vol. IV, Number 1 - Spring 2000

New Beginnings

Here we are, at the threshold of a new century and a new millenium. What will we make of it? What will it make of us? The fun will be in finding out. So 'new' is the theme of this issue -- new additions to KanColl, the new Kansas Gateway website, a new KanColl gallery -- we'll introduce you to all of them, and hope that you enjoy not only these new beginnings for us, but also your own!

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The Remarkable Young Woman from Turkey Creek, byu Gail Martin

Faces of Kansas

Kansas Gateway: History at your fingertips

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Rev Richard Cordley's A History of Lawrence, from Rick Pittaway and Rosana Whitenight

New gallery:  Memoirs

The Pet Bullsnake Saga by Faith James

The Rise and Fall of the Most Famous Ghost Town in Kansas, by Harold C. Place

News about KanColl

Staff and Contributors     Back Issues

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