KanColl: The Kansas Historical Quarterlies

Cover of the Summer 1970 issue

Summer 1970

Minnie Dobbs Millbrook, "The West Breaks in General Custer<," p. 113.

Joseph G. Gambone, "Economic Relief in Kansas, 1860-1861," p. 149.

Calvin W. Gower, "Lectures, Lyceums, and Libraries in Early Kansas," p. 175.

Lary C. Rampp, "Incident at Baxter Springs on October 6, 1863," p. 183.

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From the cover: "Custer's Demand," by Charles Schreyvogel, reproduced through the courtesy of the Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, Tulsa, Okla.
     The painting depicts a meeting in December, 1868, between Custer and the Kiowa leaders, Lone Wolf and Satanta, at which Custer told them to bring their people into the reservation at Fort Cobb, in the Indian residency.