KanColl: The Kansas
Historical Quarterlies

A Hoosier in Kansas
The Diary of Hiram H. Young, 1886-1895
Pioneer of Cloud County
PART One, 1886-1889


May, 1946 (Vol. 14 No. 2), pages 166 to 212.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.


     The author was born near Wolf Lake, Noble county, Ind., in 1842. He was a student at Hillsdale College in Michigan when the Civil War began, and enlisted in the Union army early in the second year of the conflict. He fought at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and was with Sherman on the "March to the Sea." At the close of the war he was mustered out as a first lieutenant in the 88th Indiana regiment. He returned to Indiana, married, and worked his father's farm near Wolf Lake until 1873. In that year he moved with his family to Kansas where he purchased a homestead of 160 acres in Cloud county about eight miles southeast of Concordia. To this farm he later added 40 acres of "school land."

     Young was intensely interested in public affairs and was soon a prominent figure in local politics. A Democrat in the early years, he later became an enthusiastic member of the Farmer's Alliance and of the Populist party. He served as justice of the peace, treasurer of his school district, trustee of Nelson township, and was elected probate judge of Cloud county in 1894, and re-elected in 1896. When the Populist party collapsed he returned to the Democratic fold. He was also active in fraternal affairs and was a mason in the Concordia lodge and a member of the Knights of Pythias in



Aurora, Cloud county. At various times he subscribed for Topeka, Chicago, New York and Louisville, Ky., newspapers.

     There were seven children in his family, four sons and three daughters, and by 1899 five of them had married and left home. It was then that he decided to sell his farm and return to Indiana. So he went back to Wolf Lake, purchased his father's farm and lived there until his death in 1919.

     THIS diary covers the period from August, 1886, to January, 1895. The editor believes it presents a good picture of the conditions in Kansas that had much to do with the strength of the Farmer's Alliance and the Populist party there. Hiram H. Young was one of the many veterans of the Civil War who sought better opportunities in the West after that conflict, and it is reasonable to presume that his experiences and problems were similar to those of other farmers in Kansas at that time. His social life, complaints about the weather, prices received for farm products, and political activities are particularly significant. The diary refutes the popular impression that farmers in that portion of the West lived isolated lives.


August, 1886

25 A. C. Goble mowed.
26 Mowed one-half day
26 Stacked half day
27 Stacked hay all day. John Scott helped 1½ days Paid him Cash $1.40
28 Went to town [1] Bought flour sugar and Tobacco. Borrowed Cash of John Elliot $25.00 on thirty days time. Went to Democrat Smiths from town.
29 This is Sunday Cool and pleasant, Stiff wind N. E. Singing school at Slutmans this afternoon. [2]
30 Cloudy & cool George fearful sick last night. Cholera Morbus. Paid Dr. Big[e]low Cash $1.00 for medicine. George better this morning But very weak and dull from last nights Siege. Charley Halled Hay for J. T. Henderson I am under the weather this morning. That is to Say kind of on the lift. [3]
31 Rained a little Went to town afternoon. Staid all night with Bill Skeels.

September, 1886.

1 Went to Clay center to attend the Democratic congressional convention Nominated Joe Low [Joseph G. Lowe of Washington county] on first ballot. everything Harmonious. Arrived in Concordia 6.30 P. Heard Colonel Jessie Harper [of Manhattan] speak in favor of John A. Anderson [congressman], and in favor of the K. L.
2 Attended Sunday School picnic on Oak creek from their [sic] home 4.30 p.m.


3 Big Rain last night. Every thing fresh and pleasant this morning. Sold 2 loads Oats Bus 101.08.
4 Sold 2 loads Oats 104.12 Total 205.20 20¢ = 41.10. Dug 4 Bus potatoes.
5 Paid A. D. Goble Cash for mowing 3.00. This Sunday cool & Pleasant. Ella Morgan Died yesterday buried today. Mrs. Lillybridge [Lillibridge?] died, will be buried to morrow. Charley went to town to commence School in the morning. Paid cash 5.00 Paid Bill Short 6 Bus Oats and 1 Bus Potatoes. Oats 1.20 Potatoes 40 =1.60.
9 Big rain last night Attended H. Titteringtons Sale of stock. Went to town from Titteringtons. Paid Ben. Lake Cash $4.50 for 3 months tuition at High School in Concordia [4]
10 Fine day. Plowed and pulled Beans. Pleasant, Weaned the colts.
11 Cloudy and cool Rained after noon. Rained a good Shower in the evening.
12 Clear and cool. This is Sunday. This Beautiful Sunday morning I am distressed in my hip and leg. Terrible pain in my boddy. No man can tell unless he is afflicted in the same way. Rheumatism is a dreaded disease. No peace on earth for those who are thus afflicted. This is a beautiful day. Nature is clothed in grandeur this morning. This beautiful Sunday morning every thing Seams to enjoy the beauties of nature. The birds, bees and The Brute creations all take in and enjoy the beauties and fresheness of the pure air this lovely Sunday morning. Went to Rice in evening. [5]
13 Clear and cool Paid Monty and Hebert Cash on threshing $8.00 Paid John Scott Cash for 1 day Haying $1.00. Mr. Goble mowed 1 day today. Candy Pulling this evening at Dr. Bigelow['s] for the young people. Suffered very bad this forenoon with the Rheumatism. Halled in one load of hay in the mow. Thundering and lightning this eve. Threatens rain.
14 Paid Switze Goble Cash for halling hay 1.00 Paid Dave Scott Cash for halling hay $1.00
15 Hig[h] wind South. Went to town after noon. Paid Bill T. Short 10 Bushels Oats = $2.00 Thundering and lightning as tho it would rain. Awful dark. Wind N. W.
16 Cloudy and disagreeable all day. Rained a little Went to Rice after noon. Cleaned beans in the evening. Cant feel good this ev[e].


18 Went to town Renewed my Subscription to the Democrat 1.00. Paid Democrat 1.00 for Democrat for my Father. From Sept. 18, 1886 [6] Paid Goble $2.00 for mowing in full for all demands to date.
19 Sunday, at home till noon. Afternoon went to Stoners. From there went to Dave Skeels. Suffering terrible with Rheumatism. In my right hip, leg, and foot. No man can tell how I suffer with this terrible complaint.
20 Nice fine day. Dident do any thing today, only suffer with rheumatic pain. Went to Stillingers in after noon to help him Thresh but the machine failed to come. I suffered just the Same. Wife and baby went to Slutmans to stay all night with Mrs Slutmann. [7] Children gone to dutch meeting by Mabel and my self. Still I suffer. 8 O'clock P. M.
21 Helped John Stillinger Thresh. This job finishes my threshing for this year. Fine day wind S. W.
22 Fine nice day. Went to town and back in 5 Hours. Bought a barrel salt. Attended democratic [meeting] after noon and the following proceedings were had. Isaac Reeves Chairman, H. H. Young Sec. On motion H. H. Young and Isaac Reeves were elected delegates to the democratic next Saturday. [8]
23 Went to Rice in fore noon. Corn worth today 23¢ Still suffer with Rheumatism
[24] This is 24 Times in September. Wife and children all gone to town today. I'm at home by my self. Suffer just the Same with rheumatism. High wind, South and cloudy. Dusty and disagreeable. Rained a little. W. B. Brisbine called on us today and took dinner with me and had a good visit. Wife and children will have their pictures taken today.
25 Rained good Shower this morning. Very gloomy bad on my rheumatism. Democratic convention in Concordia today. The following ticket was nominated. For Probate Judge J. J. McFarnlan [McFarland] of Clyde. For Co. Attorney L. J. Crans. For Co. Supt. W. J. Shrader. H. H. Young elected committeman from Nelson. [9]
26 Visited with Democrat Smith. Hank Slutman and his Mother came home. Also Ed. Matthews and wife. The Neighbors and


friends to the number of 54. They took the old lady and Hank completely by surprise.
27 Sold my corn for 23¢ Per Bus Halled 4 loads today. 109.30 Bus Cloudy and cold high Wind North.
28 Halled corn to Rice 11.11 Bu. Brother Thomas came to our place. [10]
29 Halled corn Enough to make out 271.50 $57.80. Went to town After noon. Bought 1 pair pants and overalls. Home in eve ning 7 P. M. Paid J. C. Elliott cash $25.00 in full for all demands to date.
30 Fine day. Attended Banlys Sale. Bought Table and Box Irons $2.45 Suffered terrible today

October, 1886

I Went to Clyde with Brother Thomas
2 Went Hunting Visited Sulphur springs. [11]
3 Sunday. Fine day.
4 Fine day Wife and Babies went to Stoner's visiting. Made fence around Straw & Hay stack and made feed rack.
5 Brother Thomas started home. Took him to Concordia this morning. Allie Bigelow was kicked in the head and had her leg broke by a horse. Ben Matthews came into the neighborhood
6 Fine day at home all day. Washed [Page missing from diary].
10 Went to Kellenbargers. to Rice in evening Paid Charley cash $4.00 to pay board bill, at W. T. Shorts.
11 Ed Matthews and Wife started for their home in Indiana.
12 Sold 1 load corn 30.10 $6.00 Went to town after noon.
13 Good rain after noon. Commenced to husk corn for the first.
14 Went to town and heard John A. Anderson speak. Staid all night with Democrat Smith.
15 Heard John P. St. John [former governor] speak good speech.
16 Fine day. At home. Boys Husked corn. Borrowed 33 Pounds Hog meat, Hind quarter. [12] Suffered worse . . . with rheumatism. Fearful bad.
17 Sunday beautiful day. Cattle got out last night. My rheumatism is at home today and I suffer worse than a dog ought to.


18 High wind terrible Husked corn.
20 Went to Rice.
21 Cloudy and cool.
22 Fine rain cool this morning Thundered and Lightning hard. A dollar that once went into the pocket of a republican office holder was gone for ever, and as the eagle passed out of sight in his long pocket I had good reason to scream forth: Farewell Vain World of Sin I am goin[g] home. When did Mahone, Longstreet, Mosby, Chalmers, Ex P. M. Key, Ackerman and Riddlebarger, come with penitential tears to express their repentance for being in the reble army. [13] The republican temple had a pool of Siloam which washed away all past political sins of rebels with the vote they carried in their hand Disagreeable day. 8 P. M. Thundering and Lightning and threatens storm Wind South East. Looks discouraging this evening. Warm and disagreeable. A little better of rheumatism than usual.
23 Went to town
24 Sunday was unfortunate today run Barb pointed calf muzzle into my thumb.
25 Cold and disagreeable. Baker Berton and Bill Mosher were here today
26 Big frost I went to Rice and River, Bought Lime & Coal.
27 Big frost fine day J. E. Stillinger was here this [7] for the purpose of asking my influence in a friendly arbitration between himself and Henry Aumsbaugh over the waste of corn by Aums baugh's hogs; Made Settlement. I appeared for Stillinger and old Gentleman Spargur for Aumsbaugh. Gave Stillinger 7 Bushels corn for damage, which was paid and good feelings restored. Amount= $1.26 Went to Frank Butts and John Allens after noon. Washed.
28 Killed a hog and White washed. Paid F. P. Allen, $1.00 for white-washing Went to Clyde in the evening to hear General Blair s[p]eak.
29 Went to town in fore noon with Slutman home for dinner. After noon Went to town to interview the Union Grain company. Highered to them for 50 dollars per month, To buy grain.
30 Went to Caucus at Nelson [post office]. Largest Caucus ever held in township. I received the nomination for Trustee. Went to town in the evening to hear Colonel Moonlight speak.
31 Went to Rice in the morning Went to Catholic church on elm creek to hear Colonel Moonlight [Democratic nominee for gov.


ernor] and Jo Lowe speak. Moonlight and Lowe Both stop[pled at our place a few minits. I trust they will both be successful.

November, 1886

1 Fine windy day terrible High wind. [No other entries for November, 1886.]

December, 1886

3 Went to Stoners Met J. E. Bean and Kinsley Morgan there. Signed J. E. Beans over seer Bond and approved it. Signed C. C. Stoners Bond for Justice. Went with J. E. Bean and Kinsley Morgan to view line fence between Serie and N. Broe Found all spite work on the part of Serie. [14] Cold bad day. Took Dinner with D. A. Skeels. H. D. Cleveland and wife were there Mrs. Skeels able to be up first time in many weeks. J. E. Bean and Kinsley Morgan were qualified for their respective offices that of Town Clerk and Town Treasure[r].
4 Went to town after noon. Bought 2 Caps 4.00 2 pair Boots 4.00 Stockings 2.50 2 Pair over shoes 2.90 1 Pair Drawers 1.25 Coffee 1.00 Sugar 1.00 Tea 60¢ Candy 5¢ Butter print .35 clout nails 5. Paid John Scott cash for Husking corn, $8.75 in full for demands to date. Highered Dave Scott to work 1 month or more. No wages mentioned but guess at 17 or 15 dollars per month.
5 Sunday at home. Sick today bad day for me. Bright and clear, fine winter day. [No more entries until January 19, 1887.]

January, 1887

19 Paid Julius Ward Cash $10.00 Bought 2 bunches Shingles. Drove Kitt and Dick to Rice. The first time Kitt had the harness on. She drove well considering, G. Huscher called on me yesterday in regard to R. R. matter.
21 Went to Rice Bought 2 bunches shingles Settled in full with Howell Bros. Lumber Co. at Rice = 19.37 Settled in with Breeds. Received Cash from them $36.60 [?] Sold them 180 Bushels co[r]n 21¢. Due them for 1 sack awful poor flour $1.15 Paid [No more entries for January, 1887].

February, 1887

5 Sold 2 hogs, we [i] ght 760 Price 4¢ = 30.40 Settled in full with Dave Scott for Husking corn and by the month for all demands to date. Cash $6.50 Snowing bad day
7 Sold Hundred Bushels corn at 23¢ Went to town
8 Halled 1 load corn for Secrist
9 Halled 2 loads for my self. Helped Hank Slutman Kill and skin a beef.
10 Halled 1 load corn
11 Halled 1 load corn Bought sack flour 2 Pair Hinges. 2 cigars Saw Alex Hadley
17 Fearful High Wind till about 4 P. M. It commenced to storm Snowing and blowing fearful Rained a little after dinner. This is the worst Bliz[z]ard this year. The Dr. was here this after noon This is the 3rd time Paid him cash $5.00 Storming dre[a]dful 7 P. M. turned my calves and pigs out. This is a fearful storm. [No more entries for February, 1887.]

March, 1887

12 Went to town Paid Dr. Else cash $5.00 in full for all demands Terrible high wind this after noon, fearful dusty. Sold the old white cow for $20.00 to be delivered next week.
15 Clug came and took the old cow.
17 Sowed oats fine Bright day. Sowed 20 Bushels oats.
18 High wind and cold. Mrs Kellenbarger came this morning on a little visit. L. D. Parch past this morning going east. Received cash from Klug $10.00 on Beef cow. Due me from Klug, cash $10.00 Went to town Signed Bill Blairs Bond for $30,000 as president of 1st National Bank of Russell, Kansas, Russell county.
19 Went to town after noon. High wind & very disagreeable. Paid L. A. Bartlett cash for a saddle $7.00 Bought said saddle March 7th Price 19.
20 Worst day of season fearful high wind
21 Sold 2 loads corn at 23¢ per Bush [el] 23 At noon got word that Charley was sick at Democrat Smiths. Went to Smiths after noon. Then went to town after the Dr. then back to Smiths. Found Charley better then home Arrived at home 7 p. m.
24 Fearful high wind N. very dusty. Cold Went to Rice then to Concordia then to Smith. Charley no better. After noon wife and Henry Matthews came to Smiths. I came home. Wife staid there. Frank Ellison arrived here from Topeka.
25 Cloudy and dusty Charley no better. I had a bad night of it last night. Awful pain in my hip back and leg. With neuralgia in my nose and jaws. Awful bad day of it pain in my mouth and nose as well as in my back and leg. I dont Know


what I will do if it dont let up. Received P. C. from wife Charley no better.
26 Cloudy and coald. F. W. Ellison started for Washington this morning his native home. I am much better today than yester day. Fearful cold Wife came home with Slutman's Charley Better. Commenced to storm in the evening.
27 Big Storm this morning Kansas at home about 4 inches of Snow Bad stormy day the worst day for a long time. I'm suffering fearful today pain in my hip and leg.
29 Went to town Received Cash from Klug $7.00 Due me from Klug cash $3.00

April, 1887

2 Went to town Received Cash from Klug $3.00 In full for all demands to date.
3 Sunday fearful high wind and dusty, bad day.
8 Went to town after fruit trees Paid cash $11.65 Fearful day fearful dust.
15 Took my assessment to town to County Clerk, was obliged to go over a part of my work, staid all night with Democrat Smith.
16 Highered Dr. Brownell to help me on my assessment Worked all day. Rained all day. Still all night Still raining. Got home Sunday noon.
18 Went to town. Drew my money for my assessment, Cash $90.00 Paid Dr. Brownell Cash $3.00 Paid Democrat Smith Cash $5.00 Paid Klug Cash $1.25 Paid Martin Bro. $1.00 Paid Henry Matthews Cash $15.00 for first months work.
21 Big rain last night Paid John W. Campbell Cas[h] $11.00 for Horse service for 2 mares. All paid.
23 Went to town Brought Calf home that I bought of Mrs W. T. Short Paid cash $10.00 Paid J. C. Zimmerman Cash $8.00 for interest on note due April 10th.
24 Sunday. Little Freddie met with a dre[a]dful accident this after noon. He drew from the top of the table a cup full of boiling milk, which went into his mouth on his chin. Poor little Boy is burnt in a shocking manner. Dr. Bigelow called 2 time [s] on Sunday and again on Monday morning. Dr. T. C. McCas[e]y called and examined Jesses foot and found he had run a nail in his foot. He c[h]arged and I paid him Cash $1.00 [15] Paid Mrs Carpenter Cash $7.00 in full for Music lessons for Alba.


25 Freddie is a little better I think. Dr. Bigelow Called this morning. Thus I write this midnight Paid Squire Stoner Cash $1.00 for work on assessment roll, all paid for all demands to date.
26 Freddie resting pretty well considering. Mrs. Democrat Smith came and Staid all night. Freddie better Dr. Bigelow Called this morning.
30 Town Board meeting. Board full. The following proceedings were had. The Bill from Howell Bro was allowed also the Bill of M. W. Pierce. The Board examined the bridge on elm creek Known as the Longtin Bridge and pronounced it safe. I was allowed 2.00 for my service today. This is the last day of April. High wind and dusty. Commenced to plant corn by listing.

May, 1887

2 Planted corn with planter
3 Bought white corn of Sam Magaw for seed.
9 Took my cattle to Lrayons Pasture. 2 yearling steers 3 yearling Heifers and one cow. 1 Heifer all red. 1 all white . . . cut tips of ears and nose. Steers white and speckled Red necks and ears. Cow all or nearly all white Cow with calf. Fearful warm and dry. School commenced this morning. A thing unprecedented] in the history of district No. 76. The School board to higher a teacher without Calling a meeting for that purpose. Autocratic authority. Simply an infamous outrage.
12 Glorious Grand Good Rain. The back bone of drouth broke this after noon. Ground well Soaked.
16 Good rain
18 Finished planting corn. Went to Democrat Smiths in after noon. With Georg[e] John Billy Slutman and Henry Matthews fishing The boys caught one little fish.
19 Arrived home 11 A. M. plowed corn after dinner

June, 1887

2 finished Building three Bridges in Nelson Township. The three Bridges cost Two hundred and seventy Dollars Gave order for said amount To the Contractor George D. Biggs. Order No 7, $270.00
12 Been raining for 3 days.
13 Paid Henry Matthews Cash ten dollars $10.00 Put in a terrible bad night last night, vomited, burning in my stomach Terrible pain in my back hip and leg. I am certain this pain is wearing me out.


27 J. E. Stillinger mowed my clover
28 J. E. Stillinger mowed 6 acres of weeds. Total 12 acres Paid Him Cash $2.50 Halled in 3 loads clover Hay, fearful Hot and Dry. Plenty chinch bugs in corn.
29 Finished Halling clover Hay, went to town and home till noon. Hot & dry Bought 6 Ga[l]lons coal oil for $1.60 5 Gal[l]on can for $1.65

July, 1887

19 William Henry Matthews time out Paid him cash $47.50 Fearful hot and dry Halled a load of Sand from the river for the chickens. [16] Received Cash from H. B. Parvin $117.67 for 10 Hogs weight 2615 lbs. 4.50 per hund.
26 Settled with Dr. Bigelow in full for all demands to date. Paid cash $10.45 Fearful dry and Dusty. Corn just about Dried up. Very discouraging The bluest time in Kansas. No oats No corn Fearful times in store for us.
27 Went to town with Dave Skeels. Fearful dry and dusty Bought a pair [of] shoes $3.00.
28 Hot and dry.
29 Cool in morning wind south fearful dry Corn about played out. Fearful Hot and dusty. Nothing to do discouraging 30 Rained a little last night Enough to lay the dust. Corn nearly all dried up. For the life of me I dont see how the farmers will winter. No oats, No corn, No fruit, No grass, No nothing. Went to town today, I never Saw as many farmers as discouraged as they are at this time Nothing for their stock or their families, besides Tax Money.
31 Settled with Henry Slutman for Harvesting oats charged me nothing. This Sunday in July warm and dry, no appearance of rain. Mother and the children went to Rice after Charley.

August, 1887

3 Glorious good rain wet down about 2 inches. Corn past redemption. Rain came too late.
4 Rained a good Shower.
5 Rained a good Shower last night. Cloudy and today. Scraped dirt in Horse stable and some in road at the crossing.
6 Nice fine day. Went to town and had my buggy spring straightened 50¢ and ordered a new seat made. Bought Sugar coffee & Tobacco. Saw Mike Savoi [e] Promised to send him no-


tice when the town Caucus was to be held. His address is St. Peters. Had a pleasant visit with Alex Hadley Fred Thompson and old Gentleman Sawdy. Sent Postal not[e] to American Rural Home for 81¢ with orders to stop the paper.
7 Sunday. Fine day Charley at Home.
8 High wind South awful warm after noon. Sowed turnip seed in evening. Institute commenced today. This was a hard day on our little corn Just about all dried up. Hard winter in store for us this winter.
9 Clear and Hot. Cut corn and plowed. Corn drying up.
11 Cloudy and Threatened rain. Thundered in the eve. Hot cut corn.
12 Cloudy & hot. Thundered this morning. Some appearance of rain. Mother George Alba Mabel and Freddie went to John A. Jackman visiting. Warm.
13 Went to town Bought sugar and flour. Flour blacker will return it to Martin Bro.
14 Cloudy and pleasant, at home all day. Caught 2 skunks last night in steel traps.
15 Fine day Walter Barsman called today. Republican candidate for Co. clerk. Wife Johnny and Freddie went to Jake Matthews for Grapes. Cut corn.
16 Grand Glorious Good rain this morning
17 Commenced to plow. Ground wet down about 4 inches
18 Tremendous Heavy dew last night Fog[g]y this morning Johnny plowing. This is wash day. Very cloudy &warm. Cut corn today Rained a little in Forenoon. Top[p]ed out my oats Stacks with corn fodder. Went to Rice afternoon. Bought 1 Barell Salt $2.25 Sugar 50¢, soda 20¢.
19 Johnny took plow to Rice to get sharpened. A[w]ful warm today Cut 4 shocks corn fodder. Went to town.
21 Nice little rain this morning. Cool and pleasant. Wrote and mailed a letter to Day Light this morning. Boys went to Rice after Charley. Charley dident come. Went to Dave Skeels after noon.
22 Killed a hog Loaned J. T. Henderson 32 Pounds Hind quarter. Loaned Slutman 20 Pounds Fore quarter. Nice cool day wind north.
24 Went to town Dr. McCasey said Mell had the Erysipelas for which I paid him for medicine Cash $1.50. [17] Went to Rice afternoon Received one package of books from State Board of Horti-


culture Bought 2½ bushels Rye Paid 90¢ per Bus. Rained nearly all day. Went down about one half inch. Quite cool for the season.
25 Still raining at noon. Rained all night. Ground well Soaked with water. Best rain of the Season. This will soak the chinch bugs in good shape. Turnips coming fine. Sowed the Seed about
10 days ago. Commenced to rain again in the evening. Still raining at bed time May it rain all night and Soak the ground full of water. Weaned the colts. The old mares are making a terrible fuss for their colts.
26 Sowed Rye for hog pasture. Plowed oats stub[b]le, and did various things during the Day. A. Snyder Candidate for Sheriff Called at our place today.
27 Cloudy and cool. Wife Alba Mabel Freddie and the Boys went to town to take in the Show. The old man at home alone. Duller than thunder.
28 Went to Democrat Smiths. Wife Mabel and Mrs. Slutman went along. Subscribed for the Concordia Blade paid the Blade man Cash $1.00
29 Grand Glorious Good rain. Best rain in 2 month[s] Good rain. Cut corn till it commenced to rain. Ground well soaked.
31 First day of the Fair. Attended the fair. Saw the races. Bought coat and vest Paid cash $9.75 Two Christian Bretheren came to stay all night. Alba and Johnny went to church in evening.

September, 1887

1 Went to the fair. Good time. Rained quite hard about three oclock. Arrived home in eve. about 7 P. M.
2 Got up at 4 A. M. this morning. . . . Rained during last night and still raining this morning. Rained this morning hard Went to the fair, Wife Baby and George. Staid all night with Democrat Smith.
3 Charley Alba and myself went to the fair. Best day during the fair, home 8 p.m.
4 Went to town to see the soldiers. There were 4 companies of the 7 Cavalry U. S. A. in Camp in the fair grounds They maneuvered around Some. Mounted guard. The band played nice.
5 Sowed 5 bushels of Rye.
6 Finished harrowing in Rye. Cut corn awful warm. Sen George to Rice this evening. Wind changed to north west about P. M Blowed quite hard for some time. George came home 8½ M. Rained a little.


7 Bright and clear. Republican Caucus this after noon. Cut 30 Shocks corn. Cool.
8 Mowed. Goble did. Owe him $1.50 for it.
9 Stacked Hay. Commenced to rain about noon. Cool wind North east.
10 Rained all night Last night. Rained nearly all day today went to town afternoon.
11 Cloudy and cool This is Sunday.
13 Went to town. This is the first day of the reunion
14 Went to town and spent the day at the reunion.
15 Went to town and spent the day at the reunion. Gov Martin mad[e] a speech. Colonel Cloud spoke Colone[l] G. T. Anthony spoke. Staid all night with W. B. Smith.
16 Attende[d] the reunion Mr. King of Lincoln of Nebr. spoke. All the speaking was in favor of the republican party President was immensely abused. All in the name of God and the republican party.
17 Went to town to attend the Democratic central committee. Convention called for October 1st Caucus Sept. 27
18 Cloudy and cold. Paid A. D. Goble for mowing 1.80. Paid 14. Paid Switz Goble 15. for ½ day haying 50¢ Charley and Slutmans went to town.
19 Cloudy and warm. Went to Morgan's and J. E. Bean to interview them in relation to town road tax. Mother and Freddie went to town, with Slutman. Mother went to get her teeth pulled.
20 Bright and clear. Warm and pleasant. Dug potatoes after noon. Boy cut corn. The above was written with a turkey quill for a pen. Does Bully. Mother Sick this afternoon. Alice Sow piged September 17 had 4 pigs.
21 Cloudy and warm
22 Dug potatoes Boy cut corn. Warm. Thursday night put in fearful night. Dre[a]dful pain in my hip. Slep[t] but little during the night.
23 This the worst day for me [Half page missing from diary].
24 Slept pretty good last night. Pain all settled in my back this morning. Back weak and wont bear my weight. Daughter Nellie came yesterday. [18] But we was all glad to see her. Cloudy & Cool.
25 Rained good yesterday. Uncle Henry & Aunt Rye was here for dinner. [Half page missing from diary.]


Clear and pleasant This morning Pain all in my back
27 Cloudy & cool Dr Bigelow left 5 Quinine powders. Feel dull.
28 Cloudy & cold. . . . Wife Nellie Alba Mabel and baby went to Parvins visiting Heard today that G. B. Vanlandingham's wife was dead. This I regret very much. [One line from diary torn out.]
29 Cool fine day Democratic Caucus today, big[g]est turnout we ever had. Mother Mabel Nellie and Freddie went to Kellenbargers visiting.
30 Fine day Warm and pleasant William Lillybridge [Lillibridge] mowed. Nellie went to town after dinner

October, 1887

1 Saturday. Democratic Convention in Concordia, [Hiram H.] Young chairman credentials. Nominated C. Guilbert for Treasure [r] A. T. Sidwell for Clerk G. B. Vanlandingham for sheriff F. W. Fraisus [Fraisus] for Register R. S. McCrary Surveyor Jimmy Flynn for Coroner, Baker Borton for Commissioner 1st district. A good ticket all but Commission [One line from diary torn out.]
2 Fearful high wind North. This is Sunday. Charley at home. Will go to town today.
3 Went to town. Sold 15 Turkeys 5¢ per lb. Weight 121 lbs = $6.05. Stacked hay.
4 Fine day. . . . [One line from diary torn out.]
6 Finished Stacking Hay. Went to town. Paid Hen. Snavely Cash for Haying $2.50
7 Went to town with Hogs 5 Head. Weight 1440 33/4 per Hundred=$54.00 Fearful dusty High wind.
8 Went to Clyde rained all day, got home 8 P. M.
9 Sunday H. B. Parvin and family called, C. C. Stoner and family called Also the school teacher
10 Paid William Lillybridge cash $4.50 for 2¼ days mowing. Ordered 8 Plank[s] for bridge on elm creek South [of Nelson] P. O. 2 plank[s] on Said bridge myself. Dug potatoes. Boy, started to school this morning.
11 Brought my cattle [from] the pasture paid cash $10.0 Rishtines were here. Wife and Nellie went to town.
12 Went to town
13 Went to Dave Skeels
14 Went to town Paid Charley Cash $6.00 Nellie Start home Charley came home this eve.
15 Finished dig[g]ing potatoes nice day Charley at home. 16 Settled with John Secrist paid him cash $1.00
19 Went to town Paid Editor Day Light Cash $3.00 for 2 copies of Day Light. Went to town with Hen. Snavely
20 G. B. Vanlandingham and Joe Fuller staid all night with me.
21 Went with the above to Millers Heberts & St. Pierre.
22 Went to town. Was elected Treasure[r] of Democratic executive committee received Cash $9.50
24 Went to coal bank for coal. [19] Brought home 1600 lbs coal paid cash $2.25.
27 I was nominated for Trustee by a big majority 53 to 33 J. J. Ward and W. A. Pierce were my competitors. Beat them bad. Was nominated this evening for Township Trustee by the voters of Nelson Township. The biggest Caucus ever held in Nelson township. I had 23 majority over both candidates for which I am obliged and hold the voters of Nelson township in high esteem. [This is the first entry in book two of the diary.]
28 Went to town Uncle Henrys file horse was sick.
31 Fine nice day. Warm Went to town. Had my buggy pole repaired, cost 75¢ which I consider infamous. Got my bill trees, 50 grapevines and 1 apricot=: $2.25. Thomas Russell Died Age 66 years 10 months 13 days

November, 1887

1 Fine day Attended funeral of Thomas Russell Buried in Campbells Cemetery. G. B. Vanlandingham and A. T. Sidwell called today in my absence. But reported everything in good shape. Awful fine day. Sent John to J. S. Lillybridges to notify him of town board meeting tomorrow. Big turnout of people at funeral today. Freddie quite unwell today
2 Annual Township Board meeting. Settled with Road over seers, settled with Treasure[r] and Clerk Balanced the treasure[r]s books and made Treasure[r]s report. Fine nice warm day. Board meeting at J. E. Beans Mrs. Fannie McCasey and Miss Hagaman made us a visit today.
3 Fine nice day. Went to Rice in forenoon. Met J. E. Bean. Also J. M. Ijames of Shirley Township. Johnny went to Rice in the evening after wife but no wife. Wife I recon is played out. Goodbye wife.
4 Went to town after noon. Home 5.30. Went to fair view to


hear speech. G. B. Varilandingham A. T. Sidwell Sam Demers Dr. Jeannotte A. N. Lafaron and H. H. Young made speeches.
5 At home, finished pulling corn on west side. I think I have about 65 bushels on 27 acres. Alba went to town yester and was to return today but failed to come.
6 Sunday. At home High wind. Johnny and Mabel went to Rice after Alba but the cars dont run on Sunday so she failed to come. Alba came home this evening with Dr. McCasey. Uncle and Rye called this evening, had a pleasant visit.
7 A. T. Sidwell and wife Called on us this morning, and took brexfast with us. Went with Sidwell and called on Dr. Bigelow, P. Miller, C. C. Stoner and Dave Skeels Also Jo Dugas and A. D. Goble. Home at noon. Churned and Herded the Cattle after noon. Fine nice warm day. Boys at School. Some Damed Scoundrel has started a little lie about me, Stating that I said I would not vote for any republican. All done to down me for Trustee.

Tax on 40 acre$6.00
Tax on Homestead$28.92
Tax on Personal Property$8.02
Total Tax$42.94 For 1887

8 Election day. This was the cussedest election I ever Saw. The new law of drawing the line 50 feet. Some men havent a damed bit of Sense. . . . Now I will remember them. They blame me for the law. Showing at once the[y] are ignoramuses. Good rain Today. Got home at 9 P. M. Dark as tar ground wet and muddy. Was Elected Trustee without opposition
9 Fine nice day, went to town with Stoner. Entire Republican ticket elected. Sh[e]riff by only 60 majority Clerk by 300. Staid all night with Democrat Smith. N. Y. Democratic.
10 Came home to Dinner
11 Fine nice day. Sold 4 Hogs weight 1100 3.80 Per Hundred = $41.80 Lost my wagon tire and had trouble to get it on. Had Ayers to put in 2 Fellows and set tire 80¢ Herded Cattle after Dinner. This is the day the Chicago Anarchists were hung by the neck until dead. Treason must be made Odious Treason is a crime.
12 Fine nice day. Snap[p]ed corn. Wife Alba and Freddie went to town. Charley came home with them.
13 Sunday At home cloudy and cool. Wind north. Johnny took Charley to town today. This has been a long lonesome day. Rather disagreeable for poor people and hard on the poor stock. The boys at church at the Sod Mansion. Rev. Samuel Naillieux officiating as minister. May much good be done. Johnnie returned home from town with 2 Daily Blades with the news of the Chicago anarchist Hanging one of them Blowed his own head off.
14 Fine day Snap[p]ed corn. dont feel worth a cuss. Bad cold and must cough nearly all the time Sore throat and am out of fix all over and dont feel well myself,
15 Fine and pleasant. Killed a turkey this morning. Went to town after dinner. Sold turkey to Lamb. Weight 7½ lbs 10¢ per lb = .75.
16 Cloudy and cool High wind north, dusty very disagreeable & ugly. J. E. Bean and wife called this after noon. A very pleasant visit we had The Boys went to the School house to attend the Lyceum.
17 Cloudy & cool. Gathered corn & Fixed chimney Herded Cattle. Cold after Dinner.
18 Cloudy and cold Finished pulling turnips. Buried about 10 bushels. Cleaned house. Had too much on hand today. Sime Farnum called this after noon. He resides in Rice co. Kansas. Very tired this evening. Hank Slutman went to Delphos to mill. Billy Slutman was thrown from a horse this morning. Cloudy and cold Terrible high wind North West. Got up this morning with pain in my left ribs. fearful pain. Stormy and very bad.
20 Clear and cold Pleasant but cold. Pump froze up last night. Johnny went to Rice this morning for our mail. Wrote to Nellie. This is Sunday.
21 Fine nice day Killed and Dressed 2 Turkeys. Alba went to town with Slutman Mabel had the croup last night. Herded Cattle after noon. Very fine and warm. Sent 1 Dressed turkey and (2) lbs butter to Mrs. F. W. Ellison in Topeka.
22 Cloudy and cold High wind North. Killed and Dressed 10 Turkeys for market the 12 Dressed 93 lbs. . . . Fearful tired after dressing 10 Turkeys. Death on my Back. Halled fodder for Cattle morning & evening. Killed 2 chickens this evening. One for brexfast and one for Mrs. Carpenter.
23 Cloudy and cold. Went to town with Turkeys sold 18. 12 Dressed. 6 Live. Received Cash $13.00 Bought Boots for George $2.00 Shoes for Charley $3.00 Sugar $1.00 Tea 60¢
24 Thanksgivin[g]. W. T. Short and family Dr. McCasey and Mrs McCasey, Made us a visit. Borrowed of John A Secrist


63 Pounds of Beef. The 4 quarter. Slutman returned the Hog meat they borrowed sometime ago.
25 Started for the coal Bank. Got as far as Rice and got coal there and came home. Snowed nearly all day. The first snow this Season. Rained in the evening. Slutman's boys Called this evening and spent the evening in swap[p]ing Stories with the boys. Cloudy and gloomy this evening. Warm for this time of year. Fine winter weather.
26 . . . Snowing and Blowing at a fearful rate. The big[g]est day This season. Storming fearful. Took up my Horses put my cows in the stable and made everything as comfortable as I could. This is a big day for sure. A day we will remember sure.
29 Fine nice warm. day. Went to Rice in fore noon. Bought Flour 100 lbs $2.70 6 Galons Kerosine oil $1.05 1 lb Tobacco 50¢ Envelopes 10¢ Stamps 10¢ = $4.25, Paid J. E. Stillinger Cash on settlement $5.00 went to Actons sale after noon. Stoner and party returned from Lincoln Center
30 Fine nice day. Went to town Mother and Mabel went with me. Found Everett Young there. Roads bad. Bought shoes for Mother Mabel and Freddie and overshoes for myself. Over shoes 1.40 Mothers Shoes 2.25 Mabels 1.50 Freddies 1.00 [Total] $6.15. Arrived home about dark in good Shape.

December, 1887

1 Cloudy and raining. Every thing looking Gloomy. Mother was most Terrible sick last night. Commenced with pain in left breast I was awful scared. I feared fatal result. I rub[b]ed her arms and hands with Camphor and Bathed her breast with Camphor, which gave her relief. She was terrible sick for a few minits vomited Fearful hard. Rained nearly all day; or rather misted. Dull and Gloomy. Muddy and Disagreeable. Gurley Spargur and H. Slutman called Today.
2 Cloudy and very Hazy Foggy and disagreeable, went to town after dinner. Home after dark. Fearful dark.
3 Rained hard last night. Foggy and Hazy. Dull very disagreeable. Muddy wet, Sun Shines at times, which makes it very pleasant while the Sun Shines. Charley came home last night.
4 Fine day indeed. Bright and clear. Johnny and Everett Took Charley to town returned just after dark Sunday at home all day. The Boys went to the Sod Shanty to church. It is reported today that Mrs. Bigelow Fell down Friday eve and hurt herself Frightful. Also Willard Lillybridge was thrown from a horse


and broke his leg All of which is fearful bad for both Mrs. Bigelow and Willard Lillybridge. Accidents will happen in the best of regulated Families.
5 Monday. Went to Dave Skeels and C. C. Stoners. Dined with Skeels. At home 4½ oclock While at Dave Skeels today I had a terrific Gut ache. Wife and Mrs Slutman went to Bigelows and returned home with me. Fearful cold and high wind in fore noon. After noon fine and pleasant.
6 Fine day. Went to town. Bought 1000 lbs native coal $2.00 Everett Young started home. Went on the Central Branch Cost $21.00 to Albion, Ind. Hank Slutman Called this evening.
7 Fine nice day. Warm. Went to Coal Bank for Coal. Brought home 2040 Pounds. Cost $3.05 went and came by the way of Rice. Hank Slutman went with me. Arrived home half past five in eve. Bertrams Daughters Called this evening on their way to the Lyceum. Extraordinary Fine winter weather for the time of the year. Freddie quite unwell and has been for 2 or three days
8 Cloudy and Foggy Warm and Pleasant Killed a Beef Returned H. Slutman the Beef I had borrowed of him Sometime ago 100 lbs. Returned John A Secrist the Beef I borrowed of him Nov. 24. 63 lbs. Freddie very sick. Called Dr. Bigelow this morning. He Said Freddie had Lung fever which alarms us very much. Herded Cattle after noon. Beef Killed today Dressed 542 lbs Hide weighed 79 lbs 5 P. M. Freddie very sick at this writing.
9 Frosty and foggy. Very damp. Went to town. Sold Beef hide. Received cash $3.25 weight 77 lbs In town today. Bought Sugar $1.00 Coffee .50 Clout nails shoe thread .15 Shoe Wax Bristles .05 Ground Flax seed .10 Cigars .10 Total $1.90 Paid for repairing Shoes .50 Total $2.40. Sold John Miller 22½ lbs Beef 4½¢ = $1.00 Loaned Flavy Longtin 19 lbs Beef. Freddie much better today for which we are profoundly grateful. The old man complains of feeling Bass That means Bully for an old Man. Dr. Bigelow called today this is 2nd [time].
10 Cloudy and a dense fog. Gathered corn in the fore noon. Sold J. E. Stillinger 25 lbs Beef 5¢ Per Pound = $1.25 for which he is to give me credit for that amount. Alba went to town with Slutmans. Bad and disagreeable day. Susie Matthews made us a visit today. Freddie terribly cross and hard to Care for. Dont think he is much better. Pulled corn after dinner. Johnny went to Rice [after] the mail. Dr. Bigelow Called, this is the third


time since Freddie is sick. . . . Freddie is sleeping good at this writing 10 p. m.
11 Sunday at home all day. Fine nice day.
12 Fine day. Went to town to look after Maxam Savoies tax. Paid Charley Cash $6.00 or rather left it [at] Martin Bros. for him. Bought nails and letter Paper 35¢. Smoked 2 cigars one a gift from Martin and the other from Billy Taylor
13 Fine day indeed, sold 3 Hogs weight 850 lbs 4.75 per hundred, amount $41.08 sold the above hogs to H. B. Parvin, Rice. J. S. Lillibridge presented his bond this morning [for] approval. C. L. Davis Called in the evening with his bond for overseer District No. 2. I approved both of the above bonds.
14 Cloudy and cool High wind north. G. W. Greathouse Called today and presented his bond for over seer in district No. 3. I approved his bond. Gathered corn in fore noon. Cloudy and cold. Examined bridge on elm creek. J. A. Secrist and A. D. Goble Also examined the [bridge] We pronounced it safe. While at the bridge 2 teams heavily loaded with R. R. bridging crossed the bridge without shakeing [it]. Stoner's Threshing hands here for dinner. Went to town after dinner. Attended Lodge. Paid my lodge dues $2.50 for the e[n]suing year. Had great glorious time, big Supper at 11 P. M.
17 Staid last night with Dr. T. C. McCasey. Had brexfast with them. Paid the 1st half of my tax $21.47. Sold 16 dressed turkeys to be delivered Decem [ber] 24. Came home with J. A. Secrist, arrived at home 4½ Oclock in good shape Received from Maxam Savoie 53¢ to pay his personal property tax. Filed the bonds of Road overseers G. W. Greathouse, J. S. Lillibridge and C. L. Davis with co. clerk.
18 Went with wife and Little ones to see them lay track on R. R. [20] about 150 men at work Cloudy and cool. Sunday. Alba staid at Stoners last night. Alba went to Rice after our mail.
19 Cloudy and cold High wind north. I was quite unwell today fearful pain. . . . but feel better this evening. 7 P. M. Wind raging from the north. Wind howling and roaring. Bad disagreeable night. Cold high wind. Read Jim Blaines comment on Clevelands message. Jim is a daisy Sure.
20 This is my birth day. 45 years old today. Bright and clear


Fearful high wind North west. Cold. 2 degrees above zero Fearful high wind all day. Hank Slutman Called during the day and told us Mrs. McCasey did not want a turkey. Willie Slutman Called in the evening for butter milk. Cold bad day, went to bed at last night 11 P. M.
21 Bright and clear, 1 degree above zero this morning. High wind North west. Boys went to Lyceum this evening. They say it is wonderful to behold Grand in the extreme.
22 Clear and cold. Went to Rice for mail. . . . Went to town, sold 14 turkeys, $9.10 Bought 2 sacks flour $2.55 Tobacco Candy & overalls = $1.80 7 Snaps for harness .30 Pocket Knife .60 Subscribed for Louisville Courier Journal $1.10 Subscribed for Daily Blade $1.00 for 2 months oil and oil can .45 Total $7.80
23 Clear and pleasant. Flavy Longtin returned the beef he borrowed Some time ago. Killed 16 Turkeys and dressed them for market.
25 This is Sunday. Christ, Our Savio[u]r is 1887 years old today. This is a pleasant day. Received a letter this evening from Arthur Engle one of the old boys of Co. B 88 Ind. Engle was in search of proof for a pension. Answered his letter and mailed it the next day.
26 Cloudy and cold high wind south. Went to Democrat Smiths and drank egg nogg with him. Had roast turkey for dinner. Had a fine good visit. Wife Mabel and Freddie were with me. The appalling news reached us today that young Shanks was thrown from a wagon and Killed Saturday evening, Dec. 25. He was burried today.
27 Big day this morning. Worst Storm of the season 2 degrees above Zero. Snowing and blowing High wind and bad. Cleared up after noon. Wind went down near evening. 8 P. M. 2 degrees above Zero.
28 Bright and clear, 8 Degrees Belo[w] Zero. Light wind North west. This is a wash day. Charlie at home. No school. Fearful Time after dinner. Warm and pleasant Halled 2 Loads fodder.
29 Cloudy and cold 4 degrees belo[w] Zero this morning. 4 degrees belo[w] Zero 9½ P. M.
30 Cloudy and frosty 32 degrees above Zero. Went to town with Slutman. Paid Charley cash $2.00 to pay his board. Charley went to town this evening. Bought 1 pair socks at auction and 10


yards Calico. Home 4 P. M. Governor John S. Marmaduke of Mo. Died Dec. 29, 1887
31 Cloudy and cold. High wind North west very disagreeable. This is the last day of the old year 1887. Extremely cold. 10 degrees above zero. High wind which made it very disagreeable and cold. This is hard day on Stock. Mollie Goble Called today on her way to town.

January, 1888

The first day of the New Year 1888.

1 Bright and clear. High wind North West. Cold. 8 d[e]grees above zero. Slutmans went to town this morning. This is Sunday. Halled fodder this morning for the cattle. Fine day after noon Pleasant in evening. Bertrams young folks called in the evening on their way to church. Alba and Johnny went to church. The free Methodists are expounding the gosple at district 76. Mother wrote to Mrs A. E. Cookingham, Irving Park, Cook Co. Ill. George wrote to Riley Banta, Kendal[l]ville, Ind. Thus passeth the first day of the New year. Beside all being well and healthy.
2 Cloudy and cold Went to Coal Bank for coal Bought 2000 lbs=cash $3.00 Home in good season
4 Pretty good day.
5 Cloudy and pretty cold. Went to town attended the Commissioners board meeting. Will Say right here that I am more than disgusted with the Co. Commissioners and think them mutton heads and should be called the County Incompetency instead of Co. Commissioners. A set of damed Numskulls in the extrem [e] Received my co[.] order for Judge of election $2.00 This had slip[p]ed my mind. Dont feel very well. Got the gut ache. Callie & Billy Slutman called this evening.
6 This is a cold bad day very frosty and Snow blowing. High wind North. . . .
7 Cloudy and cold 1 Degree belo[w] Zero High wind North.
8 Clear and cold. 2 degrees belo [w] Zero. This Sunday I dont feel good today Took severe cold yesterday. Went to Rice for mail.
9 Fine nice day. Old man Routhmie was burried. Died yesterday. I am chuck full of rheumatism and feel terrible bad in my breast and Shoulders. Far from being well.
10 Fine day in deed. I am feeling better today. Freddie and Mabel are both Sick


11 Cloudy and quite cold this morning Some Snow flew. Halled hay. Laid up since about noon. Boys staid home from School to help hall hay. Received a letter from United States Auditor informing me that my claim was Suspended
12 Big Snow this morning and Still Snowing at 1 P M. Lydia calved last night 21 days before time, found calf dead this morn ing under the Snow. Wind South during the Snow till about noon. then Switched around to the West. About 3 P M The wind changed to north west and blowed fearful. The strongest wind in a long time 7 P. M. Wind still rageing from N. W. and getting colder.
13 Bright and clear. 17 Degrees belo[w] Zero this morning. This [is] the coldest morning this winter. About one foot Snow. Boys went to school. Out of Tobacco. Sent Johnny to Millers for Tobacco after school. The old Hog charged me more than I can [get] it [for] in town. 10 P. M. High wind North and very cold. My mind is wondering about Charley. I am So afraid that he is not well. I am distressed in body and mind about him. Oh! how is my boy tonight. Darling precious boy the pride of my heart. Oh! how is my boy tonight.
14 Fearful cold and stormy. 12 Degrees belo [w] Zero this morning. Snowed and blowed all day wind North. Just 1 Team on the road today. Such bad weather today I could not go to town and see about Charley. I do hope and trust he is improving and getting Sound and well. This was the worst day of this year. 7 P. M. 12 Degrees belo [w] Zero and has been all day. This is Saturday and a fearful Stormy day. Oh! how is my boy tonight? May it please the good Lord to restore him to health. Hope so
15 Brig [ht] and clear No wind cold. 22 Degrees belo [w] Zero this morning This is Sunday. Went to Rice after dinner. 34 Degrees belo [w] zero at Rice 28 at Slutmans 28 Degrees belo[w] Zero is the coldest I ever saw in Kan.
16 Cloudy and cold 8 Degrees belo [w] zero. Mother went to town with Slutman. Bought Tobacco & shirt. Charley Better but yet very weak and looks bad. I am distressed to know what to do in his ailment.
17 Clear and cold. Went to town. Bought 1000 lbs native coal $2.00 Paid Proff Shear cash for Books boug[ht] by Charley $2.35 John Kellenbarger will leave tomorrow for Canada to join his family.


18 Fair day went to town with Dug. Greathouse. Consulted Dr. Jeannotte and [Dr.] Priest about Charley.
19 Cloudy and cold High wind North. Snow blowing bad day. Received a letter from Uncle Henry Allen.
20 Clear and cold 12 Degrees belo [w] Zero Fearful sharp wind.
21 Clear and cold 15 Degrees belo [w] Zero Went to town. This is Hank Slutmans Birth day 42 years old. 15 Degrees belo[w] Zero. this morning. 10 Degrees belo[w] Zero 9 P. M. Last night Bought 2 Sacks flour $2.40 Sugar, Coffee & Tobacco 1.75. 9 P. M. 5 Degrees below Zero.
22 Fine bright morning. 5 Degrees below zero this morning. This is Sunday. Received a letter yesterday from Andrew Winebrenner.
24 Fine day Halled hay. . . . The children went to Gobles in the evening, also Billy Slutman.
29 Fine nice day. Charley went to town today. May Slutman is sick.
30 Met town Board at J. E. Beans 1st quarter for 1888. I put in bill for Extra township service for $20.00 Bill allowed and paid. Received Cash from town Board $22.00 $20.00 for extra service and $2.00 for regular quarter service $22.00 J. E. Bean allowed for Extra service $15.00 Kinsley Morgan allowed for Extra service $10.00 The above for 1887


1st day. Cloudy and warm, very foggy and Disagreeable fear ful mud. Went to Rice Had my corn Sheller repaired which cost cash - $1.00. Bought 700 lbs coal - $2.30.
2 Cloudy and very mud[d]y. Ground Hog could not see his Shadow. Clem. Morningstar died this after noon. Spotted [sow] Board by Dave Skeels Boar Fed the last of my crop of corn raised in 1887.
3 Rained and misted and cloudy. Very mud[d]y and Disagreable Commenced to feed this morning on my old corn. I think I have 300 bushels of old corn. Frost about all out.
4 Went to town today attended the funeral of Clem Morningstar. The roads terrible bad. Snowed and blowed. Bad day. Paid Martin Bros Cash in full on settlement $4.15 Bought Sugar pepper $1.25 Gave Charley Cash $6.00 to pay his board.
5 Sunday.


6 Cloudy and cool Fan. [21] Sick.
7 Cloudy and cold wind North. Disagreeable Slutman and Henderson Butchered their Swine. Rather cold today. Billy Slutman Callie May and Johnny called in the evening.
8 Rather cold went to Rice for my mail. Blizzard blowed up in the evening from the North west. Snowed and blowed 11 P. M. Storm still rageing.
9 Cold 4 Degrees below Zero this morning. Wind North east. Bad storm last night
10 Went to Rice Old Gentleman Sawdy and Lady called on today and made us a little visit. Storm blowed up about 3 P. M. Snowed and blowed. Big Frank Letourneau, was burried today.
12 Sunday at home.
13 Fine day. Turned my stock in the stock field this morning for the first time.
14 Valentine day, cloudy and cold. May Callie and Billy Slutman called this evening.
15 Cold. Went to town Bought coal cash $2.00 sold 10 Dozen Eggs=$1.50 Bought Tobacco .45 Sugar Rice & Lye $1.05.
16 Fine day went to Rice.
17 Warm and pleasant sold 2 Hogs weight 540, Price $4.25 =$22.95. Awful nice day.
18 Went to town. Rained Fearful bad day. Paid Charley Cash $4.50 to pay his board and Cash 75¢ to pay for Medicine. Total $5.25. Charley came home. Quit School. Awful muddy. Topsy calved Bull. The worst job I ever had. Dry birth.
19 Cloudy and high wind North. Children at church. Clem Morningstar's funeral today by Bushong. Beautiful evening. Children at church. Warm and pleasant. Service by Peter Bushong.
21 Fine nice day. Butchered three Hogs. Made sausage. Rendered out the lard. Hank Slutman commenced to plow. Beautiful day.
22 This is Washingtons Birth day. If [he] was living today He would be 156 years old. Washington The God father of our common country. Long may his memory last. Cloudy. Wind N. Charley went to town. This is wash day, of course everything is upside down.
23 Fine day warm. Mother went to church.


25 Went to town. Cold Old Gentleman Merritt came home with me.
26 Cold High wind N. This is Sunday. Closed the bridge on elm creek Known as longtin bridge. I considered it unsafe. Put up (4) written notices Bridge unsafe and condemned and warned the people not to cross the bridge
27 Clear and cold 8 degrees above zero this morning.
29 Cloudy misting all day Revs. Bushong and Tenney Staid with us last night. The boys are at church this evening. This is Mells time to foal.

March, 1888 1st day. Fearful bad. Rained and misted nearly all day. About 4 P. M. hard rain and Heavy Thunder. Shortly after wards it grew colder and Snowed quite brisk for a little while. We tied all the cows we could, and prepared for a blizzard. 9 P. M. High wind from the north, cold and disagreeable.
2 Ground covered with ice. High wind north. Stormed after noon. Snowed and blowed. bad day. Charley went to church this evening. Tide up all the cows I have room for.
3 Went to town. Awful bad day. Snowed. Disagreeable 4 Sunday. Stormy and bad. Snowed.
5 Cold High wind North. Snowed bad mean day. This day the trustees met at Concordia for the purpose of forming a basis for the assessment of personal [property] and Realestate in Cloud Co. This is the first day of my work for this year's work as trustee. Paid F. W. Fraisus Cash for Clyde Argus $1.00 Paid him at the Co. Clerks office, in Concordia. While in Concordia I looked at the new court house. I consider it a poor job, and Should not be accepted.
7 Stormy snowed a little. Went to Rice after my mail.
8 Cloudy high wind South. Fan was very sick this afternoon.
9 Cloudy. Very Muddy. 10 A. M. wind changed to north west turned cold and quite disagreeable. 10 P. M. High wind North. Cold and freezing solid. The boys went Goose hunting this after noon. Nary a goose.
10 Snowed last night cold this morning. Went to town. Bought 1 Box crackers, Flour and cold fish and Tobacco = $3.05
17 Borrowed of J. C. Elliott Cash $50.00 on Thirty days time Note due on April 17, 1888, $50.00. Fine nice day Went to town.


Contracted with L. A. Bartlett to work for him at Nelson. To handle and sell machinery for him at that place at $50.00 per month.
18 Sunday at home all day fine and warm.
19 Commenced to rain last night, and rained all night. Still raining this morning. About 10 A M it commenced to snow and blow. High wind N. Snowed and blowed and Stormed all day. This is the worst day in March. Tied up Six cows this eve. Ground Froze and still freezing. Awful bad day.
23 Sowed Oats. Sowed 12 bushels of winter oats bought of H. D. Cleveland Paid him Cash 50¢ per Bus. This is the 12th day I have been serving Nelson T. P.
24 Rained & misted about all day. About 5 P. M. it thundred and Lightened and rained very hard. Continued to rain hard til 11 P M Wind high N. E.
25 Still raining this morning. Ground well soaked. Went to Rice yesterday. Bought 25 bushels of oats of A. Ayers paid him Cash for oats $7.50 Settled in full for Blacksmithing and other business for all demands to date. Bad day very wet and disagreeable for the time of year.

April, 1888

3 Paid Empson Cash $5.00 on Horse Service Due Empson $3.00.
5 Went to town Bought 1 set Harnes [s] of L. A. Bartlett. 1 set in full except 1 collar, for which I pay $28.50 The pay for the Harness will be taken from my first months wages.
8 Finished my assessment. A. T. Sidwell helped me out. I paid him cash 3.00 I will charge the co. for 32 days work Rained after noon and nearly all night.
9 Commenced to work for L. A. Bartlett at this place Aurora [22] Will get $50.00 per month.
10 The man who was here in charge le[f]t this evening for Con cordia will now try and run the business myself and will try my best to satisfy L. A. Bartlett.
12 Went to town Settled with Co. Board. Resigned the office of trustee T. S. McHenry was appointed in my stead. 1 spotted Sow Boared. Made my report as trustee of Nelson township. Received for my services cash $99.00 After making my report I resigned the office of trustee and bridge commissioner On motion T. S. McHenry was appointed to fill vacancy.


13 Came from home this morning found every thing as I left it. Dave Skeels called today.
14 Eve Bulled by John Stillingers Bull
15 Planted potatoes
18 Last night the wind terrible I was afraid the building and all would go. High wind north this morning. Cold and disagreeable. Look for the boys this morning.
26 High wind Terrific wind this after noon. Wind has been blowing for a week. Good rain yesterday 2 miles east.
27 Still blowing. Received a letter this morning [from] J. C. Zimmerman acknow [1] edging the receipt of $8.00 The interest on note due April 10, 1888. Still blowing blowing Good rain today. Glory to God on high Thank the Lord for it all. This good rain will make the farmers rejoice with exceeding Joy. Raining harder and better. Let her rain, it is good for the Soul and the Soil
28 Turned cold after noon and rained good Dr Bigelow and Brother Pierce Called today.
30 Paid my Board this morning for last week Cash $2.75. At noon commenced to board with Little Frank

May, 1888

2 Came up big rain and wind blew fearful Staid at Hotel last night.
5 Paid Mrs Frank Letourneau cash for board $2.65 Drew Cash from L. A. Bartlett on wages $3.00 Wife Johnny Mable and Freddie came after me.
6 At hom [e]. Good rain today. Johnny brought me to Jo Fiefs. I walked the balance of way on R. R. track. Arrived here 8.15 P. M. Hot and tired.
7 . . . rained most of the day
8 1st month out for work for L. A. Bartlett Drew Cash including Harness $46.50
11 Big rain last night Ground full of water this morning. Received a letter yesterday from A. H. Dougall of Fort Wayne, Ind informing me that my muster had been corrected and that I would get 190 dollars.
12 Paid my board Cash $3.00 Just about 1 dollar per week more than is justice.
17 Raining this morning Don't feel good today. Bad and disagreeable Cold and stormy. 2 very suspicious looking characters in town act like Bergulars


18 Cloudy and cold High wind north uncommon cold for this time of year
26 Great big good rain this morning.
30 Received 1 quart Whiskey Cash 55¢. Fine nice large Day. Sold 2 cultivators, 1 Riding and 1 walking.

June, 1888

1 Friday morning Nice little rain last night. Fine large morning. Had severe tooth ache last night.
4 Commenced to Board with P. Miller. Commenced with Brexfast.
13 Paid John Brocaw Cash for white washing House at home $2.00
20 Grand Great Good rain yesterday eve and last night Biggest rain this season. This is a great big fine morning
22 Due P. Miller for 1 weeks Board $2.50

July, 1888

7 Paid P. Miller cash 7.50 for 3 weeks board paid up to date Received of L. A. Bartlett cash 10.75 Due me on third months wages Cash $47.00 Third month out this 7 day of July 1888.
9 Borrowed Cash of J. C. Elliott $50.00 on thirty days time note due August 8, 1888 interest paid. Paid my Tax last half 22.47.
14 Paid my bo[a]rd for this week Cash 2.50.
21 Paid my Board cash for last or this present week 2.50

August, 1888

6 Paid all accounts against me at Aurora. For board and other debts. S[e]ttled in full with L. A. Bartlett for all demands to Date Received cash from L. A. Barlett on acount in full for all payments $85.75. Went to town
11 Went to town Alba went to Smiths and Staid all night. Had big visit in town today. Home in good Season E.R. had his trial today. 3 years in the pen
18 Good rain in the evening.
19 Good rain in the evening. Monday morning Fine big morning ground pretty well Soaked. Cool and pleasant A little Breeze North west. All vegetation is bright and green this morning.
30 Sold 6 Steers for $105.00 4 yearling steers $60.00 2 2 year Olds $45.00. Total $105.00. To be delivered in Concordia Sept. 3rd.


31 Brought my steers from pasture. Big trouble to get them out of pasture.

September, 1888

2 Sunday, went to Dave Skeels after noon. Fine nice cool day.
3 Sold Col. Dick Hartmire [Hartmirr?] 2 calves for $12.00 2 cows $42.00. Delivered my steers as per agreement. Delivered Said steers to Concordia. Paid Breed and Bush cash for Thres[h]ing Oats 483 Bushels and Rye 16 Bushels $10.30. 2¢ for oats 4¢ for rye
4 Dr Tobey spoke today at Aurora. Settled in full with Dr. Bigelow paid him Cash $1.50. Paid Detrie Cash for cutting 11 acres of Oats $11.00 in full for all demands. Highered Switzs [Switze] Goble for one half month for $9.00 commenced work today.
7 Delivered to Dick Hartmire 2 calves Received cash $12.00 8 Went to town Judge John Martin Democratic candidate for governor spoke in Concordia Big crowd. Paid Flavius Longtin cash $11.80 for pasturing 2 Horses and 9 Head Cattle
10 Mowed Grass Fearful windy
12 Stacked Hay, Switze Goble Layed off for present has in this noon 6½ days.
13 Big rain today Paid A. Ayers cash $5.90 in full for all demands to date. Subscribed for the K. C. Times. Paid H. Russell cash $1.00 for the Times
14 Received cash $20.00 from Dick Hartmire for cow. Due me yet on one cow $22.00. Paid Hank Slutman Cash for corn, $5.00 in full for all demands.
22 Paid L. R. Hitt Cash $5.00 for the return of my 1st Lieutt. commission. Sent him the money by Post office order To Chicago Illinois
25 Paid Switze Goble Cash $9.00 for one Half months work in full for all demands to date
26 Received cash $22.00 from Col. Dick Hartmaire [for] balance due on (2) cows.
27 Cool High wind N
29 Received my commission Settled with Editor Dunning of the Day Light H. G. Allen Rochelle, Tex. One year free John Young Wolf Lake, Ind., one year free Paid subscription for V. A. Stewart Wolf Lake, Ind from last April to date and one year in advance. Also my own subscription for 1 year. Paid him cash $3.00 is all he asked

October, 1888

2 Paid Mrs. T. C. McCasey Cash $5.00 for Charley's Board This is $10.00 Paid in full to date. Bought John a pair [of] gloves cash $1.25
13 Bought George Pair [of] shoes $1.25 Pa[i]r of Gloves $1.25 14 Big rain this morning. Ground pretty well Soaked.
16 Went to Clyde to big Democratic Barbecue 5000 people there
19 Borrowed 43 lbs Beef of Slutman, Borrowed 13 lbs before. Due Slutman in Beef 56 lbs.

November, 1888

12 Sold 4 Hogs weight 1260 lbs 4.65 Per Hundred = $58.59. Paid Switze Goble Cash $9.00 in full for all demands to date.
21 Sold Dick. Hartmaier 1 cow 24.00 1 Heifer 16.00 1 Hog 13.00 Total $53.00
24 Cow Deliver[e]d and received cash $25.00 Due on stock $28.00 Paid Election Bet To L. A. Bartlett 1 Quart [of] whiskey. This was the extent of my Betting Received paper from T. R. Hitt Chicago in relation to my claim before the department of Washington
27 Killed and Dressed 20 Turkeys.
29[28?] Took 18 Turkeys to Town, Sold them for $15.60 Bought pair [of] gloves Cash 1.00 1 box c[r]ackers 20 lbs $1.50 2 Quart[s] Cranberries 20¢ 1 lamp chimney 10¢ Cold and cloudy and Disagreeable. Got home in good season in the evening. Eat Supper 7 P. M_. Family all tired and worn out, Selah.
29 Thanksgiving Day. Tom. Sidwell and Family and Sawdy and Family took dinner with us today. A pleasant day we Had. Mailed a letter to Blade asking for bill of indebtedness
30 Took Dinner with Democrat Smith. A great big day. Possum Turkey and sweet potatoes and whiskey Rah for Democrat Smith

December, 1888

1st Day warm and pleasant.
2 Sunday fine day for this time of year.
3 Monday Mother John and George went to town Bought overcoats for the boys, paid cash $8.00
4 Dr. T. C. McCasey called. I went with him to Flavius Longtin where he Dehorned 62 head of cattle. The Dr. Staid over night with us. A pleasant evening was passed playing Card [s] and eating apples. Went to bed 11 P. M. Received a letter from Blade stating


I owed him $1.00 which is wrong. I can not owe him that amount.
5 Went with Dr. McCasey to Jo. Feifs where he Dehorned 73 head [of] cattle went from Feifs to George Cota's, could not catch his steers we returned to my place where the Dr. staid all night
6 Had 3 cows Dehorned. Dr. McCasey went home this morning. Wind South West. John Kellenbarger went by this morning and Said his wife is improving
7 C G came home from the Penitentury, "Selah"
Friday Went to town after dinner. Settled with Jim Hagaman for the Blade. Paid him Cash $1.00 which was at least 75¢ more than I owed him. Goodby [e] old Jim for me forever. Bought zink for washing machine, stove damper, wad puller & lamp chimney
8 Halled hay in fore noon. Went to Aurora after Dinner. Got Medicine for Mabel. Received a letter from old Jim Hagaman. Think he is conscience stricken offers me 50¢ as over pay for the Blade. Mabel quite sick Drove Jessee for the first time.
9 Sunday. At home Fine day. Warm.
10 Monday, went to town. Sold Editor Dunning a turkey 7 Pounds = cash 70¢. Fine day.
11 Went to town with Truman Pierce. Attended funeral of Brother William Hasket [t] who was buried with Masonic Honors. Rather cold, got home 7 P. M. Received cash from Dick Hartmaire $10.00 Due me yet $3.00
14 Friday Went to town Sent Dr. McDonal [d] H. P. Applebaugh and H. B. Parvin petitions for application for membership to Masonic Lodge. Went to Aurora had my buggie fixed. Took Dinner with Atwood the Banker
15 Went to town sent Dr. McDonal[d] H. P. Applebaug[h] and H. B. Parvin Blanks for application for membership in Masonic Lodge. Wind changed north after noon. Turned cold, Sold nine Turkeys
16 Sunday. At home cold cloudy High wind north. Disagreeable day.
17 Monday cleaned and painted my Buggie Rather cool
18 Fair Day . . . Hank Slutman Billy Slutman and Bertrams Girls Called in the evening. Later in the evening Dr. McDonald and H. P. Applebaugh of Aurora called, High five was in order for the eve.
19 Cloudy and cold in fore noon. Warm and pleasant after noon. Finished painting my Buggy
21 Went to town attended Lodge Paid my dues Cash $4.50.


Had Great big good time. Came home with Truman Pierce. Subscribed for the Day Light for Mrs. Lybilla Frey for one year Cash 52¢
22 Dressed 10 Turkeys 9 for the market. High wind South & dusty.
23 High wind S. cloudy misted a little. Miss Inghram called today from Republic Co. Bad day Disagreeable
24 Went to town. Home at noon. Bought Christmas presents for the children, 3 Oclock P. M. Received word, that Democrat Smith's Daugh [ter] was Sick and we were requested to come. Wife and I went got there 6 P. M. Daughter very sick Typhoid fever.
25 Arrived home 10 AM. Then went to Proff Sawdy's and took Dinner with them. Fine Turkey roast. Pleasant time was had. Grand Mother Gardner Died last night, age 80 years. Miss Ing[h]ram here. This is Christmas Christ 1888 years old had he lived This is a cold bad Day.
26 Fair day. Charley came home.
27 Fine day. Killed Beef Paid Slutman the Beef Borrowed some time ago 56 lbs & loaned him 16 lbs This leaves me 13 head [of] cattle.
28 Good Day. Went to Town [in] after noon Staid all night with Democrat Smith. Anna is a little better.
29 Fine big Day. Came home from town. Mrs. Truman Pierce here. George W. Greathouse's Baby buried today.
[30] Sunday fine Day Snowed 2 inches last night. Warm and pleasant. Snow all gone by evening. Bill [y] Slutman called in the evening.
31 Monday. Good day.

January, 1889

1 Fine day. Good Day 2 Fine Big day Mother Clyde.
3 Sold 5 Hogs weight Paid Mrs McCasey Cash [of] Boots 1580 lbs 4.50 per hundred= $71.10 for Charleys board $10.00 Bough [t] cash $2.50 1 cap cash .45 Home in George a pair good season. 4 Went to Knockemstiff 5 Went to town. Sold 4 Hogs hundred = $51.30 Bought cloth for John a suit. Home in good Season The Boys went to Reeves to a party, night Dark as tar Went Aurora. Bought chicken Medicine and 1 Pint weight 1140 lbs 4.50 per hund. and John went to town. I went to


to town. Bought lumber cash $2.44 lime cash 30¢ paid Mother cash $6.00. Poor old McIntosh Sold out by his creditors. Broke up, too bad in his old age.
6 Fine big day. Dr. McCasey and Wife called and visited us today. Alba and the boys at church this evening.
7 Went to town. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey, attended Masonic school of instruction: Stop[pled the Ligonier [Ind.] Banner. Paid cash $3.75
8 Attended Masonic s[c]hool Staid all night with Democrat Smith. Subscribed for Chicago Daily News for one year cash $2.50 Dated today, home in evening
11 Went to town after noon Bought flour & 6 gallons Kerosene oil. Gave Mother cash 3.00 Took a drink of whiskey with Democrat Smith. . . . My Dan. Colt went away last night and the boys are this evening Searching for him. Cold today. High wind South.
13 Sunday. Cloudy and cold. Snowed a little
14 Monday. Snowed last night a little Still snowing & misting today. Light wind East. Bad Day on Stock. The boys at School. Disagreeable Day on Man or Beast.
15 Rained all night last night and Still raining This Morning wind south. Big rain for winter. Hard on Stock. Boys at School. Ground covered with ice and Water. Plenty of Slush. Big rain Rained all day very disagreeable. The frost about all out.
16 Cold High wind N. W. Ground froze. Snowed a little last night. Went to Rice with Henderson Bough [t] 1 Pair [of] Boots 2.45 1 Pair over shoes 1.15 1 Pair gloves 1.75 [Total] $5.35 Pleasant in eve. Slutman's young people and Henry Secrist Called in the evening.
18 Went to town after noon. Attended lodge H. P. Applebaugh took first Degree. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Snowed a little During the night.
19 Snowed nearly all day. Came home from town with John Stillinger. , Bad day. Paid Charleys tuition. Paid Geiger School Clerk. Cash $2.50 for the month of January.
20 Sunday. At home all day about 3 inches of Snow on the ground. Bright and clear.
21 Monday. Fine day Went to town with Dr. McDonald. Snow about all gone. Concordia was full of people. Dr. O. H. Young Died this morning.
22 Went to Concordia Buried Dr. O. H. Young with Masonic


Honors. Gave Mother Cash $5.00 Home in good season Roads fearful bad
23 Wednesday. Fine day. Cold in the morning Halled Hay in the morning. Boys at school. Commenced to thaw about noon. Had my Hair cut and whiskers trim[m]ed today. Good weather for the Season Went to town [in] after noon with Dr. McDonald Dr. Bigelow & H. P. Applebaugh. Dr. McDonald took the first Degree in Masonary. Arrived home 12½ A. M. Midnight
24 Fine Day. quite unwell.
25 Extraordinary fine Day. Pain in left Side and unwell other wise. Wind changed to the north 8 P. M. 9 P M High wind north Disagreeable night. Slutman Killed a beef today 26 Cloudy high wind north. - cold.
27 Sunday bad Day. Cold high wind. North. Snowing blowing quite stormy Miss May and Callie Slutman Called today and had Dinner with us today.
28 Monday Fine day. High wind North west. Mrs. Slutman Called today, George sick at home today.
29 Fine day indeed. George sick at home. Mother went to John Kellenbarger's.
30 Fine day. Helped Snavelys take up their pump. Mother and Freddie went to Gobles. I was sick after noon and during the night.
31 Fine day. Wind N. went to Aurora after noon. Bought liniment 1 pack [of] cards. Suffered terribly with rheumatism during evening and night.

February, 1889

1 Bright clear Fine day. W. So. W. Spotted heifer had her left hind leg broken some how or other today. Hank Slutman knocked her in the head and stuck her. Dr. McCasey called Also Truman Pierce and Frank Miller I released Frank from his rental of the Banta farm and rented it to Truman Pearce [Pierce], on the same conditions
2 Fine day. Dressed a beef, went to town sold beef hide for cash $1.50 Paid Mrs. McCasey cash for Charleys board $5.00 This is ground hog day Bright and clear
3 Sunday. Fine warm day. John and Alba went to Sawdys, Squire Stoner and wife visited us today. I hear today that my heifer had her leg broken at Snaveys.
4 Monday Fine day Wind North west Wife went to Ames


visiting. This is the meanest day this season Fearful wind north west and north wind and Dust to beat the Dutch. Hay stacks torn Down and scattered. Awful bad day.
5 Fine pleasant morning wind east. Old gentleman Spargur Called today. Cloudy.
6 Sold L. W. Spargur 70 lbs Beef 3¢ per lb = $2.10 Halled Hay went to Rice.
7 Fine Day, went to Rice Switze Goble and Hen Snavely Called in the eve.
8 Bright and clear high wind north west Cold. Bad cold. Soar Throat.
9 Went to town. Snowed Terriffic while coming home. The finest Snow in 10 years. Bought 4 bits 2 for iron and 2 for wood also one gallon oil = cash $1.50 Sold 1 Turkey cash 55¢ Paid for repairing Shoes 50¢ Bought flour cash $1.55 Tea 30¢ Sold Eggs cash 65¢. Snow about 3 inches deep.
10 Sunday. Fine day Snow all gone. High wind north west. John Rode Gipsy for the first time. At home all day. Soar Throat 11 Fine day. Cloudy and pleasant. Monday Wash Day. Herded cattle in Stock field Sore throat
12 Fine day indeed.
13 Fine day. Went to town with Wife and children. Freddie and Mabel had their pictures taken. Had Dinner with Dr. T. C. McCasey.
14 Fine Day Wife and children visited with Dave Skeels. Went with Dave to Pin town after Dinner.
15 Friday Fog[g]y cloudy and disagreeable, went to town in the evening with H. B. Parvin and Gus. Beauchamp, attended lodge, Parvin took the first degree. Arrived home about midnight Snowed during the night and quite Disagreeable. Parvin paid for the oysters.
16 Saturday Snow about 2 inches deep wind north and Disagreeable. At home today.
17 Sunday Snowed all day. Bad day.
18 Bright and clear, 2 Degrees above Zero this morning. The coldest morning this winter. Went to F. A. Thompson's in answer to garneshee in the case wherein Isaac Gennette is plaintiff and Hebert Lupprenney Defendant. For the insurance for 2 colts $20.00 Home at noon. The Boys staid at home from School today Fine winter day Wrote to Albion [Ind.] Democrat to


Stop Short, never to go again Sent him P. O. for $3.18 Cussed outrage that the one that sent it did not pay for it.
19 Bright and clear cold day. Went to town after noon. Found Charley sick. Mother staid with him. Sent P. O. to Albion Democrat to Stop.
20 Bright and clear. Pleasant. Went to town after noon, Lonesome at home without mother. Home a poor place without a mother. Charley a little better But not well enough for Mother to come home. So I am alone with the children tonight. This the coldest morning Just Zero. Wind S. West.
21 Clear and cool [Wind] S. W. Wash day boy at home Six degrees above Zero Mother Reeves & Mrs Carlton and Boys visited us today, went to town after noon with John. Charley better. Mother came home. Turned fearful cold in the evening.
22 Washington's birthday. Had he live[d] till today he would be 157 years old. The God Father of our common country. Dan Bull Died. Big loss Cold High wind N. E. Just Zero this morning Cold bad day
23 Fine cold day. This the coldest day this year 4 degrees belo[w] Zero Went to Rice after noon.
24 Bright clear 2 Degrees above Zero Truman Pearce [Pierce] called This is Sunday
25 Monday, Cloudy and Snowed all fore noon. Went to town after noon. Bought flour and Sugar, Cash $2.15
26 Cloudy and Warm This is Tuesday. At home
27 Warm and cloudy, went to town after noon Slutman moved home
28 Cloudy Foggy, Hazy Misty Disagreeable all day. Wife and I went to Dr. Bigelows in morning. Baby Bigelow very Sick. Fearful Muddy. This The last day of February, and Thursday. Arthur Kinsler of Rooks Co. Called today.

March, 1889

1st Day. Cloudy and warm, very muddy. This is wash Day. This is Friday. Disagreeable Huschers are out looking for their Dog. They think him mad. Shoot him on the Spot
2 Saturday. Went to town and Smiths Brought Turkey Gobler from Smiths. Paid Mr McCasey Cash $5.00 for Charley's Board Gave Charley cash $2.00 Roads fearful muddy. 3 Sunday Fine day indeed for the time of year. John & Alba went to Stoners, Horse back Mrs George Reeves very sick


4 Fine day Mother went to George Reeves, Mrs Reeves not better. Went to Rice with Truman Pierce
5 Mother came from Reeves this morning Mrs. Reeves no bet ter I visited Dr. Bigelow last night, his baby very sick. No hopes for it. Yesterday was The ina[u]gural of Ben Harrison. Now the Republicans are in full power. Corruption and malfancers in office will run rampant. A little more Tax. The robber tariff Should stop. Thieves will now prosper The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer, Selah
6 Fine day indeed. Went to town with Dave Skeels. Charley came home today. Home in good Season. 4 P. M. Eva calved Bull
7 Clear and cool. Went to N. Courvill's [Courville] Sale. Went to Dave Skeels, had a drink with Dave Dr. McDonald and Dr. Jeannotte. Commenced to cut Stalks.
8 Cloudy and cold, George cutting Stalks. Mother and Charley Staid all night at Dr. Bigelows, Baby no better.
9 Saturday went to town Charley went to town. Alba Staid at Bigelows last night. Baby Bigelow no better Bought Flour & Sugar $3.15.
10 Sunday Fine day indeed. At home all day. Baby Bigelow no better. Bean Soup for dinner. T. W. Spargur Paid Cash $2.10 for Beef purchased some time ago Settled in full.
11 Monday Fine day warm, made fence, fearful tired.
12 Tuesday Fine day made fence. Staid all night at Dr. Bigelow's
13 Went to Longtin's Sale Dr. McCasey called and Staid all night Alba is at Dr. Bigelow's. High wind S.
14 Fine and warm till middle afternoon wind changed north and turned cold. George and Alba went to Rice. Bought 5 Bushels potatoes 25¢ per bus. Received a letter from J. C. Zimmerman and one from V. A. Stewart J. C. Zimmerman's Dated and Mailed Feb. 11. Stamped at Rice Feb. 13. 10 P. M. commenced to rain and hail, bad cold night.
15 Cloudy and Disagreeable
16 Fair day. Went to town Bought George a knife, 45¢. Traded my knife for a new one.
17 Sunday. Rained all day Fearful Disagreeable
18 Cloudy. High wind north Old Jane sick today
19 Fancy calved last night Fine morning Baby Fred sick. Got medicine from Dr. Bigelow. Cleaned Chicken House and


cellar. Went to Rice to Shop. Wash day. . . . Went to town Got a dog. Had Slutman's Stretcher repaired Cloudy. Went to Dr. Bigelows and Stoners. Got 24 bushels of black oats from Stoner, will exchange with him. Rained a little in evening. Killed the old Dog. Barns came home with me from town.
21 Alba & John went to Rice Commenced to sow Oats after Dinner For the first this season.
22 Sowed oats Trustee McHenry called today. My assessment amounted to $320.00 Exemption $200.00 [Total] $120.00 Taxable property $120.00 for 1889.
23 Saturday. Fine day went to town. Bought a hat and monkey wrench. Flour & sugar & Suspenders $3.15 Had a tooth pulled by Dr. Priest.
24 Sunday. Fine Day indeed, very fine. Alba at Sunday school 25 Monday. Fine day sowed oats.
26 Good day. Sowed oats. Sold Dick for cash $85.00 Too cheap for a good horse C. H: Willard and Rushton Called in the evening.
27 Finished Sowing oats Returned Truman Pierce's Oats. Snowed and rained fearful bad day.
28 Fair Day. Harrowed in oats. Finished cultivating in Oats. 29 Cloudy and cool High wind north. Mean bad morning. Finished the oats
30 Went to town. Bought Grindstone 2.50 spade 1.25 Nails & Tobacco .90 . . . plow Sharpening .25 Hoe Handle & file .20 Hatchet .75 Groceries 1.00 Potatoes 1.65 Cash $9.15. . . .
31 Sunday Fine day high wind north. Old Gentleman Spargur Called this after noon. At home all day.

April, 1889

1st Day. Monday Fine day went to town Bought John a pair Shoes $3.00. . . . Planted Potatoes. Broke the plow. Got repairs for plow in town, 1.05
2 High wind & Dusty Planted Potatoes. Commenced to plow for corn, Cut Stalks.
3 Cold, High wind north, plowed & Cut Stalks.
5 Friday. Finished cutting Stalks. The horses run away and Broke stalk-cutter all to hell. Kit had her foot cut about half off. Bad job. Dr. McDonald called and I went to town with him. Attended lodge. Dr. McDonald took the Second Degree. Home 2 in the morning.


6 Saturday Fearful wind went to town and took Stalk cutter for repairs. Home 6 P. M.
7 Sunday. At home all day. . . . Bertram's young people called in the evening. John went to hen peck to church in the evening.
8 Misty and rained a little.
9 Fine day. Returned C. C. Stoner's oats. Went to town after Dinner. Sold 4 Bush. apples $1.00 per bushel. Got repairs for stalk cutter-Cash $5.50 Abe Whitehead was Killed yesterday by a runaway team will be buried the 10[th] at Concordia Cemetery By Oddfellows. Bought half Bushel Early potatoes for Seed, 50¢
10 Cloudy rained a little Put stalk cutter together. Burial of Abe Whitehead today by the Odd fellows Rained nearly all after noon. Ground full Big rain during night
11 Rained shower after noon. Killed a hog. Ground full of water.
12 Jane Foaled 10 days Over Time Horse colt little and poor. Cloudy and cold wind north west
13 Went to town sold 3 Bushels apples Cash $3.00 Bought John pair Shoes $1.50 Sugar 1.00 Lye 15¢ pepper 25¢ Carbolic acid 15¢ strap 10¢ Ordered Day Light stop[p]ed for H. G. Allen Rochelle, Texas. Cloudy and cold wind S. E. Received a letter from Washington stating my claim had been allowed $77.58
14 Sunday. At home till after noon. Went to Dave Skeels. Had One Drink Whiskey with Dave and Oda McIntosh. Got Dave's plow.
15 Fine Day Plowed Freddies Birth Day, 3 years old
16 Plowed. Rained after noon. A good Shower. Rained Good during the night
17 Went to Rice had plows sharpened. Sent J. C. Zimmerman register[ed] letter $6.50 for interest Due April 10 Bought Mabel shoes $1.40 Stray colt came here yesterday. Big rain during night
18 Cloudy & cool. Went to Rice Alba and Mabel went to Smiths. Bought flour $1.50 Tobacco & socks 80¢ Mrs. Kellenbarger very sick Took Mother & Grandmother Slutman there 8 P. M. Terrible sick. The Boys halled manure
19 Went to Rice, bought 6 Gallons oil $1.00 6 Bushels Seed corn of Sam Magaw $1.50 Took sick coming home stop[p]ed at Spargurs. . . . Plowed for corn


20 Kitt Had a colt This Morning Horse colt 11 Days overtime. Went to town and Democrat Smith for Dinner Bought George Shoes $2.50 Pants $2.50 Shirt and socks .75 John 1 shirt .50. . . . Hat for Freddie .35 [Total] $6.60 Home 4 P. M. Children went to Aurora to an Easter party, at H. B. Parvins.
21 Sunday. Mother and I went to Kellenbargers after Dinner. Mrs Kellenbarger very sick. Fine warm Day. Quit feeding hay to my cattle the 12th Day. This is the earliest for 16 years.
22 Good Day. . . . Bill choked on oats.
23 . . . Finished plowing for corn. High wind W. worth. Johnny went to Kellenbargers in evening. Billy Slutman called in evening.
24 Planted corn. This is the Earliest I ever planted Dusty & Bad Day.
25 Planted corn.
26 Planted corn Fearful wind and Dust Worst day this season. Quite unwell today.
27 Good Day. Finished Planting corn with planter. Went to town. Bought Flour $1.50 Sugar 1.00 Tobacco 40¢ Coffee 50¢ Other Stuff $2.00 1 Pair Pants $2.00 = $7.00 [?] Saturday. Settled in full with Squire Thompson, wherein I was Garnesheed to pay [appear?] into court wherein L. Gennette was plaintiff and H. W. Luppenney Defendant. For the services of horse for 2 colts $10.00 each = $20.00 My fee in the cas[e] was $1.20.
28 Sunday, went to Dave Skeels Got my Lister and one bushel of seed corn, 1 Good Drink Whiskey, home 2 P. M. Cloudy and cool. Threatens rain Saw D. Hebert & Morris Malone
29 Rained last night and still raining this morning, cold and disagreeable wet. Took my cattle to Longtin's pasture 2 cows with calves 1 cow Dry. 4 yearlings 1 yearling Heifer and three steers. 2 cows white one Roan all three hornless Went to Aurora. Bought 1 jug oil 40¢ Listers lays 50¢ Total 90¢ Cattle in Longtin's pasture total 9 Head
30 Good day. Commenced to list corn. Ground in fine condition The old man unwell last night and today.

May, 1889

1 Wednesday Big frost this morning. Cloudy and cool. Boys listing corn. Good day. 2 Went to town with Charley Muller, Bought 2 ounces Laudanum. . . . Came home with Lisha Ledoux. Boys listing corn.


3 Good day. Boys listing corn. Frost this morning also yesterday morning.
4 Went to town with Graveline. Came [back] with J. T. Henderson. Bad day Strong wind South.
5 Fearful wind South This is Sunday. At home all day. John Elliott called and wanted water.
6 Monday. Fearful wind south. Dusty & Disagreeable Johnny listing corn. Planted sweet corn in the orchard. . . . Terrible, Terrific cussed mean Day Dust and wind almost unbearable. Fearful Dusty. High wind South. This day too big for Johnny. Planted sweet corn
7 Finished planting corn Planted Beans & Potatoes Pretty fair Day. Wind S. W. Mother Snavely called in evening for Milk Her Horses ran away
8 Fearful warm. George & Alba went to Aurora. Rained Hard During the night. Big rain
9 Good rain last night Old Granny Died this morning. We buried her Decent. Try, Her colt is four weeks old tomorrow. Cloudy and warm. Plowed in the Orchard, Corn coming up nicely. Rained good During the night
10 Cloudy & cool Rained today Dave Skeels called today Big rain last night.
11 Cloudy & cool Went to town. Bought Paint 2.05 Brush 25¢ oil 25¢ Flour 1.50 Tobacco 40¢ sugar 1.00 Coffee 50¢ Kerosene oil 40¢ Hog Medicine 70$, Total $7.05
12 Sunday. Cloudy & Rainy. Rained hard last night. Dull and gloomy today. Rained nearly all day Ground full of water
13 Monday Fine day Wash Day. The boys and Jimmy Bertram went to the river Fishing.
14 Good day. Boys home at noon. Caught 2 Fish. But had lots [of] fun. Commenced to paint the house.
15 Painted white washed and all kinds of work Good and tired.
16 Good Day. Big rain in the evening. John & Alba went to Rice after Dinner. Good rain. Big rain
17 Cold and High wind north. Big rain last night Cold and wet. Ground full of water. Saturday went to town, Bought Meat 70¢ Paint 2.10 Sugar 50¢ Tobacco 45¢ Oat meal 25¢ Candy 5¢ Potatoes 60¢ = $4.65 Good Day Boys went Fishing. . . .
18 Sunday. Charley and Jimmy Hagaman were here. Also Mr & Mrs Kellenbarger also Lisha Ledoux and sister also Frank

& Miss May Slutman. George Arther called and staid all night Rained a good shower. Hank Slutman called in the evening. Went to Rice after Charley and Jimmy Hagaman. George and John Returned them to Rice in the evening
19 Fine day went to Dave Skeels wife boy Mabel and George Arther. From there to Pin town. Beat the boys playing Brazzel Dazzle Home in good Season.
20 Fine day painted on the house. Alba went to Aurora. .
21 Good Day. Took up pump & one piece fell in. Paid Curt Goble cash 1.00 to get it out. Commenced to plow corn after Dinner. Big Job to fix pump and put it in again. Old Gentleman Spargur called today.
23 Thursday. Big excitement Mad dog Bit Nip Betsy Ellen and Jessie. Killed the dog. Went to town. Bought Rope 45¢ Ammunition 45¢ Tobacco 15¢ Oil 20¢ Total $1.25 Home in evening. Killed Nip. Shot him. Rained Good during the night.
24 Good day John and Alba went to town and Staid all night
25 Fine morning Rained a little last night. John & Alba Home at noon.
26 Sunday. Cloudy & cool High wind North west. Monday 27 Went to town with Fred. Thompson. Bought over alls 1.00 Suspenders 25¢ Sugar 50¢ Lye 10¢ meal 25¢ Total $2.10. . . . Rained a little today
28 Tuesday. Rained most of the day. Ground well soaked. Big Shower 4 P. M.
29 Cloudy & cold. Rained last night. Made fence around the orchard. Old Mother Snavely called
30 Decoration Day, went to town with Dr. Hebert. Bought sweet Potatoes plants. Big crowd in town.
31 Friday The last day of May. Good Day howed corn.

June, 1889

1 Saturday. Went to town. Bought sugar 1.00 Coffee 50¢ Toba. .40 soda 10¢ Total $2.00 Rained a little Shower in the evening.
2 Fine Glorious morning This is Sunday.
3 Monday. Went to town with Paul Ward. Paid interest on 40 Acres $7.00 Home 4 P. M.
4 Good Day. Fine day. Dr. McCasey & wife called and visited us today. . . . I went with Dr. to Whites. . . . Home in good season for supper. Dr. brought 2 bottles of beer, which was good very good.


5 Good Day.
6 High wind south. Dusty and Disagreeable. Picked the mulberries took 1½ gal[l]ons off 1 tree. Got about half on this tree Tied Jessie This morning. . . . Jessie was bitten by Mad Dog, May 23rd
7 Cloudy & warm. Alba went to Aurora. Boys finished plow ing the checked corn the second time. 9 P. M. Thundering & Lightning. wind North East. Looks stormy.
8 Good rain last night Went to town. Good rain today. Bought George pair shoes 1.50 Flour 1.50 Sugar 50¢ Tobacco 40¢ Shovels sharpened 80¢ Total $4.70 I spent my last Dollar today. Home in good season.
9 Sunday. Helped Dig a grave for Spikers child. Sunday School picnic today in Henderson's grove. Cloudy and cool This is written with a goose Quill.
10 Monday Good rain last night. Cloudy & warm, took Dave Skeels rake home. Turned Jessie and Betsy Ellen out this morning. This is the 19th Day since they were bitten by supposed Rabid Dog. Betsy Ellen bitten by a snake today. This was Wash Day.
13 Thursday Clear & Warm Mrs. W. B. Smith came today and Staid all night
14 Friday. Fine day. Mrs W. B. Smith here Boys plowing corn. Alba went to Aurora. Mrs. Smith started Home 5 P. M.
15 . Saturday Finished plowing listed corn the second time. Great big rain after Dinner.
16 Sunday. Good Day Kit Goble bitten yesterday by a rattlesnake. Warm day
17 Cloudy & warm
18 Went to town Sold 4 Hogs Weight 1080 [lbs] price 3½= $37.80 Bought 2 Hats 50¢ Lunch 20¢ Gave John 1.00 Gave Mother $10.00 Paid my tax last. half Cash $20.37 1 cigar 5¢ 1 Glass beer 5¢ = $32.17. Fearful hot. Home in good season 5 P. M. Window screens 95¢ Total $33.12
19 Good Day. Commenced to pick cherries, plowed the Sweet corn
21 Friday. Went to town with Dr. McDonald and O. B. Lewis. Attended Lodge. Home 12 Midnight.
22 Saturday Cloudy & Warm. Went to town after dinner.
23 Sunday, went to Longtin's pasture to see cattle. H. F. Rog-


ers came and took a v[i]ew of our House. High wind South. Bill Short & Family visited us today. Dr. McCasey called in the evening.
24 Monday. Cloudy & cool.
25 Went to town Alex Hadley went with me Sold 36 Quarts
[of] Cherries 8¢ per Quart $2.88 Bought 1 sack flour, 1.35 Sugar 1.00 4 cans 56¢ = Total $2.93 [?] Home at noon.
26 Went to town Sold Topsy cow weight 850 [lbs.] $1.80 per hundred, Cash $15.30 Bought Twine 783/4 lbs. $12.60 1 Pair Suspenders 35¢, 1 Glass beer 5¢ = Total $13.00 Home 2 P. M. Mrs. W. T. Short here for cherries.
28 Friday Hot
29 Saturday Went to town. Sold 1 Bushel cherries $2.15 in trade, boug[ht] Cans 75¢ Tobacco 45¢ Rice 25¢ Candy 50 Coffee 50¢ Nails 25¢ Total $2.15 [?].
30 Sunday Grand glorious rain. Boss Thankful.

July, 1889

1 Monday. Commenced to Harvest Oats.
2 Tuesday. Finished cutting Winter Oats, Due G. Huscher for cutting 10 acres $7.50
3 Went to Rice. The Boys went to town.
4 Went to town Alba and Mabel Home 6½ P. M. Alba and the Boys Home 2 A. M. Fine glorious 4th, The 113th independence. Bought 4 fruit Cans 50¢ 2 cigars 10¢ 1 milk Punch 5¢.
5 Mother Alba Mabel & Freddie went to Aurora. High wind south. Picked Cherries.
6 Saturday went to town Sold ½ bushel cherries 1.00 Home, Took up Pump Bought 21 lbs twine of N W Thomas, 16¢ per lb = $3.46. Payable September 1, 1889.
7 Sunday. High wind South. Took up pump this morning.
8 Monday. Democrat Smith & Family came visiting.
9 Tuesday. Wet, Muggy Misty cut One round before Dinner.
10 Wednesday. Finished cutting Oats Due Truman Pierce [Pierce] For cutting 20 acres Oats $15.00
11 Thursday. Cloudy & warm Boys Halled a load of Sand.
12 Big rain in the Morning. Every thing looks promising this morning. . . . Went to Aurora Borrowed $50.00 from Bank. Due in six months. 8 Per cent
13 Good rain this morning. Went to town bought Lumber 4.00 Sugar 1.00 Flour 1.50 Tobacco 40¢ matches .25 meal


25 Beer 10¢, Shoes 2.00 Hat .25, Beef 65&y#162; Total $10.40 Big rain in the night. Sister Ellen came.
14 Sunday [Excerpts from Young's political comments at the end of his diary notes for 1889:]

Republican platform[:] We believe in high priced blankets and taxed machinery, but to offset this the high taxed blankets to American labor we propose to make whiskey free. Harrison and free whiskey Harrison and free Chinese immigration The love of the republican party is past finding out
The republicans refuse cheap clothing [for] The naked, but they want free whiskey for the drunken sot. What has the American workman to sell? His labor, and labor comes in without paying a tax of any kind What does the American workman buy? Taxed clothes, taxed tools, taxed lumber, taxed stoves for his kitchen This is the way the tariff works and protects labor.
Twine Trust. The Mills bill put sisal grass on the free list. Sisal grass grown only in Yucatan. Senate bill raised the tariff or duty from $15.00 to 30.00 The Mills bill lowered the duty on foreign twine. The Senate bill increased it.
Democratic reform means a reform that shall sweep away useless taxation from coal, salt, sugar, lumber, wool and clothing. The grand universal necessaries of life. We mean a reform that shall give relief not to the man who is chewing his untaxed cud in the saloon or smoking his untaxed pipe around a baroom fire. We mean a relief that shall stretch out to every cabin and every humble home to every kitchen and chamber, to every fireside
The Republican party can swallow Longstreet Mosby and Mahone but choke on Lamar. Blaine, Logan, Sherman and the republicans generally, Said [in 1884] That if Grover Cleveland was elected President the rebel debt would be paid. Rebels would be pensioned. The Negroes would be reenslaved and everything generally would go to the Devil. Blaine and Sherman may be able to skin a cat with neatness and dispatch but they will not answer the above.

[Diary missing from July 14, 1889, to June 8, 1890.]

[Part Two Will Appear in the August, 1946, Issue]

DR. POWELL Moore, of 444 Highland, Hammond, Ind., is assistant professor of history at the Calumet Center of the Indiana University Extension Division. His wife, a daughter of George A. Young, is a granddaughter of Hiram Young, the diarist.

1. Concordia is referred to as "town" throughout the diary.
2. Many of Young's neighbors also came from Indiana. Among them-were Henry Slutman, A. D. Goble, D. A. Skeels, John E. Stillinger, C. C. Stoner, J. T. Henderson, P. Miller, Isaac Reeves, Henry Aumspaugh, John A. Secrist, and Peter Banta.
3. There were seven children: Nellie, Charles (Charley), Alba, John, George. Mabel and Fred. The last three were born in Kansas.
4. Charley was attending high school in Concordia.
5. He received his mail at Rice which was about three miles from the farm.
6. His father lived at Wolf Lake. Ind.
7. Fred was the "baby."
8. He often refers to himself as "H. H. Young."
9. He refers to Nelson township.
10. This was his brother. Thomas Young, who lived near wolf Lake, Ind.
11. John P. Edwards, pub., Edwards Atlas of Cloud County, Kansas (Quincy, Ill., 1885). p. 5, shows the location of Sulphur Springs post office was in southeastern Aurora township.
12. Because of the lack of refrigeration facilities it was the custom of people to lend meat to one another. The borrower repaid the loan when be slaughtered a hog or a cow.
13. Former Confederate leaders at that time in Republican party. David M. Key was postmaster general in President Hayes' cabinet.
14. Young was elected trustee of Nelson township in the November election.
15. Dr. T. C. McCasey, a veterinarian, was one of Young's closest friends. It is possible that he influenced two of Young's sons, John and Charles, to adopt that profession.
16. The Republican river is the "river" referred to throughout the diary. It was about four miles from the farm.
17. "Mell" was one of the horses.
18. Nellie, the oldest daughter, was living near Wolf Lake, Ind., at this time.
19. He refers to the coal fields north of the Republican river as the "coal bank." The river could be forded at certain points near Concordia.
20. That portion of the Santa Fe railroad branch from Strong City to Concordia was constructed from the south Cloud county line through Miltonvale to Concordia in November and December, 1887, the first passenger train arriving in Concordia over the new line on December 30.--Concordia Kansas Blade, November 18, December 23, December 30, 1887.
21. Fan was one of the horses.
22. Aurora station had been located a few months previously.-Concordia Kansas Blade, November 18, 1887. It is in Aurora township, and is on the branch of the Santa Fe extending north through southern Cloud county to Concordia.

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