The first Ness City school building wasdedicated on January 31, 1946, as the new home of the Ness County HistoricalSociety. Mrs. Fred Barrows is president of the society. Initial steps to reorganize the Dodge CityHistorical Society were taken at a meeting March 7, 1946. Judge Karl Miller wasnamed temporary chairman, and Merle Smith secretary. Gen. and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower were amongthe two hundred Kansans attending the annual dinner of the Kansas State Societyof Washington, D. C., on March 19, 1946. Newly-elected officers are: WilliamScott, Abilene and Junction City, president; Rep. Errett Scrivner, Kansas City,and Omar B. Ketchum, Topeka, vice-presidents; Com. Charles Helsfors, Topeka,secretary, and Russell Jones, Topeka, treasurer. Rep. Thomas Winter, Pittsburg,was toastmaster. Dr. Martin W. Wiesendanger of Tulsa was the featured speaker at the seventh anniversary dinner of the Wichita Public MuseumAssociation March 19, 1946. Pearl S. Overend was named on the board of trusteesto fill the unexpired term of H. G. Overend and Lloyd Wilson was selected for theunexpired term of Mrs. E. G. Cone. Both vacancies resulted from resignations.Trustees reelected were: H. J. Allen, 0. A. Boyle, Frank Carson, Dr. J. C.Fisher, Murray W. Gill, Mrs. W. E. Haines, Bruce Helfrich and Robert E. Israel,Sr. Mrs. Frank Slay is curator of the museum. Newly-elected officers of the KansasCommonwealth Club, of Wichita, are Dave Fishback, president; William Luttgen,first vicepresident; Mrs. E. G. Cone, second vice-president; John Dee, thirdvice-president; Mrs. W. E. Haines, fourth vice-president; R. M. Cauthorn,executive secretary; Mrs. A. B. Hungerford, recording secretary, and Mrs.Elizabeth Rapp, treasurer. Mrs. J. W. Platt and Elsberry Martin, early-dayresidents of the area, are honorary vice-presidents. State board membersreelected were: Sen. F. H. Cron, El Dorado; Dudley Doolittle, Strong City, andStella B. Haines, Augusta. H. J. Quigley is the retiring president. The Kansas History Teachers Association held itsannual meeting in the rooms of the Kansas State Historical Society, April 13,1946. Members of the Kansas Council for the Social Studies also |
attended the meeting. The visitors were welcomed to Topeka by Dr. John D.Bright, professor of history at Washburn and president of the History TeachersAssociation, and by Kirke Mechem, secretary of the Historical Society. Featuredspeakers and their subjects were: John W. Goering, McPherson High School,"Fruitful Trends in High School History Teaching"; Robena Pringle, Topeka HighSchool, "Reorganization of Junior-Senior High School Social Studies"; Verne S.Sweedlun, Kansas State College, "A Comprehensive Course in the Social Sciences";Dorothy Luber, Washburn University, "Local Government as a Laboratory forPolitical Science"; L. W. Chesney, editor Junior Kansas Government Journal,"Junior Kansas Government Journal for Classroom Use in Teaching of Government";Ethan P. Allen, Bureau of Government Research, University of Kansas,"Representative Government"; Myra Scott, Kansas State College, "Mary ElizabethLease-Some Findings in Biographical Research." Papers presented will be filedwith the Historical Society. OffIcers elected were: Rob Roy MacGregor,Southwestern College, president; Verne S. Sweedlun, vicepresident; Della A.Warden, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, secretary-treasurer. Theexecutive board includes the above officers and Elizabeth Cochran, Kansas StateTeachers College, Pittsburg; Jessica Smith, Wichita High School North; A. BowerSageser, Kansas State College; Raymond L. Welty, Fort Hays Kansas State College,and F. R. Flournoy, College of Emporia. Officers of the Kansas Council for the SocialStudies elected officers at a meeting held at Emporia February 1 in conjunctionwith the council of administration of the Kansas State Teachers Association.OffIcers of the social studies council are: Julia Emery, Wichita High SchoolEast, president; C. P. Neis, Field Kindley Memorial High School, Coffeyville,vice-president; Robena Pringle, Topeka High School, secretary-treasurer. Boardmembers are Ruth E. Litchen, University of Kansas; A. E. Maag, Arkansas City HighSchool; J. E. Mordy, Kansas State College, and Della A. Warden. Kansans will be interested in TheAutobiography of William Allen White, a 669-page book recently issued by theMacmillan company. White's story includes characterizations of Mark Hanna,Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, William Jennings Bryan, Warren G. Hardingand others. The volume contains 16 pages of photographs of the author and hisfamily, the staff of the Gazette |
and celebrities of White's acquaintance. A 305-page book by David Hinshaw,A Man From Kansas, is a new biography of White published last fall by G.P. Putnam's Sons. This volume also features 16 pages of illustrations. OnFebruary 10, 1946, friends of the late editor celebrated his seventy-eighthbirthday anniversary with a memorial service held in Emporia. Brock Pemberton,John Redmond, Roy Bailey and Rolla Clymer, editors and writers who started theircareers on the Gazette, related their experiences under White'stutelage. A 30-page booklet, Small Manufacturers in theWichita Area, by T. Bruce Robb, was issued in November, 1945, by the schoolof business of the University of Kansas as volume No. 21 of its series, KansasStudies in Business. American Adventure; Story of the Lewis andClark Expedition, a 59-page booklet written by Robert H. Fletcher, waspublished in 1945 by the American Pioneer Trails Association of New York City. Acolored map showing the route of the expedition and other historic Western trailswas also issued by the Trails Association. Walter A. Ver Wiebe is the author ofExploration For Oil and Gas in Western Kansas During 1944, a 112-pagepublication printed in November, 1945, by the University of Kansas Press asBulletin 56 of the State Geological Survey of Kansas. A paper, "Isaac McCoy: His Plan of and Work forIndian Colonization," by Emory J. Lyons, has been printed as publication No. 9 ofthe general series and No. 1 of the history series of the Fort Hays Kansas State College Studies, Hays. Goodland Post No. 117, American Legion, observedthe silver anniversary of its founding with the issuance of volume II of itsHistory as a feature of a Founder's day banquet, February 16, 1946. The32-page booklet was compiled by Dillman W. Blackburn, post historian, andcontains a chronology of the organization from February 8, 1934, to December 10,1945. "A Study of the Russian-German Settlements inEllis County, Kansas," by Sister Mary Eloise Johannes, has been published in a164-page book as volume 14 of The Catholic University of America Studies inSociology. |