KanColl: The Kansas   
Historical Quarterlies

Bypaths of Kansas History

May, 1946 (Vol. 14 No. 2), page 233.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.


From The Kanzas News, Emporia, July 24, 1858.

     JOURNAL OF THE WEATHER-Thursday, the 15th, hot; Friday, hotter; Saturday, hottest; Sunday, Hottentot; Monday, Hottentotentissimo; Tuesday, hot as ------- "


From The Dickinson County Chronicle, Abilene, June 7, 1878.

     Chapman has a young lady worth to the country more than a regiment of loafers who adorn dry goods boxes. She farms summers and attends school in the winter. She does her own plowing-using a sulky plow-and in fact does nearly all the work herself. This year she has one hundred acres of fine wheat, and will cut and bind it herself-using a self-binder. If we were only single, Sunday afternoon would find us on the road to Chapman.

Bypaths of Kansas History


     From the Jetmore Republican, April 29, 1881.
There was quite a shooting affray on Saturday the 16th in Dodge City. It appears that the proprietors of a dance house, had an altercation, the bartender took sides, this made a big fight for Jim. Masterson, who sent to Colorado for his brother Bat. (the ex-sheriff of Ford Co.) to come and help make the fight. Bat. took the first train, and in a few days alighted in Dodge, six-shooter and all, he soon beheld Peacock, and Updegraff, his brothers opposers (the men he came for) he immediately commenced, they returned the shot and took the City Jail for breast works, Bat took to a bank by the railroad track, there were about twenty shots fired some passing through saloons, and business houses. Updegraff was shot through the lungs, for awhile he was considered fatally wounded, during which time the City authorities arrested Bat for carrying fire arms; right Hon. T. S. Jones late Police Judge elect with the dignity of high court imposed the enormous sum of $8. As near as we can learn the other city officials done their duty, the aggressor compromised with the state, by leaving the city. If cow-boys, or farmers had committed the same offence, they would have been prosecuted to the very end of the law by the most successful prosecutor in western Kansas. But they were members of the old "gang" and must be educated by degrees; for instance if one of them assault with a deadly weapon and is examined before the assaulted is quite dead then have the assaulter fined $8 and be compelled to leave the city for twenty hours; but if the wounded party dies, before the trial then the murderer should be fined at least $10 and arrested under a state warrant, if found in the town for the week immediately after the shooting. It will never do to be too hard on the boys at first and have them arrested for hurting some one. The state law is a pretty good thing to have though, for the purpose of prosecuting any one who should hurt one of the old boys.


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