The death of Victor Murdock, editor of theWichita Eagle and former congressman, July 8, 1945, brought to an end oneof the most popular history features ever published by a Kansas newspaper. Mr.Murdock's interest in the early history of Wichita and the Midwest resulted in aseries of sketches which regularly appeared on the front page of the EveningEagle until crowded to the editorial page toward the end of the war. He hadapplied himself with such diligence that enough copy was available at his deathto continue the series to August 18, When the final article was printed. Theseries ran for more than thirteen years. Titles of many of the articles wererecorded from time to time on these pages. Baker University and Kansas history is beingsketched by Dr. Homer KingsleyEbright in a series of articles which for the past three years have regularlyappeared in The Baker Orange of Baldwin under the title, "The Historian'sColumn." A series of articles entitled, "Pioneer Familiesof Panhandle," was a regularfeature of the weekly Panhandle (Tex.) Herald during the Summer and fallof 1945. The articles, by Mrs. Joe E. Boyd, have some Kansas interest and havebeen called to the Society's attention by David M. Warren, publisher of theHerald. Early Wichita history was featured in the July19, 1945, issue of WichitaMagazine, published by the Wichita Chamber of Commerce, in observance of theseventy-fifth anniversary of the incorporation of Wichita as a town, July 21. Acopy of the petition and order of incorporation, and excerpts from the city'sfirst ordinance book were printed. An article by Theodore W. Morse, entitled"Starting With Four Quarter Sections ofKearny County Land And a Home on Wheels, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burnett Now Have Titleto 17,600 Acres After Eighteen Years of Work," appeared in the Kansas City (Mo.)Daily Drovers Telegram, August 14, 1945. Early Stillwater, Okla., history was reviewed byDr. Berlin B. Chapman in anine-column article, "Battle To Settle Stillwater Between Cattlemen, Farmers,"published in the Stillwater (Okla.) News-Press, August 26, 1945. Biographies of sixteen Clark county men who diedwhile in the military service ofthe United States were printed in The Clark County Clipper, Ashland,August 30, 1945. |