Official marriage records of Clark county from July, 1885, to December, 1903, were printed in The Clark County Clipper of Ashland, March 4-June 3, 1943. The series was a feature of the historical column conducted by Mrs. Dorothy Berryman Shrewder and Mrs. Melville Campbell Harper for the Clark County Historical Society. The history of Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina was briefly reviewed in the Topeka Daily Capital, March 21, 1943. The Northwest Kansas Conference of the Methodist church planned the school in 1883, but it was 1886 before a sufficient start had been made to admit students. Letters from Sen. M. V. B. Van De Mark published in the Clyde Republican sketched the early history of Clyde in the issues of April l and 8, 1943, and of Ames in the April 15 number. Senator Van De Mark also furnished the Republican a copy of the "Early Recollections of Clyde and Cloud County," by John B. Rupe, which was published in the Clyde Herald in 1879 and 1880 and is being republished serially in the Republican beginning April 22. Victor Murdock's column in the Wichita (Evening) Eagle in recent months included the following items of historical interest: ' "Old Trail to Wichita Down From Chase County Was Important Channel," May 1, 1943; "Locating the Areas Producing Broom Corn Scattered Over West," May 8; "Pioneer Method Used in Making Buffalo Skin Into a Beautiful Robe," May 10; "How First Houses Here Were Made by Wichitas and What They Contained," May 11; "Feast on the Prairies Wherein the Sand Plum Formed the First Course," May 12; "One Discovery of Oil in This Part of Country Dates Back 70 Years," May 17; "Description of Wolves That Once Frequented Plains Around Wichita," May 19; "Suffering on Plains Among Western Indians in the Winter of 1872-73," May 20; "One Early Institution in the Wichita Country Was the `Ranche House,"' May 21; "Debt the Prairies Owe to the War Veterans Who Tackled New Land," May 29; "Last Use of Doctrine About Land in Oklahoma Preached by Capt. [David L.] Payne," June 1; "Early Men of Religion Who Pressed Westward Out on Empty Prairies," June 3; "When Change of Attitude Occurred in These Parts in Choosing Town Names," June 7; "Homes Pre-Fabricated That Showed Up |
Here at a Very Early Period," June 8 ; "Early Wichita Contact With Vivid Recollection of the War With Mexico," June 9; "Act of Exploration Marked on the Prairies by Stimulus of Discovery," June 10; "Flour Milling Start in This Part of World Began With Settlement," June 14; "Record of a Buffalo Hunt When Four Pioneer Women Each Brought Down Bison," June 17; "Use of Prairie Wind by Early Day Kansans to Drive Their Wagon," June 18; "Passed Out of Picture in the Prairie Empire Is Art of Townsite Choice," June 19; "One Thumb-Nail Sketch of Wichita, Fall, 1869, Survived in a Letter," June 21; "Features That Marked Early Fourth of July in This Part of Country," June 22; "Fight Wherein Settler in the Prairie Region Showed Real Stamina," June 23; "One Pioneer Passion Grew Out of the Fever For Picking Townsites," June 24; "Section of Land Here [Municipal Airport] in Sensational Switch From One Use to Another," June 25; "Early Settler Tempted to Try Wheat Out Here by Very Good Corn Crop," June 30; "Prairies' Drawing Power as It Was Demonstrated in Early Days in Kansas," July 1; "When Meat in This Area Was Drug on the Market and Left to the Coyote," July 2; "Life of Military Genius [William Tecumseh Sherman] Who Had Successful Year Running Big Kansas Farm [in 1859]," July 5; "Spot West of Eureka That Affords a View of Surpassing Beauty," July 9; "Cotton Start Made Here That Did Not Pan Out; an Early Day Incident," July 12; "Traces Wichitas Left When They Were Pressed to Abandon Village Sites," July 13; "City-Creating Passion That Pressed Pioneers to Fulfillment of Vision," July 14; "Fight That Wichita Had Over Building a School Replacing Early Edifice," July 15; "Memories of Oklahoma Have Enriched the Life of Many a Wichitan," July 16; "Change in Countryside Around Young Wichita in Its First Ten Years," July 17; "Insight That Is Given Into Oklahoma's Start Through Kansan's Memory [Boyhood Recollection of George C. Snell]," July 21; "Allure of the Prairie That Caused Pioneers to Make Settlement Here," July 22; "When Wichita Was Ten Community Already Felt That It Was Growing Old," July 23; "Old Tintype Found Here After Seventy Full Years Had Not Lost Its Luster," July 24; "Account of an Elk Hunt in This Part of the West Found Permanent Record," July 26; "Striking Pioneer Figure That Was Presented by Thomas Fitzpatrick," July 27, and "Memory of a Wichitan [Harry Bybee] of Skeleton Creek Ranch [Present Enid, Okla.] During Its Final Days," July 30. The early history of Shawnee county was briefly reviewed by George A. Root, of the Historical Society staff, in an interview published in the Topeka State Journal, May 12, 1943. Articles of historical interest to Kansans in recent issues of the Kansas City (Mo.) Star were: "[Frank Carlson] Author of Pay-As-You-Go Tax Bill Is `Just a Country Boy' From Kansas," by Alvin S. McCoy, May 13,1943; "The `Get-Up-And-Git' Eisenhower Boy Takes Road Back Home to Kansas," by Frank I. Weller, May 19; "[Florence] `Big Flurry' Driscoll and His Kansas Family," by P. V. M., May 22; "Abilene Is Doubly Proud Now as -Eisenhowers' Town," by C. M. Harger, June 27; "The Typical General's Lady Is Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower," by Malvina Stephenson, and "Kansas Women Are Doing Big Share of Wheat Harvest Work," July 11. Histories of Saints Peter and Paul Church near Kinsley appeared in the Kinsley Mercury, May 27 and June 3, 1943. The church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary June 1. Kansas historical articles in the Kansas City (Mo.) Times in recent months include: "John C. Fremont Left This Settlement to Open the West 100 Years Ago Today," by Paul I. Wellman, May 29, 1943, and "Wellsville, Kas., Is Learning to Live With Japanese in Relocation Experiment," by Helen J. Crissman, June 4. A paper written in 1896 by Judge James S. Emery of Lawrence dealing with John Brown and a "lost speech" made by Abraham Lincoln at Bloomington, Ill., in 1856, was printed in the Lawrence Daily Journal-World, May 31, 1943. Emery wrote as a pioneer who had witnessed or participated in many of the events in Lawrence and Kansas which occupied the attention of the nation. He was a native of New England and came to Kansas in 1854 with the Second Party sponsored by the Emigrant Aid Co. June 1, 1943, was the seventy-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Girard Town Company and the beginning of the sale of town lots to prospective builders. Articles reviewing the early history of the city appeared in the Girard Press, June 3, and the Pittsburg Headlight, June 7. W. W. Graves, the well-known Catholic and Indian historian of southeast Kansas and editor of the St. Paul Journal, has begun a history of Neosho county which is running serially in the Journal beginning June 3, 1943. Mr. Graves will later publish the work in |
book form. In the issue of July 29 Mr. Graves announced that the Journal would celebrate its seventy-fifth birthday August 6. The envy of fellow editors is a card index of happenings of interest to residents of the St. Paul community which Mr. Graves has built up in the forty-eight years he has been identified with the paper. On June 5, 1943, the Independence Daily Reporter issued a 36-page special edition announcing the opening of the Independence Army Air Field for public inspection the following day. The edition contained numerous pictures and articles illustrating and explaining the work at the base. "West Plains Named for Prairies," was the title of an article in the Meade Globe-News, June 10, 1943, discussing the origin of Kansas town names. A three-column review of the history of the Girard Christian Church appeared in the Girard Press, June 10, 1943. Christian church services were first held in the town in 1870 and the church was organized in 1871. Pictures of the three buildings the church has occupied were featured. "History of The Leader-Courier Woven Into Progress of Community," is the title of an article by Ralph T. Baker, editor of the Kingman Leader-Courier, published June 11, 1943, in observance of the newspaper's sixty-fifth anniversary. Baker quoted J. C. Martin editor of the Kingman Mercury, the Leader-Courier's predecessor, as saying: "The first paper started in Leavenworth was printed under a tree; but the first paper started in Kingman county was not, for the reason that the tree had yet to be grown." The Mercury was established June 14, 1878, as the county's first newspaper, when the town of Kingman consisted of only five houses. A letter from Logan Martin, son of J. C. Martin, briefly reviewing the life of his father, was printed in The Leader-Courier, June 25. The history of the Sterling City Library, as compiled by Mrs. F. W. Ross and read at a reception June 1, 1943, celebrating the library's twenty-fifth anniversary in its present building, was published in the Sterling Kansas Bulletin, June 17, 1943. The library was organized in 1902 by the Sterling Sorosis Club. The biography of Edward J. Butt who has lived in Leavenworth since his birth, on June 27, 1868, was sketched in the Leavenworth Times, June 27, 1943. A column article entitled "McPherson's First Fourth of July Celebration in 1876 Was Different," by Mrs. Jessie Hill Rowland, appeared in the McPherson Daily Republican, July 5, 1943. "Early Day Newspapers Throw Light on Overbrook History" was the title of an article in the Overbrook Citizen, July 8, 1943. Phil Noon, who arrived in Lincoln county in the fall of 1867, remembers seeing such notables in Junction City, Fort Riley and Fort Harker as Generals U. S. Grant, Phil Sheridan, George Custer, and Scouts "Wild Bill" Hickok and "Buffalo Bill" Cody. His reminiscences appeared in The Lincoln County News, Lincoln, July 8, 1943, under the title, "Recalls Gen. Custer's Visits to Cavalry Camp on Spillman." The Robinson Index, which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in July, 1943, reviewed the early history of Robinson in its issues of July 8 and 15. A visit of a rainmaker to Lincoln in the 1890's was recalled in The Lincoln County News, Lincoln, July 15, 1943. Rain fell in the required time and the rainmaker collected, the News reported. "Ed Gorsuch Remembers Early History of Waverly and Ohio Days Entertainment," was the title of an article in the Waverly Gazette, July 22, 1943. In an article entitled "Some Early Olathe History," appearing in The Johnson County Democrat, Olathe, July 22, 1943, Frank Hodges told about "desperate Bill Lafaythe," a notorious criminal raised on the Black Bob reservation eight miles southeast of Olathe, and Quantrill's raid on the town in September, 1862. The history of The Daily Tiller and Toiler of Larned was briefly reviewed in its tenth anniversary edition July 23, 1943. A Lawrence room in the Watson library at Kansas University, established by the late Carrie M. Watson, was described in a feature article in the Lawrence Daily Journal-World, July 24, 1943. The Wichita Sunday Beacon observed its fifteenth anniversary under the management of Max, Louis and John Levand by issuing a 132-page edition July 25, 1943, featuring numerous articles and photographs illustrating the city's industries, institutions, stores, and war-time growth. The Wichita Sunday Eagle, July 25, 1943, printed a 100-page anniversary edition commemorating 71 years of service. Victor Mur- |
dock's statement on "Wheat" published in the anniversary number of the Eagle six years ago, and his article entitled "Flour Milling Start in This Part of the World Began With Settlement," were reprinted. Among other historical features were: "Found in the Files of the Eagle"; "City Government Is on Threshold of New Development"; "Happening of Nearly Quarter Century Ago Influenced Rise of Wichita in Aviation World"; "Wichita Is Nerve Center of Huge Aircraft Production"; "Wichita's Livestock Market in Operation For 50 Years"; "Wichita Has Important Role in Milling Industry of State"; "Wichita Continues Its Big Strides in Financial World"; "Wichita . . . Financial and Industrial Progress," by W. B. Harrison; "Six Priests of Wichita Diocese Elevated to Monsignorial Ranks by Pope Pius XII," and "Independence Day Is Historic One For Wichita Diocese." Other articles pertained to Wichita's merchants, plans of Kansas wildcatters, Wichita's wartime athletic program, dairy industry, insurance, oil refining, expansion of war plants, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., churches, Boy Scouts, community war chest, Wichita hospitals and doctors. A report of Manhattan's part in the war was featured in the annual "Progress Edition" of The Morning Chronicle, July 25, 1943, and the Mercury, July 26. Among the articles of historical interest were: "Men o' War"; "Kansas Aviation Training Pilots," by Marjorie Marlette; "Glowing Reports of Kansas Given in Letters Written by [I. T.] Goodnows, July, 1855," by Marietta McLeod; "Public Library Serves People For 53 Years," by Anna N. Muller; "1903 Flood a Calamity to Manhattanites; Revive Legend as Rivers Rise"; "Bomber Named For Dick Jacord, Local Air Hero"; "Sunset Cemetery a Place of History"; "Isaac T. Goodnow, Years Before Florida, Made Manhattan Center of a Worth-While Land `Boom"'; "[Julia Louisa] Lovejoy Chronicle Tells of Early Hardships Over Settling Manhattan City"; "City's and County's Young Men Fight For Their Uncle Sam"; "Pioneers Worked Hard to Make Manhattan a Finer City in Which to Reside"; "Manhattan Loses Battle For the State University"; "Kansas State Schools Aid in the War Effort"; "Farrell Sees Changes in 25 Years at Kansas State," by F. D. Farrell; "[Milton] Eisenhower to Replace F. D. Farrell in September"; "Twenty-Five Years' Service to City; Chamber of Commerce in Leadership," and "Building an Ever-Normal Soil Fertility in Kansas." Several persons in Minneapolis still remember when the late George Washington Carver attended school in that town. An article in the Salina Journal, July 29, 1943, entitled "Minneapolis Clings to Its Memories of George Carver," quotes from letters of Mr. Carver to friends in Kansas. "Jesse Greenleaf Tells of Pioneer Days Out Where the West Begins," was the title of a feature published in The Kiowa County Signal of Greensburg, July 29 and August 5, 1943. Mr. Greenleaf, with his parents, went from Ohio to Kiowa county over sixty years ago, and the article was based on the story of his early-day experiences. "They Took Refuge at Ft. Larned in '78," is the caption of an article in The Daily Tiller and Toiler, of Larned, July 30, 1943. It dealt with the flight of Mrs. H. B. Farnsworth (the former Ethel Reeder) and her parents to the security of the army post when Chief Dull Knife and his Cheyenne warriors were raiding through Kansas. A history of the Hogan Mills on the Smoky Hill river at Junction City in an article entitled "Hogan Mills an Outgrowth of Water Power Grant to C. Fogarty in 1873," was printed in the Junction City Union, July 30, 1943. In 1886 a turbine water wheel and other equipment were installed and the mills furnished the city its first electric current. The construction of the dam at the mills was described by Henry Thiele in an article in the Union, August 21. The Junction City Republic issued a special edition August 5, 1943, celebrating its seventieth anniversary. Several pictures of early-day Junction City were featured and included among the special articles were: "Inside Story of the Davis County Republican," by C. H. Manley, Jr., Junction City publisher for over forty years; "Kansas in the '70's," by Will Roux, and "Geary County, Junction City and Fort Riley," by Editor Henry C. Sticher. Some of Washington Kennedy's reminiscences of fighting along the Kansas-Missouri border in the Civil War were recorded by Mrs. Benj. O. Weaver in the Mullinville News, August 19, 1943. Mrs. Weaver wrote that Mr. Kennedy, who settled in Kiowa county in 1878, is "the oldest pioneer" there. |