"Some Memories of the Past" is the title of a column by H. V. Butcher which appears occasionally in The Western Star, Coldwater. A "Query and Answer Column," sponsored by the Dickinson County Historical Society, has been published from time to time in the Abilene Daily Chronicle. The reminiscences of Allison J. Pliley, scout and Indian fighter, were printed in the Olathe Mirror in its issues of March 19 and 26, 1931. S. T. Seaton, the author, interviewed Mr. Pliley in 1909 and submitted the manuscript to him for correction and verification. Mr. Pliley served on the plains in the latter 1860's. A history of St. Joseph's Alumni Association was published in the St. Joseph college student publication, The Cadet Journal, of Hays, in its issues of October 7, 1933, to May 26, 1934, inclusive. The construction of the sod house, home of many early Kansas settlers, was discussed by Donald S. Gates in the December, 1933, issue of The Journal of Geography, published in Chicago, Ill. Articles of a historical nature appearing in the Winter, 1934, number of The Aerend, a Fort Hays Kansas State College publication, included: "History of Fort Larned," by B. Z. Woods; "Meteorites of Kansas," by Elizabeth Eppstein; "Bent's Fort: Pioneer Memory," by Paul King; "A Prima Donna [Dora Hand] of Dodge City," by F. B. Streeter; "Martin Allen: Pioneer Prophet," by R. L. Parker, and "Kansas Fossils," by Letha Abell. Several letters written during the Spanish-American War by Lawrence participants were printed serially in the Douglas County Republican, Lawrence, in its issues of February 22; March 1 and 8, 1934. The address given by Charles F. Colcord, president of the Oklahoma Historical Society, at the Barber county old settlers' reunion held in Medicine Lodge, February 9, 1934, was published in the March issue of the Chronicles of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. Mr. Colcord related some of the frontier history of southern Kansas and the Indian territory. |
An article discussing the work done by Company 1778, Civilian Conservation Corps, on the site of old Fort Hays, was contributed by Lloyd Kohler to the March 10, 1934, issue of Happy Days, the corps newspaper printed in Washington, D. C. The Enterprise Journal republished the article in its April 19 issue. Seventy-five years in Kansas were reviewed by Frank M. Spurrier in the Sylvan Grove News, March 15, 1934. Mr. Spurrier came from Iowa in the summer of 1858 and settled twenty miles west of Manhattan. Bone picking near Fort Hays in 1875 was recalled by J. L. Garrett in the Bunkerhill Advertiser, March 22, 1934. "When Methodism Reached Kansas," by S. T. Seaton, was the title of an article published in the Kansas City Star, May 26, 1907, and republished in the Olathe Mirror, March 29, 1934. In the preparation of this story Mr. Seaton had access to original minute books of the church which he later presented to the Kansas State Historical Society. Questions and answers relating to Elkhart's history were printed in the Elkhart Tri-State News in its issues of March 29 to May 3, 1934, inclusive. A brief history of the First English Lutheran church of Lawrence appeared in the April issue of the Kansas Synod Lutheran, published at Atchison. The congregation was organized March 16, 1867. The history of the Independence High School was briefly sketched in the Independence Daily Reporter, April 4, 1934, and in the South Kansas Tribune, April 11. The school was organized by T. W. Conway in 1884. A brief history and the list of charter members of the old Garden City Board of Trade were published in the Garden City News, April 5, 1934. The early days of Washara, Lyon county, were recalled by John Flynn in the Emporia Weekly Gazette, April 5,1934. The town was founded on the Santa Fe trail in the middle 1860's. "Bear Creek Cowboys of 1883 Left Horses in Indian Scare," and "First Known White Man Crossed Stanton in 1850," were the titles of two articles by R. I. Cockrum which appeared in the Johnson Pioneer, April 5 and May 3, 1934, respectively. The latter story dealt with F. X. Aubrey's activities in the region now known as Stanton county. |
"Builders of Wichita," a pageant written by Manly Wade Wellman, was presented at the Wichita Forum April 9, 1934. The Wichita Eagle and Beacon published special illustrated historical sections in their issues of April 8 commemorating the first meeting of the city council held in April, 1871, when Wichita was formally recognized as a city. "Always Ready to Help Railroads," an article reviewing Hutchinson's railroad bond elections held during the boom of the middle 1880's, was printed in the Hutchinson News, April 11, 1934. The history of the Church of Christ at Miltonvale was briefly sketched in the Miltonvale Record, April 12, 1934. The church was organized April 17, 1884. The recent abandonment of ninety-seven miles of the Missouri Pacific railroad from Fort Scott to Lomax led George T. Clayton and Tom Johnson to review the line's establishment as the Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota railroad in the spring of 1886, in the Fort Scott Tribune in its issues of April 13, and May 18, 1934, respectively. A brief history of the Ost community in southeastern Reno county was published in the Wichita Sunday Eagle, April 15, 1934. The First Methodist Episcopal church of McPherson observed the sixtieth anniversary of its founding April 15, 1934, with an all-day program held at the church. A history of the organization, including a list of the early pastors, was published in the McPherson Daily Republican, April 16. Pratt's First Methodist Episcopal church observed its fiftieth anniversary with a week of special services starting April 15, 1934. An eight-page illustrated supplement devoted entirely to the history of the church was a feature of the Pratt Daily Tribune, April 17. The Pratt Union, of April 19, also published an illustrated history of the organization. The experiences of George M. Hoffman, Kansas stockman and banker, were retold by George G. Green in the Hutchinson Herald of April 17, 1934. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good," the Johnson Pioneer reported in its issue of April 19, 1934. The recent high winds in the West have uncovered quantities of Indian relics in Stanton and other western Kansas counties. Arrowheads of various sizes, |
shapes and kinds have been picked up, as well as spearheads, stone knives, hammer rocks, and other bric-a-brac peculiar to the once rulers of the plains. On a particularly high spot twenty miles northwest of Johnson, "fire holes" are reported to be showing. A brief history of the Richfield First Presbyterian church was published in the Dodge City Daily Globe, April 19, 1934. The church was organized November 23, 1886. The history of the Emporia city library was sketched in the Emporia Gazette, April 19, 1934. The first library association was formed in December, 1869. An autobiography of Darwin B. Wolcott, Pawnee county pioneer, was published in the Larned Chronoscope, April 19, 1934. "Historical Sketches of Coffey County," is the title of a series of articles by A. D. Wiseman which appear serially in the Gridley Light. The series, which commenced with the issue of April 19, 1934, featured the Hampden colony, April 26; record of crimes and casualties, May 3; county seat troubles, May 17; location of county seat, May 24; early newspapers, May 31; land grant warrant of 1861, June 7; LeRoy newspaper history, June 21, and defunct towns, July 5. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, northeast of Cheney, celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, April 22, 1934. A history of the church was published in the Cheney Sentinel, April 19. "Tells Drama of Early-day Railroad Race," was the title of a story by William W. Gear relating a run between two freight trains for a rail crossing on the Kansas prairies forty years ago, which was printed in the Topeka Daily Capital, April 22, 1934. Experiences of Joe Talbott, freighter over the old Medicine Lodge trail, were related in the Hutchinson News, April 23, 1934. Pioneer life on Elm creek, Lyon county, was recalled by Robert Langley of Miller in an interview published in the Emporia Gazette, April 24, 1934. Mr. Langley settled on Elm creek in 1857. The history of Hoxie was reviewed in a series of articles in the Hoxie Sentinel, commencing with its issue of April 26, 1934. Several articles were contributed by members of the English department of the Sheridan county high school. Members of the St. John's Catholic church of Herington celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their church building, May 2, 1934. |
Both the Herington Times and Sun published a history of the organization by A. J. Farrell, in their issues of April 26, 1934. The coming of the automobile to Clay Center was discussed by The Times in its issue of April 26, 1934. Cheyenne county school history was reviewed by C. E. Curry in the "Old Timers' Column" published in the Bird City Times, April 26, 1934. Etta Linn, the first superintendent, served from July 5, 1886, to January, 1889. The reminiscences of W. J. Richardson were printed in the Eureka Herald, April 26, 1934. Mr. Richardson arrived in Greenwood county in the early 1870's. Old settlers contributing to the "Pioneer Reminiscences" column published weekly in The Barber County Index, of Medicine Lodge, include: William E. Marquand, Mrs. Lizzie Herr Sommer, April 26, 1934; M. J. Lane, May 3; Carrie C. Shaw, J. D. Mills, May 10; George McGuire, L. A. Eby, H. H. McCoy, May 17; M. S. Justin, Mrs. C. E. Thompson, May 24; Sam Smith, I. T. Strickland, May 31; Clarence E. Thompson, Rose Hildebrand, June 7; Mrs. H. A. Tedrow, R. J. Taliaferro, June 14; Mrs. Harriet Mills, Mrs. Dan H. Axtell, Bert Clark, June 21; Ben S. Kauffman, Louis Walton, L. W. Moore, July 5, and William Palmer, July 12. Washington county's courthouse history was again reviewed in the "Special Court House Dedication Edition" of the Washington County Register issued April 27, 1934. The new courthouse was dedicated May 4. John Brown's activities in Kansas territory were discussed by Eliza Johnston Wiggin, of Otego, in the Topeka State Journal, April 27, 1934. The seventieth anniversary of the founding of the Ottawa First Baptist church was observed April 29, 1934. A brief history of the organization was published in the Ottawa Herald, April 27. Arkansas City in 1870 wan described by F. A. Chapin in the Arkansas City Daily Traveler, May 2, 1934. The Howard Baptist church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary April 29, 1934. A history of the organization was briefly sketched in The Citizen, Howard, May 2. Wichita's livery ratable boom was recalled by Andy S. Huff in an interview by Victor Murdock which was published in the Wichita |
(Evening) Eagle in its issue of May 2, 1934. Mr. Huff settled in Wichita, in 1869. "A Tale of Prairie Days," an article written by Mrs. W. R. Bullen describing her experiences in Kansas in 1886, was printed in The Kansan, Concordia, May 3, 1934. The Waterville Telegraph issued a thirty-six page sixty-fourth anniversary edition May 3, 1934. Among the historical articles were: "Waterville Incorporated in the Year of 1870," "Indians Massacre Six From Waterville in 1869," "Musical Development of Town Told by S. A. Bryan," "Julius Rahe Tells of Pioneer Days," "The Telegraph's First Issue January 1, 1870," "School Development Related by Mrs. Gordon," and "Early Tales of Blanchville." Histories of the city's churches, lodges, clubs, and library, and biographical sketches of pioneers were also included in this edition. A four-page supplement, which was issued May 10, published letters from old settlers and a sketch of Waterville's school system. A history of the school in district No. 90, Marshall county, was sketched in the Summerfield Sun, May 3, 1934. The forty-second anniversary of the Iola United Brethern church was observed May 6, 1934. A brief history of the organization was printed in the Iola Daily Register, May 3. A twenty-page historical edition was issued by the Tipton Times, May 3, 1934. Tipton was established in 1872 as Pittsburg, and was named for W. A. Pitt. A few years later the Post Office Department asked that the name be changed. Judge J. C. Ruppenthal, now of Russell, recently wrote that he remembered how bitterly the settlers objected to giving up the name "Pittsburg" for Tipton. Historical sketches of St. Boniface Parish, Zion Lutheran church and the American Legion and Auxiliary were published as features of the edition. The pioneer mill on Buffalo creek was recalled by J. H. Swenson in an article appearing in The Kansas Optimist, Jamestown, May 3, 1934. Another story concerning the mill was printed in the May 24 issue. A history of Morganville by Mrs. W. H. Lennard was a feature of the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Tribune, Morganville, May 3, 1934. The city was founded in 1870 by Ebenezer Morgan. |
Some of the correspondence between Maj. Richard I. Dodge and Gov. Thomas A. Osborn regarding the Dodge City Vigilantes of 1873 was published in the Dodge City Daily Globe, May 5, 1934. "Exploring Scenes Rich in Beauty and Big With History in the John Brown Country" was the title of a story relating the high lights of a trip made by A. B. MacDonald through eastern Kansas, printed in the Kansas City Star, May 6, 1934. The fiftieth anniversary of the organization of Finney county was observed at the Finnup Pioneer day celebration held in Garden City May 8, 1934. Special historical features were published in both the Garden City News and Daily Telegram preceding the event. Manhattan newspaper history was briefly reviewed in the Manhattan Mercury, May 9, 1934. A brief history of the Osborne city library was contributed by Vera Olds Botkin to the Osborne County Farmer, May 10, 1934. The library was first organized in 1889 under the name of the Ladies Library Association. Garnett as it appeared sixty-six years ago was described by J. W. Barndt in The Anderson Countian, Garnett, May 10, 1934. The seventy-sixth anniversary of the founding of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Manhattan was observed May 13, 1934. A history of the organization was sketched in the Manhattan Mercury, May 12, and The Morning Chronicle, May 13. Origin of the names of several Kansas towns as given in a radio address over KFKU by Allen Crafton, of Kansas University, was published in the University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, May 15, 1934. The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Wilsey was observed May 15, 1934. The Wilsey Warbler issued a six-page special historical souvenir edition on that date, and on May 17 printed the names of the old settlers registering at the event. The death of William "Billy the Kid" Bonney was discussed in an article by Col. Jack Potter, of Tascosa, Tex., in a recent issue of the Union County Courier, which was republished in the Dodge City Daily Globe, May 16, 1934. Morrill history was reviewed in detail in a special twelve-page edition of the Morrill Weekly News, issued May 17, 1934. Sketches of the railroad, churches, schools and newspapers were included in |
the history, which was prepared by the senior English class of the high school under the supervision of C. R. Van Nice. The history of Fowler was reviewed in the Fowler News, May 17, 1934. Ben F. Cox, Solomon Burkhalter and George Fowler laid out the townsite in 1884. Names of students who were graduated from the Winona consolidated high school from 1915 to 1933 were printed in the Logan County News, Winona, May 17, 1934. Biographical sketches of the late Selah B. Farwell and Robert R. Hays, Osborne county pioneers, were published in the Osborne County Farmer, Osborne, May 17 and June 21, 1934, respectively. St. Francis Catholic church of St. Paul celebrated its golden jubilee May 16, 1934. A history of the church as prepared by Paul M. Ponziglione, S. J., was printed in the St. Paul Journal, May 17, and republished in the Parsons Sun, May 24. The seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of St. John's Catholic church of Hanover was observed May 15, 1934. Histories of the church were printed in the Hanover Herald and Democrat in their issues of May 18, 1934. A two-column biographical sketch of Charles Jesse "Buffalo" Jones entitled "The Last of the Plainsmen," was contributed by E. E. Kelley to the Topeka Daily Capital, May 20, 1934. The activities of Jason Lee, and other early Methodist missionaries to Oregon, were discussed by A. B. MacDonald in the Kansas City Star, May 20, 1934. Special historical articles were published in the Baldwin Ledger and The Baker Orange preceding the diamond jubilee celebration of Baker University held at Baldwin May 24-28, 1934. A history of The Baker Orange, college student publication, was a feature of the Orange in its issue of May 21. A history of Trinity Episcopal church of Arkansas City was sketched in the Arkansas City Tribune, May 24, 1934. The church was organized on December 27, 1884. Names of Civil War veterans who settled in Pawnee county were published in the Larned Chronoscope, May 24, 1934. A history of the Ottawa Campus, student publication of Ottawa University, was printed in its fiftieth anniversary edition issued May 24, 1934. |
The fiftieth anniversary of the Wathena Christ Lutheran church was celebrated June 3, 1934. A history of the organization by Rev. H. C. Lubeck was sketched in the Wathena Times, May 25. The fiftieth anniversary of the Garden City First Christian church was observed May 27, 1934. Brief histories of the organization were published in the Garden City Daily Telegram and News on May 24. A history of Wright Park, Dodge City, was written by Dr. O. H. Simpson for the Dodge City Daily Globe, May 29, 1934. A letter from A. B. Ostrander, former contest clerk in the Independence land office, was published in the South Kansas Tribune, Independence, May 30, 1934. Mr. Ostrander briefly related some of the difficulties a few of the settlers had in getting title to their lands. The story of the Kidder massacre in 1867 was retold by A. H. Stewart in The Sherman County Herald, Goodland, May 31, 1934. Clay county post offices in 1881 were named in The Times, Clay Center, May 31, 1934. The organization of George Graham Post No. 60 of the Grand Army of the Republic on August 3, 1882, was reviewed in The Courier-Tribune, of Seneca, in its issue of May 31, 1934. "On the Last Frontier," by Charles Adam Jones, a cattleman's story of ranch life in the Southwest, was published in The Atlantic, Boston, Mass., in the June, 1934, issue. Mr. Jones related his experiences while assisting in transporting several carloads of cattle across Kansas to Great Bend and driving them from Great Bend to Las Animas, Colo. A narrative of the Cherokee outlet country entitled "A True Story of Frontier Life-The Killing of Johnnie Potts," was written by Harry Woods for the eighth annual homecoming edition of the Hazelton Herald, issued June 1, 1934. An interview with Rev. A. M. Weikman of Wichita, pioneer Catholic priest who conducted services in Marysville in the 1870's, was published in the Marshall County News, Marysville, June 1, 1934. The history of Dodge City as a military center was sketched in the Dodge City Daily Globe, June 2, 1934. |