KanColl: The Kansas Historical Quarterlies

Kansas Historical Notes

August, 1934 (Vol. 3, No. 3), pages 327 to 336
Transcribed by Lynn Nelson; HTML editing by Name withheld upon request;
digitized with permission of the Kansas State Historical Society.

The names of Moses Milton Beck, for more than fifty years editor of the Holton Recorder, and William Elmer Blackburn, of the Anthony Republican and Herington Sun, were added recently to the "Kansas Newspaper Hall of Fame." Portraits of these men will be added to those of their eight predecessors on the classroom walls of the department of journalism at the University of Kansas. The "Kansas Newspaper Hall of Fame" was established four years ago by the University of Kansas. The names of editors selected previous to this year's announcement were: Sol Miller, The Kansas Chief, Troy; Maj. J. K. Hudson, The Kansas Farmer, Topeka, and the Topeka Daily Capital; Marsh M. Murdock, Osage County Chronicle, Burlingame, and Wichita Eagle; D. R. Anthony, Leavenworth Daily Conservative and Leavenworth Times; Noble L. Prentis, Topeka Daily Record, Junction City Union and Kansas City Star; D. W. Wilder, Fort Scott Monitor and Hiawatha World; Edward Wallis Hoch, Marion Record; and John A. Martin, tenth governor of the state of Kansas and editor of the Atchison Champion.

A tour to several Dickinson county points of historic interest was made by the members of the Dickinson County Historical Society after a luncheon meeting held at Lyona, June 12, 1934.

The Riley County Historical Society observed its twentieth anniversary with a picnic supper and program held June 15, 1934. Kirke Mechem of the State Historical Society and Mrs. Eusebia Irish were the speakers.


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