Season's Greetings!

The staff at the Kansas Collection and the Early Kansas Imprint Scanners (EKIS) workshop wish you a joyous holiday and a satisfying and prosperous New Year! Please help yourself to the steaming hot cider and other treats at our buffet while you take a look at the Christmas cards and help us finish our Christmas story. Oh, and don't forget to sign the guest book!

Christmas Story

Christmas Miracles

Christmas Cards

From Susan Stafford, Manager

From Jude Glad, EKIS/KanColl's miracle worker

From Susan Hedrick-Chaffin, EKIS/KanColl Associate Manager
for Acquisitions

Our Christmas Buffet

Our extended EKIS/KanColl family have put together
quite a spread! Many thanks to Susan Chaffin,
Jean Pritchard, Ann Duffy, and Sandra Partain,
who all helped Susan Stafford set the table. Enjoy!

Guest Book

KanColl     EKIS