The Story of a Kansas Pioneer, by Melissa Genett Anderson


The following information concerning
my children and grandchildren is added
as a matter of genealogical record.

     Charles Edgar Moore was born February 8, 1864. He started to school at the "Phil Moore" school house, and in 1882 entered Baker University, graduating in the class of 1887. He then entered the real estate and abstract business with his father in Eureka. On July 8, 1890, he was married to May Morgan, of Eureka. As a man he has always been interested in politics. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1916. During the World War he spent much time and money in Red Cross work. In 1922 he was elected to the Kansas Legislature, representing the 47th district.

     Morgan Edgar Moore, the only son of Charles Edgar Moore, was born February 22, 1895. He attended the Eureka High School, and Baker University. He was a soldier in the World War, serving with the Eighth Depot Battalion of the Signal Corps. After returning from overseas, he went into his father's business. On May 20, 1922, he was married to Lucy Rockhill, of Eureka.

     Effie Etta Moore was born March 28, 1868. She attended the Southern Kansas Academy at Eureka, and afterwards assisted her father in his business. On Christmas Day, 1893, she was married to Melvin Gillison Rigg in the Methodist Church at Eureka, which was beautifully decorated and filled to overflowing with their well-wishing friends. On August 7, 1895, Melvin succumbed to typhoid fever, two months before his little son Melvin was born. Brother Stafford performed the wedding ceremony, conducted Melvin's funeral, and baptized little Melvin all at the same altar rail. On November 6, 1900, Effie married Mr. R. Z. Swegle. They are now living at Augusta, Kansas.

     My grandson, Melvin Gillison Rigg, 2nd, was born October 20, 1895, at Eureka. He was graduated from Baker University in 1916, and from the University of Pennsylvania in 1920, receiving the doctor's degree in Philosophy.

     April 2, 1922, he was married to Avis Baker, of Festus, Missouri. He is at present teaching at Kenyon College, Cambier, Ohio. [They have 2 children, Arthur Melvin Gillison Riggs born Feb. 21, 1927 and Caroline Elizabeth Riggs born July 22, 1929. --note added by Virginia (Moore) Stewart.]

     Ada Alida Moore was born November 20, 1869. She was graduated from the Southern Kansas Academy, and later attended the Kansas State Normal and Baker University. After, teaching a few years, she went into business. On March 25, 1905, she was married to Oscar Cullison. They are living at present at Iola, Kansas.

     Roy Anderson Moore was born April 19, 1884, near Eureka. He attended the Southern Kansas Academy and Baker University. On June 11, 1911, he was married to Lucretia Mills, of Eureka. They have three daughters, Ruth, born October 13, 1914; Virginia, October 28, 1916; and Eleanor, September 12, 1922. He is in the abstract business at Eureka.

[Roy Moore died in Eureka on March 28, 1943. Ruth married Richard Patrick in April, 1949 in L.A. They have one daughter, Mary Eleanor born on September 23, 1950. Eleanor married Frank Marzocco on Nov. 11, 1955 in L.A., Calif. -- Virginian (Moore) Stewart.]


(This table is of course incomplete, and may not be altogether correct,
but it is printed in the hope that it may be of some value to a future family historian.)

John Anderson m. Tarley

Allen d. July 17, 1861.


Benjamin F.

     Jane m. Arthur Forbes
Elizabeth m. Charles Tripp
     Joseph Tripp
          Grace m. W. P. Clarke

Charlotte d. 1867; m. John Evans
     Moses Evans

Calvin Evans b. June 5, 1815; d. October, 1883; m. January 2, 1840, to Nancy Patrick, b. 1818.

Martha W. b. December 29, 1840; m. L. P. Beardsley, lived at Farmville, N. C., in 1914.


Sarah Alvania m. James R. Dale; lived at Goldsboro, N. C., in 1914; several children.

Mary m. L. A. Worthington

Richard, remembers holding John Anderson's Revolutionary rifle.

Nancy m. Benjamin T. Smith

Elizabeth m. Adey Slaughter
     John Slaughter
     Moses Slaughter b. 1815; m. Mary Powell
          Leroy, killed at Pea Ridge

Julia m. Mr. Lunn, Dallas Center, Iowa.

Lila m. T. K. Whitlock

          Carolyn, 1339 Randolph St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
               She supplied copies of the pension record of
               John Anderson.
Watson Slaughter
Joseph Slaughter

Asa b. 1777; m. Rachel
     Susan m. Silas Turner d. 1869
          James Anderson Turner d. 1899
          Abraham Turner
          Joseph Turner
     James b. 1808
     Watson Gates (This line is traced in the narrative.)

Children of Samuel Jeffrey and Mary Cramer

Date of Birth
Husband or Wife
James Bowen
Axcha Thomas

Elwood Carroll
Hiram Peel

William Peel (brothers)
Beulah Jane
Watson Gates Anderson
Milton Williams

gold sculptured divider line

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