Contributed by Mark Dunn and produced by Mark Dunn and Susan Stafford.

Road Sign for Virgil, Kansas

     TRAVEL 75 NORTH just past Yates Center in Kansas, and you'll see a sign saying "Virgil" Via County Road. Make a left and travel about 15 miles, and right smack in the start of the Flint Hills is Virgil, Kansas. This is a special place to me, mainly because my wife spent most of her life there. Her parents still call it home, and I can understand why. Virgil is a place that has been lost in time, a place that seems to not exist, but does. A place where history is alive.

     Located on the eastern edge of Greenwood County, Virgil was once a booming oil town. What's left are remnants of another era.

--Mark Dunn


Virgil Today

Virgil Yesterday

A view of the Flint Hills

Southeast of Virgil, Kansas.

Copyright, Mark Dunn -- All rights reserved

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