Contibuted by Wendi Murray and produced by Judith B. Glad and Susan Stafford

~ Table of All Photographs (small images) ~
~ Individual Photographs: ~
Eunice, Reid, and Ida Freese (Danville, Illinois)
(Unknown -- gentleman's portrait) (Danville, Illinois)
Gary Lainert (Newark, Ohio)
Roy and Bertie Freese (Danville, Illinois)
Zella Freese (Danville, Illinois)
Aunt Vinnie Patterson (Newark, Ohio)
Uncle Ashford and Aunt Rye Freese (Frazeysburg, Ohio)
Uncle Peter Freese (Danville, Illinois)
Uncle Thomas Bealmeare Freese (Danville, Illinois)
Fred and Lettie Spencer
Oran Freese (Caldwell, Kansas)
Great Aunt Coffman
Sarah Spencer (Newark, Ohio)
Aunt Jane Channel (Newark, Ohio)
Isadora Patterson (Frazeysburg, Ohio)
"aged 2 yrs 8 mo when taken"
Great Uncle Coffman
Jacob Freese (Newark, Ohio)
"This was taken Oc 16th 1868 in
my eighty first year of my age"
Uncle James Freese (Newark, Ohio)
(Unknown -- gentleman's portrait) (Danville, Illinois)
(Unknown -- lady's portrait) (Danville, Illinois)
Grandma Freese (Danville, Illinois)
Aunt Sally Hillary (Danville, Illinois)
(Unknown -- lady's portrait) (Danville, Illinois)
(Unknown -- gentleman's portrait) (Danville, Illinois)
Uncle Harvey Evans (Newark, Ohio)
Cousin Mary Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Gister (Wellington, Kansas)
Uncle Jake Freese
Uncle George Freese (Newark, Ohio)
Chester Channel (Newark, Ohio)
--bears a 2-cent stamp--
Aunt Nancy Maran (Marah?) (Newark, Ohio)