Jude Glad's Kansas Postcards
An extraordinary collection of turn-of-the-century postcards, most from 1910-1912. View the interior of the Masonic Temple at Ft. Scott, the Intercity Viaduct in Kansas City, trolley cars in Winfield, the Sequoyah New Santa Fe Hotel in Syracuse, and many more. Some of these buildings or sites have disappeared into time, but they live on in these photographs.
Louis Reed's Early Photographs of Ottawa, Kansas
A variety of downtown scenes in Ottawa, Kansas, at the turn of the century. The unusual quality of these remarkable photographs truly open a window to the past, revealing the buildings, people, and way of life of decades ago as if they still existed today.
Bruce Garner's Postcards of Longton, Kansas (Elk County)
A selection of very special postcards, showing scenes in and around Longton, Kansas. Each postcard has its own definite character: a wide city street, a low bridge over a broad river, a cedar bluff, a misty country creek. They provide glimpses of the past, and yet, in a sense, they are truly timeless.
John Abbott's Postcards
John Abbott has contributed an intriguing set of turn-of-the-century postcards which provide a glimpse of long-ago scenes in Howard, Topeka, Chanute, Independence, Lawrence and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Subjects are as diverse as the Kansas State Printing Office, the YMCA, and the Masonic Temple.
Jude Glad's Holiday Postcards
These beautiful postcards celebrate New Year's, Kansas Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Christmas, with old-fashioned, full-color artwork. Each has their own charm, but the Kansas postcard in particular is a wonderful reflection of a young state filled with enthusiasm and pride.