Chapter I: The Summer of 1863 - Gettysburg and Vicksburg - Pea Ridge - Indian Prisoners - March to Rolla - The Seventh Iowa Cavalry - September 19, 1863 - Omaha - The Camp - Sole in Command - Drilling by Bugle - The Loyal League - General H. H. Heath Chapter II: September 26, 1863 - March from Omaha - The Elkhorn River - Two Brothers - September 27, 1863 Fremont - September 28, 1863 - Shell Creek - Major Wood - September 29, 1863 - The Captain and the First Lieutenant - Loup Fork - Columbus - Pawnee Agency - September 30, 1863 - Lushbaugh - The Agency - The Pawnee Indians - The Paymaster - The Money Chapter III: October 1, 1863 - Hunting Prairie-Chickens - A Row in Camp - The Texture of the Company - The O. K. Store - Antelope - A Crowded Stage - Wood River - The Center - Lazy Indians - Greyhounds - Buffalo - Center - Arrive Fort Kearney Chapter IV: Fort Kearney - Dobytown - Shooting Telegraph Poles - Quartermaster Stores - Commissary Stores - Post Buildings - The Chimney Register - Post Garden - The Buffer Strip - Greyhounds - To Start a Frontier Post - Supplies - The Buffalo Hunt - The Poker Game - The Start Chapter V: October 9, 1863 - French's Ranch - Buffalo - Captured a Prairie-Dog - Bought Bugler - A Dry River - The Upland - The Canyons - Indian Grave - Prairie-Fire - Voucher for Beef - The Platte - Chilly Night - Indian Trade - Gilmans' Ranch - Cottonwood Springs - The Island and Canyon - October 11, 1863 Chapter VI: The Settlement at Cottonwood Springs - MacDonald's Ranch - Cutting Trees - October 31, 1863 - Building Barracks - Building Quarters and Stables - November 3, 1863 - The Election - Thanksgiving - The Gilmans - Indian Names - Masonic Ceremonies - Skunks - Artillery and Indians - Indian visitors - Loyal League - December 15, 1863 Chapter VII: Retrospect - The Wind Storm - Reconnoitering - The Last Buffalo - An Indian Spy - Pilgrim Whisky - Sales to Indians - The Local Population - The Iron-gray Horse - Cantonment McKean - Fort McPherson - The Cannon Target - Description of Cannon - Arrival at Fort of a New Company - The Supplies - Prices of Articles - The Government Ration Chapter VIII: The Stage Service - The Concord Coach - The Post Commander - Jack Morrow's Dinner - Hewey Morgan - Burke and the Cordwood - The Mormons - The Wrecked Mule Train - Gardner and the Cheyenne - Gilman's Advice - The Letter in the Blouse The Closing Letter - Correspondence of the Soldiers Chapter IX: Telegraph and Telegraphers - Indians and the Wire - March 1, 1864 - Commanding the Company - Skirmish Drill - The Confederate - Newspapers - Jimmie Cannon - Nostalgia - Accidental Suicide - John Ryan - Robert McFarland - A Confederate Deserter - Recruits - Casualties Chapter X: Rations of Whisky - Era of Bitters - Artemus Ward - Major Heath - Lieutenant Heath - His Death - MacDonald's Dance - Indian Invited In - John Dillon - Tom Potter - Captain Logan - The First Colorado Cavalry - Harry Dall - The Travel on the Plains - The Wagons - The Bullwhackers - The Wagon-boss - The Denver Trade - The Missourian Chapter XI: April 16, 1864 - O-way-see'-cha Comes - General Mitchell Arrives - Indians Come In - The Great Council - "Snell" - Shan-tag-a-lisk - The Big Mandan - Indian Peculiarities - Ogallallah - Indian Speeches - The Debate - The Bluff and Counter-bluff - The Niobrara - The Postponement - The Dog Feast Chapter XII: Baron de Watteville - Eleventh Ohio Cavalry - Col. Collins - Lieut. Casper Collins - The Dance at MacDonald's - The Cincinnati Girl - The Fiddling Lieutenant - Smallpox - Jimmie O'Brien - Judicial Duties - The Judiciary System - Betting - "Linty" and the Laundry - The Wedding and Charivari - Co. "G" Departs - Ellsworth - Co. "C" Arrives - Professional Gamblers - Maps - Letters from Eastern Girls - Salt Lake Kate - Gilman Demands Protection - The Traveling Tailor Chapter XIII: May 17, 1864 - The Inspector - The Report - The Iron-gray Horse - The Runaway - The Hospital - The Horse Sale - Fairness of Captain O'Brien - Private Murphy - Army as a School - John Smith - Gray, the Hunter - The Otter Slide - Game in the Moonlight - The Bull Elk - Animal Language Chapter XIV: May 21, 1864 - Joe Jewett and Sharp - Rumors from Turkey Creek - Indian Alarms - Confederate Officers among the Indians - Picketing Cottonwood Canyon - Myself and Ryan - Desertion of Ryan - Jackson and McFarland - Indians Appear - Wagon Captured - Indian Signals - May 25, 1864 - Mitchell Appears - Second Council - The Discussion - The Postponement - O-way-see'-cha Preserves Order Chapter XV: The Travel - The Mormon Train - The Court-martial - One Hundred Miles in 42 Hours - Proceedings at Court-martial - An Officer Court-martialed - Return to Cottonwood - The Dance - The Preparations for the Trip - July 18, 1864 Chapter XVI: July 18, 1864 - Return from Fort Kearney - Indians at Cottonwood - Council Overdue - Preparation to March - General Mitchell Arrives - Pawnee Battalion - The Council Meadow, July 19, 1864 - The Council - The Flight of the Indians - The Return to Cottonwood - Start for Fort Laramie - Camp at Jack Morrow's - Ben Gallagher and John Smith - Line of March Chapter XVII: The Camp at Jack Morrow's - John Smith's Story - The Soldiers' Suggestion Chapter XVIII: July 20, 1864 - Trains Corralled - The Indian Peace Proposition - General Mitchell's Disappointment - O'Fallon's Bluff - The Pinchbeck Watch - Smoke Signals - Howling of Wolves - The Plateaus - The Ash Hollow Route - Jules' Ranch - Flour-and-Whisky Mortar - The California Crossing - The Mormon Crossing - The Stroke of Lightning - July 22nd - Major Wood - The Crossing - The Last Wagon Chapter XIX: A Study of the Pawnees - Their Peculiarities on the March - Their Physique - Their Habitat - The Smoky Hill Route - July 23, 1864 - March up Lodgepole - Camp on Lodgepole - July 24th - Jules Stretch - Well on Summit - Mud Springs - Pawnees Sent Back - Court House Rock Chapter XX: Ascent of Court House Rock, July 25th - Ficklin's - The Agency - Fort Laramie - July 27th - Bordeaux - Champagne - The Post Sutler - Mr. Bullock - The Squaw Camp - Grasshoppers - Jules Coffey - Charles Elston - Leo Palladio - Bridger - Bridger's Stories Chapter XXI: Fort Laramie - The Indian Dash - The Pursuit - The Return - Major Twist - Visiting Indians - Issue of Rations - The Daughter of Shan-tag-a-lisk - Indian Wives - Major Bridger's Bear Story - The Buffalo Dam Story - Casper Collins - The Final Dress Parade - The Start for Julesburg Chapter XXII: Departure from Laramie - Points on the Road - Camp Shuman - Shad-blow - Chimney Rock Court House Rock - Table of Distances - Mud Springs - Camp on Lodgepole - September 4, 1864 - Julesburg - The Indian Situation Chapter XXIII: Julesburg - Wood - Ash Hollow - September 7, 1864 - Wolf and Bacon - The Shooting Star - Bancroft Ranch - Building-sod - Paid Off - Doctor Nosely - Thrown from Horse - Bugler Chapter XXIV: The Hermitage - "Old Bill" - Elder Sharpe - Colonel Shoup - The Devil's Dive - Attleboro Jewelry - Lieutenant Williams - Trip to Laramie - The Head Wind - Bridger - The Glee Club - Albert Sidney Johnston Chapter XXV: Jules Coffey and the Jacks - Snake Fight - Indian Fight - October 29, 1864 - Sam Dion - The Indian Baby - Camp Shuman - The "Simple Instance" - 53-mile Ride - The Snow-storm - The Mormon Train - The Black-tailed Dear - Sergeant Lippincott - Stephenson and the Wolf - Venison - Arrival at Lodgepole Chapter XXVI: Description of Lodgepole Creek - The Deserted Wagons - No Clue to Ownership - The Election - The Political Situation - Trip to Ash Hollow - Adventure of Lieutenant Williams - Cannon's Puzzle - The Stables Finished - The Indian Scare Over Chapter XXVII: November 10, 1864 - Jimmie Cannon - The Sobriety Drill - The Stagedriver's Arrow - The Wagon Train Fine - The Quality of the Emigration - Commissary Measurements - The Ration - Desiccated Vegetables - Prickly-pear Sauce - Denver and the Cheyennes - The Wood Train - The Englishman - The Bets - The Trial Chapter XXVIII: The Unfriendly Dinner - Apostle Cannon - Joe Smith - The Mormon Doctrine - Alkali Station - The Mormon Train - The River Crossing - Champagne with Bancroft - Elston's Prophecy Chapter XXIX: Christmas, 1864 - The Two Bandits - The Midnight Raid - The Midnight Parley - The Return to Quarters - My New Orderly - My New Pony - An Arapahoe War Pony - An Indian Captive - The Orderly's Story - High Prices - Idaho Territory Chapter XXX: Ben Holladay - Cold Gambling - Summary of Conditions - December 31, 1864 - Colonel Chivington - His Battle with Cheyennes - P. Edward Connor - Territorial Divisions - Troops Employed - Location of Posts - The Escort Lines Chapter XXXI: January 1, 1865 - Ordered to Cottonwood Springs - No Escort - Driver Drunk on Prairie - The New Recruits - February 6, 1865 - Detailed as Aide-de-Camp - The Man-frog - The Premonition - Drilling Co. "I" Ordered to Julesburg - Ordered Back - Alkali - Returned to Cottonwood - Indian Expedition Forming at Cottonwood Chapter XXXII: Chivington Fight - Julesburg Fight - List of Losses - Price - Incident of the Butte - January 15, 1865 - General Mitchell's Order - The Frogman and the Premonition - General Mitchell's Views - Captain O'Brien's Views - The Trader's Trail - The First Neb. V. V. Cavalry - The Nebraska Militia - The Butte - The Medicine River - Marched 33 Miles Chapter XXXIII: January 16, 1865 - Medicine River - The Red Willow - Indians in Distance - The Lo-ca-po - The Skull - Place for a Fort - The Big Timbers - The Scout into Kansas - The Ree Fork - The Boundary - The Split Hill - The Indian Dash at Night Chapter XXXIV: January 21, 1865 - Back to Republican River - Zero Weather - General Mitchell's Opinion on Indians - A Terrible Night - Twenty Full Degrees Below Zero - Lieutenant Talbot Kills a Buffalo - January 25th, Turned Back - Arrive at Cottonwood Springs - March of Forty-two Miles - The Indian Courier to Fort Kearney - General Mitchell Dislikes the Indian Service - Itinerary of the March - Distances Marched - The General's Final Order Chapter XXXV: Return of Company to Julesburg - Ordered Back to Julesburg - Camped at Morrow's Ranch - Alkali - Andy Hughes - Beauvais's Ranch - Dick Cleve - Indians in Sight - Driving Off Cattle in the Valley - The Priming-Wire - Discovery of the Burning Station - The Rush for the Fort - Indians Taking Shelled Corn - Safe in the Fort - Indians Camped Across the River Chapter XXXVI: Indians Around the Post - Duel at Long Range - Fight at Gillette's Ranch - The Big Haystack - Big Indian Camp-fire - Captain and I on Guard - The Fire-arrow - Jimmie O'Brien - The Indian Dance - The Wild-fire - The Retreat - The Indian Herd - Colonel Livingston Coming - Gillette's Ranch - The Trains of Machinery - The Poisoned Whisky - The Wasted Flour - Diagram of Post Chapter XXXVII: Arrival of Colonel Livingston - Poles Ordered from Cottonwood - "Chief of Artillery" - Nothing Impossible - Rebuilding the Telegraph Line - Buffalo Springs - Valley Station - The Shelled-corn Bastion - Germans and Oysters - Forty Hours' Work - Line Reëstablished - Return to Julesburg Chapter XXXVIII: Another Expedition - Fighting on North Platte - The Indians Get Away - Colonel Livingston Starts Back - I Return to Kearney - The Poker Game - Orderly Turns Up - Dance at Columbus - Hunting Plumb's Regiment - The Postoffice at Beatrice - Prairie-grass - Galvanized Yanks - General Conner Assumes Command - Declined Appointment as Aide-de-Camp - March 30, 1865 - Started for Omaha - Arrived at Omaha - Richmond Surrendered - Trip to Leavenworth - The War Ended - Lincoln Assassinated - Lieutenant-Colonel Hoyt - Troops Sent West - Made Captain and Aide-de-Camp - General Grenville M. Dodge Appendix A: The Daughter of Shan-tag-a-lisk: a Piece of Western History. Appendix B: Lieut. Fitch's Report on the Smoky Hill Route. Fort Leavenworth, Sept. 25th, 1865. Appendix C: James Bridger -- Pioneer. Chapter XXII:
Chimney Rock Outline of Bluff, Chimney Rock; Alcohol Butte; and Scott's Bluffs. Court House Rock Scott's Bluffs
Route to Blackwood Creek Route to the Republican River Big Timbers on the Upper Republican River
Map of Camp Line of March down the Republican River Republican River at Mouth of Medicine Creek Route on Medicine Creek |