Kansas Collection Books
       Transcribed by Tod Roberts and produced by Susan Stafford.

The Indian War of 1864
by Eugene Ware

Being a Fragment of the Early History
of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming.

Crane & Co.,
Topeka, Kans.

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"I kept a daily journal . . . "

Chapter I:  The Summer of 1863 - Gettysburg and Vicksburg - Pea Ridge - Indian Prisoners - March to Rolla - The Seventh Iowa Cavalry - September 19, 1863 - Omaha - The Camp - Sole in Command - Drilling by Bugle - The Loyal League - General H. H. Heath

Chapter II:  September 26, 1863 - March from Omaha - The Elkhorn River - Two Brothers - September 27, 1863 Fremont - September 28, 1863 - Shell Creek - Major Wood - September 29, 1863 - The Captain and the First Lieutenant - Loup Fork - Columbus - Pawnee Agency - September 30, 1863 - Lushbaugh - The Agency - The Pawnee Indians - The Paymaster - The Money

Chapter III:  October 1, 1863 - Hunting Prairie-Chickens - A Row in Camp - The Texture of the Company - The O. K. Store - Antelope - A Crowded Stage - Wood River - The Center - Lazy Indians - Greyhounds - Buffalo - Center - Arrive Fort Kearney

Chapter IV:  Fort Kearney - Dobytown - Shooting Telegraph Poles - Quartermaster Stores - Commissary Stores - Post Buildings - The Chimney Register - Post Garden - The Buffer Strip - Greyhounds - To Start a Frontier Post - Supplies - The Buffalo Hunt - The Poker Game - The Start

Chapter V:  October 9, 1863 - French's Ranch - Buffalo - Captured a Prairie-Dog - Bought Bugler - A Dry River - The Upland - The Canyons - Indian Grave - Prairie-Fire - Voucher for Beef - The Platte - Chilly Night - Indian Trade - Gilmans' Ranch - Cottonwood Springs - The Island and Canyon - October 11, 1863

Chapter VI:  The Settlement at Cottonwood Springs - MacDonald's Ranch - Cutting Trees - October 31, 1863 - Building Barracks - Building Quarters and Stables - November 3, 1863 - The Election - Thanksgiving - The Gilmans - Indian Names - Masonic Ceremonies - Skunks - Artillery and Indians - Indian visitors - Loyal League - December 15, 1863

Chapter VII:  Retrospect - The Wind Storm - Reconnoitering - The Last Buffalo - An Indian Spy - Pilgrim Whisky - Sales to Indians - The Local Population - The Iron-gray Horse - Cantonment McKean - Fort McPherson - The Cannon Target - Description of Cannon - Arrival at Fort of a New Company - The Supplies - Prices of Articles - The Government Ration

Chapter VIII:  The Stage Service - The Concord Coach - The Post Commander - Jack Morrow's Dinner - Hewey Morgan - Burke and the Cordwood - The Mormons - The Wrecked Mule Train - Gardner and the Cheyenne - Gilman's Advice - The Letter in the Blouse The Closing Letter - Correspondence of the Soldiers

Chapter IX:  Telegraph and Telegraphers - Indians and the Wire - March 1, 1864 - Commanding the Company - Skirmish Drill - The Confederate - Newspapers - Jimmie Cannon - Nostalgia - Accidental Suicide - John Ryan - Robert McFarland - A Confederate Deserter - Recruits - Casualties

Chapter X:  Rations of Whisky - Era of Bitters - Artemus Ward - Major Heath - Lieutenant Heath - His Death - MacDonald's Dance - Indian Invited In - John Dillon - Tom Potter - Captain Logan - The First Colorado Cavalry - Harry Dall - The Travel on the Plains - The Wagons - The Bullwhackers - The Wagon-boss - The Denver Trade - The Missourian

Chapter XI:  April 16, 1864 - O-way-see'-cha Comes - General Mitchell Arrives - Indians Come In - The Great Council - "Snell" - Shan-tag-a-lisk - The Big Mandan - Indian Peculiarities - Ogallallah - Indian Speeches - The Debate - The Bluff and Counter-bluff - The Niobrara - The Postponement - The Dog Feast

Chapter XII:  Baron de Watteville - Eleventh Ohio Cavalry - Col. Collins - Lieut. Casper Collins - The Dance at MacDonald's - The Cincinnati Girl - The Fiddling Lieutenant - Smallpox - Jimmie O'Brien - Judicial Duties - The Judiciary System - Betting - "Linty" and the Laundry - The Wedding and Charivari - Co. "G" Departs - Ellsworth - Co. "C" Arrives - Professional Gamblers - Maps - Letters from Eastern Girls - Salt Lake Kate - Gilman Demands Protection - The Traveling Tailor

Chapter XIII:  May 17, 1864 - The Inspector - The Report - The Iron-gray Horse - The Runaway - The Hospital - The Horse Sale - Fairness of Captain O'Brien - Private Murphy - Army as a School - John Smith - Gray, the Hunter - The Otter Slide - Game in the Moonlight - The Bull Elk - Animal Language

Chapter XIV:  May 21, 1864 - Joe Jewett and Sharp - Rumors from Turkey Creek - Indian Alarms - Confederate Officers among the Indians - Picketing Cottonwood Canyon - Myself and Ryan - Desertion of Ryan - Jackson and McFarland - Indians Appear - Wagon Captured - Indian Signals - May 25, 1864 - Mitchell Appears - Second Council - The Discussion - The Postponement - O-way-see'-cha Preserves Order

Chapter XV:  The Travel - The Mormon Train - The Court-martial - One Hundred Miles in 42 Hours - Proceedings at Court-martial - An Officer Court-martialed - Return to Cottonwood - The Dance - The Preparations for the Trip - July 18, 1864

Chapter XVI:  July 18, 1864 - Return from Fort Kearney - Indians at Cottonwood - Council Overdue - Preparation to March - General Mitchell Arrives - Pawnee Battalion - The Council Meadow, July 19, 1864 - The Council - The Flight of the Indians - The Return to Cottonwood - Start for Fort Laramie - Camp at Jack Morrow's - Ben Gallagher and John Smith - Line of March

Chapter XVII:  The Camp at Jack Morrow's - John Smith's Story - The Soldiers' Suggestion

Chapter XVIII:  July 20, 1864 - Trains Corralled - The Indian Peace Proposition - General Mitchell's Disappointment - O'Fallon's Bluff - The Pinchbeck Watch - Smoke Signals - Howling of Wolves - The Plateaus - The Ash Hollow Route - Jules' Ranch - Flour-and-Whisky Mortar - The California Crossing - The Mormon Crossing - The Stroke of Lightning - July 22nd - Major Wood - The Crossing - The Last Wagon

Chapter XIX:  A Study of the Pawnees - Their Peculiarities on the March - Their Physique - Their Habitat - The Smoky Hill Route - July 23, 1864 - March up Lodgepole - Camp on Lodgepole - July 24th - Jules Stretch - Well on Summit - Mud Springs - Pawnees Sent Back - Court House Rock

Chapter XX:  Ascent of Court House Rock, July 25th - Ficklin's - The Agency - Fort Laramie - July 27th - Bordeaux - Champagne - The Post Sutler - Mr. Bullock - The Squaw Camp - Grasshoppers - Jules Coffey - Charles Elston - Leo Palladio - Bridger - Bridger's Stories

Chapter XXI:  Fort Laramie - The Indian Dash - The Pursuit - The Return - Major Twist - Visiting Indians - Issue of Rations - The Daughter of Shan-tag-a-lisk - Indian Wives - Major Bridger's Bear Story - The Buffalo Dam Story - Casper Collins - The Final Dress Parade - The Start for Julesburg

Chapter XXII:  Departure from Laramie - Points on the Road - Camp Shuman - Shad-blow - Chimney Rock Court House Rock - Table of Distances - Mud Springs - Camp on Lodgepole - September 4, 1864 - Julesburg - The Indian Situation

Chapter XXIII:  Julesburg - Wood - Ash Hollow - September 7, 1864 - Wolf and Bacon - The Shooting Star - Bancroft Ranch - Building-sod - Paid Off - Doctor Nosely - Thrown from Horse - Bugler

Chapter XXIV:  The Hermitage - "Old Bill" - Elder Sharpe - Colonel Shoup - The Devil's Dive - Attleboro Jewelry - Lieutenant Williams - Trip to Laramie - The Head Wind - Bridger - The Glee Club - Albert Sidney Johnston

Chapter XXV:  Jules Coffey and the Jacks - Snake Fight - Indian Fight - October 29, 1864 - Sam Dion - The Indian Baby - Camp Shuman - The "Simple Instance" - 53-mile Ride - The Snow-storm - The Mormon Train - The Black-tailed Dear - Sergeant Lippincott - Stephenson and the Wolf - Venison - Arrival at Lodgepole

Chapter XXVI:  Description of Lodgepole Creek - The Deserted Wagons - No Clue to Ownership - The Election - The Political Situation - Trip to Ash Hollow - Adventure of Lieutenant Williams - Cannon's Puzzle - The Stables Finished - The Indian Scare Over

Chapter XXVII:  November 10, 1864 - Jimmie Cannon - The Sobriety Drill - The Stagedriver's Arrow - The Wagon Train Fine - The Quality of the Emigration - Commissary Measurements - The Ration - Desiccated Vegetables - Prickly-pear Sauce - Denver and the Cheyennes - The Wood Train - The Englishman - The Bets - The Trial

Chapter XXVIII:  The Unfriendly Dinner - Apostle Cannon - Joe Smith - The Mormon Doctrine - Alkali Station - The Mormon Train - The River Crossing - Champagne with Bancroft - Elston's Prophecy

Chapter XXIX:  Christmas, 1864 - The Two Bandits - The Midnight Raid - The Midnight Parley - The Return to Quarters - My New Orderly - My New Pony - An Arapahoe War Pony - An Indian Captive - The Orderly's Story - High Prices - Idaho Territory

Chapter XXX:  Ben Holladay - Cold Gambling - Summary of Conditions - December 31, 1864 - Colonel Chivington - His Battle with Cheyennes - P. Edward Connor - Territorial Divisions - Troops Employed - Location of Posts - The Escort Lines

Chapter XXXI:  January 1, 1865 - Ordered to Cottonwood Springs - No Escort - Driver Drunk on Prairie - The New Recruits - February 6, 1865 - Detailed as Aide-de-Camp - The Man-frog - The Premonition - Drilling Co. "I" Ordered to Julesburg - Ordered Back - Alkali - Returned to Cottonwood - Indian Expedition Forming at Cottonwood

Chapter XXXII:  Chivington Fight - Julesburg Fight - List of Losses - Price - Incident of the Butte - January 15, 1865 - General Mitchell's Order - The Frogman and the Premonition - General Mitchell's Views - Captain O'Brien's Views - The Trader's Trail - The First Neb. V. V. Cavalry - The Nebraska Militia - The Butte - The Medicine River - Marched 33 Miles

Chapter XXXIII:  January 16, 1865 - Medicine River - The Red Willow - Indians in Distance - The Lo-ca-po - The Skull - Place for a Fort - The Big Timbers - The Scout into Kansas - The Ree Fork - The Boundary - The Split Hill - The Indian Dash at Night

Chapter XXXIV:  January 21, 1865 - Back to Republican River - Zero Weather - General Mitchell's Opinion on Indians - A Terrible Night - Twenty Full Degrees Below Zero - Lieutenant Talbot Kills a Buffalo - January 25th, Turned Back - Arrive at Cottonwood Springs - March of Forty-two Miles - The Indian Courier to Fort Kearney - General Mitchell Dislikes the Indian Service - Itinerary of the March - Distances Marched - The General's Final Order

Chapter XXXV:  Return of Company to Julesburg - Ordered Back to Julesburg - Camped at Morrow's Ranch - Alkali - Andy Hughes - Beauvais's Ranch - Dick Cleve - Indians in Sight - Driving Off Cattle in the Valley - The Priming-Wire - Discovery of the Burning Station - The Rush for the Fort - Indians Taking Shelled Corn - Safe in the Fort - Indians Camped Across the River

Chapter XXXVI:  Indians Around the Post - Duel at Long Range - Fight at Gillette's Ranch - The Big Haystack - Big Indian Camp-fire - Captain and I on Guard - The Fire-arrow - Jimmie O'Brien - The Indian Dance - The Wild-fire - The Retreat - The Indian Herd - Colonel Livingston Coming - Gillette's Ranch - The Trains of Machinery - The Poisoned Whisky - The Wasted Flour - Diagram of Post

Chapter XXXVII:  Arrival of Colonel Livingston - Poles Ordered from Cottonwood - "Chief of Artillery" - Nothing Impossible - Rebuilding the Telegraph Line - Buffalo Springs - Valley Station - The Shelled-corn Bastion - Germans and Oysters - Forty Hours' Work - Line Reëstablished - Return to Julesburg

Chapter XXXVIII:  Another Expedition - Fighting on North Platte - The Indians Get Away - Colonel Livingston Starts Back - I Return to Kearney - The Poker Game - Orderly Turns Up - Dance at Columbus - Hunting Plumb's Regiment - The Postoffice at Beatrice - Prairie-grass - Galvanized Yanks - General Conner Assumes Command - Declined Appointment as Aide-de-Camp - March 30, 1865 - Started for Omaha - Arrived at Omaha - Richmond Surrendered - Trip to Leavenworth - The War Ended - Lincoln Assassinated - Lieutenant-Colonel Hoyt - Troops Sent West - Made Captain and Aide-de-Camp - General Grenville M. Dodge

Appendix A:  The Daughter of Shan-tag-a-lisk: a Piece of Western History.

Appendix B:  Lieut. Fitch's Report on the Smoky Hill Route. Fort Leavenworth, Sept. 25th, 1865.

Appendix C:  James Bridger -- Pioneer.


Chapter XXII:
    Alcohol Butte
    Chimney Rock
    Outline of Bluff, Chimney Rock; Alcohol Butte; and Scott's Bluffs.
    Court House Rock
    Scott's Bluffs
Chapter XXIII:
    Original Plan of Fort Sedgwick
Chapter XXXIII:
    Red Willow Crossing
    Route to Blackwood Creek
    Route to the Republican River
    Big Timbers on the Upper Republican River
Chapter XXXIV:
    Route down the Republican
    Map of Camp
    Line of March down the Republican River
    Republican River at Mouth of Medicine Creek
    Route on Medicine Creek

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