![]() Introduction Chapter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Introduction I. INDIAN MYTHOLOGY The heroes of Kansas in the early days.-- The first inhabitants.-- Pathos of Indian traditions and their tragic interest.-- Interpretation of myths. Tradition of the Mississippi Valley. Tradition of a dual soul.-- Ancient religion of the North American Indians.-- Ideas of Divinity.-- Spirits.-- Communication with the unseen world. Description of heaven, found in the diary of Rev S. M. Irvin.-- Algonquin prayer to Father Allouez.-- The totem-- The folklore of the Indian his literature. Myth of a prehistoric world.-- The transformation.-- The burning earth.-- Formation of the stars. The Water-Maiden.-- The Earth-Maiden.-- Michabou.-- Worship of the heavenly bodies.-- Sacrifices.-- Relation of dogs to the moon.-- The Horned Serpent.-- The prince of Rattlesnakes.-- Hiawatha the Indian Messiah.-- The Red Swan.-- The pipe of peace.-- Thunder and lightning.-- The Storm Giant.-- Rainmakers.-- The Wild parsnip.-- The Spirit of Fire.-- Fire legend of the Navajos.-- The Shawnee and Delaware type of life.-- The imagery of the red man.-- Knowledge of the fundamental truths of nature.-- Earliest record of the Middle West.-- Dominant tribes.-- The Paducas. The emigrant nations.II. THE PAWNEES Wanderings in Kansas and Nebraska.-- Origin of the word "Pani."-- Imitation of wolves.-- Bands.-- Tuhk-pah-huks-taht. Skidi-rah-ru.-- Tuh-wa-hoka-sha. Tu-hi-'ts-pi-yet.-- Hunting in ancient times.-- Weapons.-- Utensils.-- Government.-- Dress.-- Lodges.-- Music.-- Courtship and marriage.-- Religious ceremonies.-- The Buffalo Dance.-- Departure for semi-annual buffalo hunt.-- The surround.-- Ti-ra-wa, the Pawnee Deity.-- The Nahu-rac.-- Sacrifices.-- The wonderful horse.-- Homes of the Nu-hu-rac.-- The Nu-hu-rac doctors. Medicine men and priests.-- Belief in a prehistoric race.-- Destruction of the giants.-- Human sacrifices.-- A Legend of Kansas.-- Pit-a-le-shar'-u.-- Hostilities against other nations.-- Villages of the Iowas and Sacs.-- War with the lowas, 1839.-- Battle amid the sunflowers.-- Sale of Pawnee lands.-- Removal to the Indian Territory.-- Success in agriculture............34III. THE SIOUX Early home.-- Wanderings in the Mississippi Basin.-- present location.-- Origin of name.-- Meaning of word "Dakota."-- Pantomime.-- Divisions of nation.-- Relation of chief to people.-- Disposition of bodies of the dead.-- Eagle Eye and Scarlet Dove.-- Slavery of women.-- Vanity of men.-- Language of the feather.-- Decoration of the person.-- Plural marriage.-- Story of Anepetusa.-- Belief in four souls.-- A typical prayer.-- Omens.-- Worship.-- Animals in Dakota theology. O-an-tay-hee.-- The creation. Hay-o-kah.--Taku-shkan-shkan.-- Wakeen-ya.-- Unk-tay-he. Chah-o-ter-dah.-- Wa-kan-gah.-- Wa-hun-de-dan.-- Fairies.-- Giants.-- Giant's party.-- Feasts.-- The Wa-keen.-- Initiation.-- the medicine men.-- War parties.-- War Dance.-- Sun Dance.-- Moral code.-- Degree of manhood.-- Incidents in the Life of Ta-ton-ka-I-ton-ka.-- Spotted Tail and Red Cloud.-- Betrothal and death of daughter of Spotted Tail.-- Water Carrier, the wife of Lone Elk.-- Present condition of the Sioux...........67IV. THE KAWS AND OSAGES Origin, Manners and customs.-- Savage proclivities.-- Village of American Chief.-- Village of Fool Chief.-- Removal to Council Grove.-- The Victory that made Wa-hon-ga-shee a famous Chief.-- The War Dance.-- Paying off old scores.-- Osages and Kaws on police duty.-- Superstitions.-- Funeral ceremonies.-- Creation story of the Osages.-- Territory.-- Cessions.-- Feasts.-- Present condition...........89V. THE DELAWARES Lineage.-- Language.-- The term "Lenape."-- Subjugation by the Iroquois.-- Peace treaty with William Penn.-- Migrations.-- Legends preserved by missionaries.-- The virgin who fell from heaven.-- Kikeron.-- The tortoise in Algonquin pictography.-- Symbol of the earth.-- The pristine age.-- The earth submerged.-- The ancient turtle.-- Rescue of the survivors.-- Land supported by a turtle.-- First home of the Lenape.-- Travels and conquests.-- Land of giants.-- Fortifications of the enemy.-- Mounds.-- Divisions of the nation.-- Legend of the Hairless Bear-- Pictograph system.-- Rafinesque.-- Walam Olum.-- Wanderings of the Delawares.-- Tamenend.-- The Lover's Leap.-- Onoko.-- Lenape in Kansas.-- The Battle of the plains.-- Removal to the Indian Territory...........103VI. THE WYANDOTS Origin.-- Location at the time of the discovery of America.-- Alliance with the Senecas.-- Termination of peace.-- Hatred of the Iroquois.-- Settlement at Detroit.-- Settlement in Ohio and Michigan.-- Clans.-- Government.-- Religion.-- Gods.-- Prayer of the Huron.-- Legend of Sayadio.-- The White Panther.-- Hurons leaders in the council of nations.-- Keepers of the Council Fire.-- Wampum belts.-- Corn Dance.-- Clan names.-- Vision of the Wyandot maiden.-- Wyandots in the War of 1812.-- Roundhead.-- Warrow.-- Walk-in-the-water.-- Big Tree.-- War with Cherokees.-- Chief Splitlog.-- Last religious feast and dance of the Wyandots.-- William Walker.-- Silas Armstrong.-- Matthew Walker.-- Governor Walker.-- Matthew Splitlog.-- Emigration to Kansas.-- Intelligence and education.-- Accomplishments.-- Belle of the nation.-- Sense of humor.-- Elder Dennison and John Grayeyes.-- The Triumph of Chudaquana over the power of witchcraft.-- Romance of a Wyandot girl.-- Present location of the people.-- Tribulations.-- Absorption by the white race...........127VII. THE POTTAWATOMIES Descent.-- Alliances.-- Branches.-- Location.-- Part in War of 1812.-- Suna-we-wono.-- Treaty of peace.-- Concessions.-- Emigration to Kansas.-- Present location.-- Belief in Kitchenonedo and Matchemondo.-- First inhabitants of the earth.-- Submersion.-- New World.-- Legend of the five young men.-- Menweshma.-- Encounter with the Pawnees.-- Wa-baun-see.-- Story of the Flat-Boat.-- Defeat by the Osages.-- Revenge upon the Osage chief.-- Wa-baun-see's journey to Washington.-- Death...........155VIII. THE SHAWNEES First emigrant tribe in Kansas.-- Ancient home of the nation.-- Defeat by the Iroquois.-- Flight southward.-- Return.-- Settlement near Cape Girardeau.-- Removal to Kansas.-- Removal to the Indian Territory.-- Shawnees of Algonquin stock.-- Gypsies of the wilderness.-- Creation theory.-- Doctrine of pre-natal existence.-- An incident war with the Pawnees.-- Belief in descent from one of the lost tribes of Israel.-- Holy of Holies.-- Language.-- Adventures of a trader.-- Maune, the Chippewa Girl.-- A Fragment of History from the War of the Races.-- Chinwa, the White Warrior.-- The Tragic Death of the Son of Chief Lay-law-she-kaw...........167 |
Illustrations Introduction Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
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