To the readers of the Reveille Souvenir edition:
This Souvenir has been produced under many difficulties and with much greater expense than we contemplated. It was begun with the hope of giving a conservative and true history of Graham county, the growth, development, and present condition in a permanent form for preservation and of issuing it on the Reveilles twenty-third birthday, but we were somewhat delayed by the magnitude of the work. We have endeavored to make this work worthy of the subject. In years to come it will be of priceless value to every citizen. The faces of the men and women who made and are making the material history of Graham county are fast passing from our view and this seems a most fitting time for the undertaking. We take the opportunity to express to our friends our sincere thanks for their great interest, and their kindly assistance. While we have been in Graham county since 1879, we find much early history which we had entirely forgotten. Miss Chance has done the interview work, compiled and written the matter, and the work bears the impress of her studious care. Mr. Lee, of whose artistic talent the country is justly proud, has taken all the views, from which the engravings were made.
We sincerely hope the Souvenir will give satisfaction and prove to our estimable patrons all they had expected it to be.