Go to List of History of Kansas Volunteers   Go to List of History of Nebraska Volunteers

Cutler's (Andreas) Honor Roll

History of the State of Kansas

Nearly 70 EKIS volunteers and managers worked for four years to bring the History of the State of Kansas to the Internet for all to freely access. Many spent long hours typing over 1600 pages (the type was much too small to scan successfully), sometimes during very difficult periods in their lives, without any funding or compensation. Others gave their time to coordinate the work, prepare files, and maintain the pages. Please thank them with us:

Judith Arnold
Carolyn Atkinson
Terri Bailey
Baxter Middle School students
Alice Beauchene
Linda Blaskovich
Bonnie Bunce
Janel Carrasco
Steve Chinn
Kathryn Cone
Virginia Correa
Dwayne and Carol Crandall
Robert Cummings
Barbara Dewing
Jim Eggert
Rebecca Farvour
John Fowler
Jann Frank
Bruce Garner
Judith B. Glad
Susan Gwinner
Sandra Harris
Harriette Jensen
Beth Jordan
Viola Rae Kassing
Bill Kelley
Charlie Kirschner
Renee Knoll
Sylvia Land
Marlene Chadd LeBlanc
Dave Lee
Dave Leebrick
Sharon Leigh
Kathleen Liening
Teresa Lindquist
Patricia Lowe
Ann Major
John Matthews
John McDermid
Bob Mills
Mary Molyneaux
Carol Montrose
Cheryl Nelson
Carolyn Newcomb
Barbara Olivier
Larry Potter
Roger Pyle

Betty Jean Read
Barbara Rentenbach
Dorothy Reyes
Kathleen Roper
Patti Simpson
Jan Smock
Sally Snell
Susan Stafford
John Stewart
Lyn Swan
Paula Talbert
Dick Taylor
Don Tharp
Percy Thomas
Kat Thompson
Paul Turner
Sharon Van Tyne
Lucinda Wales
Carolyn Ward
Lee Weller
Dana White
Rosana Whitenight
Marvin Woltje

History of the State of Nebraska

More than 50 EKIS volunteers and managers worked on this companion volume, the "History of the State of Nebraska," for four years. Volunteers from Nebraska to Australia were part of this effort. Their dedication to this effort is very much appreciated. They have worked long hours, without any compensation, because of their love of history and their hope that this volume would be helpful. Please thank them with us:

Elva Ambrosek
Deborah S. Avelis
Dale Baldwin
Jennifer Beatty
Daphne Belzile
Myrna Blumberg
Sherri Brakenhoff
Diane Busing
Brenda Busing
R. J. Christensen
Vickie Coe
Cindy Cole
Kate Cook
Diane Dietl
Jonell Donnelly
Lola Dorsey
Vicky Drake
LeRoy Eaton
Karen Elliott
Rebecca Fenton
Ian Guilliatt
Kathy Hanfelt
Mary Ann Hanson
Barb Hruza
Lisa Humrich
Jeannie Josephson
Barbara Kettler
Liz Lee
Margo Lurvey
Gary Martens
Susan Martin-Rott
Karon Maizie
John McCoy
Ted & Carol Miller
Bill Oliver
Debra Parminter
Jon Reineccius
Pam Rietsch
Joanne Roth
Myrna Rowe-Uhlig
Laurie Saikin
Betty Schneider
Lee Marlin Schneider
Don Schreiner
Connie Snyder
Richard F. Strait
Judy Svoboda
Dick Taylor
Alice Vosika
Pat Waitley
Jeanne Walsh
Lynn Waterman
Linda Werts
Amy Wilson
Ross Yates

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