Contibuted by KERRY SIPE and produced by SUSAN STAFFORD.

Memories of a Kansas Farm Boy

Family photograph

by Winton Slagle Sipe

PHOTOGRAPH: The entire student body of the Brewer School, northwest of Jewell, Kan., in 1928. The boys on the back row are, left to right, Winton Sipe, Laurence Sipe and Willis Sipe. The girls on the front row are Katherine Kemmerer, Blanche Sipe and Mildred Stone. (Photo courtesy of Fern Elliott)

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Navigational Guide

Part One - Dog Days

Part Two- Getting Educated

Part Three - Dad and His Horses

Part Four - Farm Life

Part Five - The Smith Place

Part Six - Dust Bowl Days

Part Seven - Joining the Army

Part Eight - After the War

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Articles     KanColl