William was one of my 2nd Great Grandfathers, this obituary, from the front page of The Times of Clay Center, Kansas, January 6, 1916, very well illustrates his life.
McCully:--The funeral of W. J. McCully, whose death occurred last week at his home in Broughton, this county, was held Sunday afternoon, January 2 at the First Baptist church in Clay Center. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bayles and burial was made in Greenwood cemetery at the close of the services. The death of Mr. McCully, who had been a long time resident of the community, robs the county of another well known and best loved citizens. At the time of his death he was aged sixty-nine years, ten months and twenty one days. The deceased was born in Ireland February 8, 1846. His father died when he was thirteen years old and at that early age he became the bread winner of the family, going to Scotland when but a boy, where he found employment as an office boy in a bleachery. Owing to his industry, zeal and trustworthiness he rapidly rose from one position to another until he had attained about the best that his firm had to offer and when but twenty-one years of age came to America and landed in New York, where he secured a good position in a like business. Mr. McCully was happily married to Miss Hannah Johnstone, in New York City, March 21, 1877, and eight years later, June 27, 1887, for the welfare of the growing family of children, left the great city and moved to Kansas, locating on a farm north of Broughton. The family have made their home in Broughton the past few years. Besides the devoted wife and mother Mr. McCully is survived by five children, four sons and one daughter, all of whom are able to be present for the services of the day. The sons are: W. J. Jr. of Clay Center; James S. of Herington; Harry H. of Oil Center, Cal.; Chas. L. of Broughton, and the daughter, Mrs. Sarah Heusted of Clay Center. Mr. McCully is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Sarah J. Chestnut of Attleborough, Mass. When a young man Mr. McCully united with the Charles Street Presbyterian church, New York City, where he and Mrs. McCully were members for serveral years. When the family came to Kansas, however, not finding the church of their choice nearby, they never removed their membership from New York City. Mr. McCully has filled many places of responsibility wherever he has lived and has always been a positive factor for good in the social and community life. He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. The beloved wife and children will greatly miss the wise counsel and help of a devoted husband and faithful father. A host of friends and neighbors join in expressing words of comfort and sympathy. |