"Agents of a Children's Aid society have 15 children from orphanages of New York state here for distribution this afternoon and evening, after the manner of the last distribution at Valley Falls. The local committee is composed of Drs. McCreight and Smith, D.A. Bliss, W.E. Huddleston, C.N. Jacquemin, S.E. True, H.H. Morrow." |
"A circular was sent out from Valley Falls last week as follows: A company of orphan children under the auspices of the Children's Aid Society of New York will arrive at Valley Falls, Thursday afternoon, December 8. These children are bright, intelligent and well disciplined, both boys and girls of various ages. They are placed on trial, and if not satisfactory will be removed. Parties taking them must be well recommended. A local committee of citizens of Valley Falls has been selected to assist the agents in placing the children. Applications must be made to and endorsed by the local committee. Bring your recommendations with you. The following well known citizens have agreed to act as a local committee: J.T.B. Gephart, L.H. Burnett, Alex Kerr, A.D. Kendall, Dr. A.D. Lowry and Neil McLeod. Distribution will take place at the opera house, on Friday, December 9, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Come and see the children and hear the address. B.W. Tice, Western Agent, 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York: Miss A.L. Hill, visiting and placing agent, 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York; W.W. Bugbee, state agent for Kansas, Eldorado, Kansas. |