"Orphan Trains of Kansas" is contributed by CONNIE DIPASQUALE.

January 13, 1911

     Fourteen little folks from the orphanages of New York city arrived at Oskaloosa Thursday and will be placed in homes in and around Oskaloosa. The children are in charge of Rev. J.W. Swan of Clinton, Mo. state agent for the society for Missouri, and Miss Hill and Miss Peterson of New York. The meeting will be held at the opera house at 11 o'clock this morning. In the party are 5 girls and 9 boys, ranging in age from 2 to 13 years. They are well behaved and look very clean and very decent. Adoption is not demanded. They are placed in homes under contract and are visited twice in the first year and once each year thereafter, the party receiving them being required to make annual report. Should the child prove unsatisfactory it will be taken back by the society. "We only have about 10 percent returned to the society." said Rev. Swan. Eighty-seven per cent of the children we place do well and grow up to be useful men and women. Most of these children are of German decent, but all are American born. We have one Dutchman with us. He is Sammy, 5 years old, and speaks German very fluently." The agents of the society will be at Oskaloosa a week and after the children are placed they will visit them in the homes they go to. If there is any chance that the person taking a child is not satisfied, it will be removed at that time, as the society desires that the person taking the child have a few days to decide the matter finally.

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