The agents in charge of the orphans from New York state orphanages left town yesterday, having found homes for some of their little charges at Oskaloosa and 6 going to Valley Falls, where the former supply did not quite meet the demand, it seems. A great deal of interest in the children was shown here, and several families entertained children until homes were found for them. Legal adoption is not required, and the children are really taken on trial. The society agreeing to take the child back if anything goes wrong. They are visited twice during the first year and then annually for a time, and families taking children are required to make yearly reports. The best appearing children, and those in good health are picked to bring to Western homes. Otto Lantz, who lives 4 miles southeast of Oskaloosa, took a little German boy aged 3 years, named Samuel Dunbar, a bright little chap who speaks German readily. Chas. Winans, at the old Fairgrounds, has a little 2 year old German boy, Fredoff Fredericks. F.H. Corson, at the end of town on the northwest, takes Katie Fichtner, aged 11. Louis A. Kimmel, a mile east of town, has the oldest two of the lot, Anna Potthoff, aged 15, and William, her brother, aged 13 years. Owen Johnston, 3 miles northwest of town, has a little 6 year old maiden, Adelaide Loggman. Harvey Wood, who recently came from Missouri and is on the Critchfield farm, 2 miles southwest of town, has a boy aged 9, Henry G. Palmer. James Quakenbush, just east of town, takes Eva Grant, aged 10 years. Thomas Davis, on the old Snyder farm, southwest of town, has Mildred Grant, aged 12. This lot of youngsters, have certainly found good homes, and it is to be hoped will grow into good, strong, bright young men and women. Of those sent to Valley Falls: Norman Deacon, aged 5, goes to Jessie Uhl; Fred Valentine, aged 6, to Newton Bilger; Wm. Buggelen, 12 years, to A.H. Jurgens; Wm. Hoyt, 10 years, to H.A. Mowry; Edward Hoyt, 8 years, to J. Irvin Spence; Marvin Miller, aged 6, to A. J. Jurgens. The agents say that only about one in ten of the children are ever taken back, nearly all of them being acceptable to the families taking them. |