"Orphan Trains of Kansas" is contributed by CONNIE DIPASQUALE.


The following is a "partial" list of "New York area" institutions that had provided "orphans" to be sent west to new homes on the Orphan Trains. If you have an ancestor who spent time in one of these "homes", and ended up in Kansas, it is likely that they are an Orphan Train Rider.

        Angel Guardian Home
        Association for Befriending Children & Young Girls
        Association for Benefit of Colored Orphans
        Baby Fold
        Baptist Children's Home of Long Island
        Bedford Maternity, Inc.
        Bellevue Hospital
        Bensonhurst Maternity
        Berachah Orphanage
        Berkshire Farm for boys
        Berwind Maternity Clinic
        Beth Israel Hospital
        Bethany Samaritan Society
        Bethleham Lutheran Children's Home
        Booth Memorial Hospital
        Borough park Maternity Hospital
        Brace Memorial Newsboys House
        Bronx Maternity Hospital
        Brooklyn Benevolent Society
        Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum
        Brooklyn Home for Children
        Brooklyn Hospital
        Brooklyn Industrial lSchool
        Brooklyn Maternity Hospital
        Brooklyn Nursery & Infants Hospital
        Brookwood Child Care
        Catholic Child Care Society
        Cathollic Committee for Refugees
        Catholic Guardian Society
        Catholic Home Bureau
        Child Welfare League of America
        Children's Aid Society
        Children's Haven
        Children's Village, Inc.
        Church Mission of Help
        Colored Orphan Asylum
        Convent of Mercy
        Dana House
        Door of Hope
        Duval Collage for Infant Children
        Edenwald School for Boys
        Erlanger Home
        Euphrasian Residence
        Family Reception Center
        Fellowship House for boys
        Ferguson House
        Five Points House of Industry
        Florence Crittendon League
        Goodhue Home
        Grace Hospital
        Graham Windham Services
        Greer-Woodycrest Children's Services
        Guardian Angel Home
        Guild of the Infant Savior
        Hale House for Infants, Inc.
        Half-Orphan Asylum
        Harman Home for Children
        Heartsease Home
        Hebrew Orphan Asylum
        Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society
        Holy Angels' School
        Home for Destitute Children
        Home for Destitute Children of Seamen
        Home for Friendless Women and Children
        Hopewell Society of Brooklyn
        House of the Good Shepherd
        House of Mercy
        House of Refuge
        Howard Mission & Home for Little Wanderers
        Infant Asylum
        Infants' Home of Brooklyn
        Institution of Mercy
        Jewish Board of Guardians
        Jewish Protectory & Aid Society
        Kallman Home for Children
        Little Flower Children's Services
        Maternity Center Association
        McCloskey School & Home
        McMahon Memorial Shelter
        Mercy Orphanage
        Messiah Home for Children
        Methodist Child Welfare Society
        Misericordia Hospital
        Mission of the Immaculate Virgin
        Morrisania City Hospital
        Mother Theodore's Memorial Girls' Home
        Mothers & Babies Hospital
        Mount Siani Hospital
        New York Foundling Hospital
        New York Home for Friendless Boys
        New York House of Refuge
        New York Juvenile Asylum
        New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
        Ninth St. Day Nursery & Orphans' Home
        Orphan Asylum Society of the City of Brooklyn
        Orphan House
        Ottilie Home for Children

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