A Soldier's Diaryeagle standing on loosely furled flag   Views of War

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A Soldier's Diary


Diary entries

Diary views:
Inside front cover
First title page
Second title page
First page (with stamps and ticket)
Uniform and equipment list
Addresses 1
Addresses 2
Addresses 3
Addresses 4
Addresses 5
Addresses 6, and 11/11/18 entry
Addresses 7, and Faye's note

Views of War

Halifax (harbor)
The Landing
Artillery (loading on railcar)
At the front
Artillery duel
The final barrage
Soldier on horseback
On the march
Portrait (three soldiers)
Benjamin Edgar Cruzan
Cruzan family portrait
Major General Leonard Wood
Major General Frank L. Winn
89th Division Football Team
Major General Edward T. Donnelly

Advance of the 89th Division into the Meuse Argonne
89th Division Sector, Argonne Offensive
89th Division Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive
89th Division, routes in Europe
Top half, map of 11/11/18 order of battle
Lower half, map of the 11/11/18 order of battle

Message from King George
Music program
Sheet music page
German Propaganda 1
German propaganda 2 (Handbill)
German propaganda 3
German propaganda 4
Ship newspapers (USS Agamemnon,
     May 17 - 21, 1919)

Regiment and Brigade patches
Commanding Officers, 89th Division
Official Army Songbook
Songbook page
Superbowl 0: The Road to the Championship
French scrip (Army and national)

3-d blue  line

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